Hello All,

I have a universe selection algorithm already successfully stores OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data into rolling windows and prepopulates those windows with historical data. I would like add another rolling window that stores the timestamps associated with those OHLC entries, but I am not sure how query the timestamps from historical pandas dataframe. Can anyone offer some guidance? The last line of the block of code below is where I am trying to query the timestamp.

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
       # clean up data for removed securities
       symbols = [ x.Symbol for x in changes.RemovedSecurities ]
       if len(symbols) > 0:
           for subscription in algorithm.SubscriptionManager.Subscriptions:
               if subscription.Symbol in symbols:
                   self.symbolDataBySymbol.pop(subscription.Symbol, None)
       # initialize data for added securities
       addedSymbols = [ x.Symbol for x in changes.AddedSecurities if x.Symbol not in self.symbolDataBySymbol]
       if len(addedSymbols) == 0: return
       self.windowLength = max(self.strategyLookback + 90,self.volatilityLookback)
       history = algorithm.History(addedSymbols, self.windowLength, self.resolution)
       for symbol in addedSymbols:
           self.openWindows[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.windowLength)
           self.highWindows[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.windowLength)
           self.lowWindows[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.windowLength)
           self.closeWindows[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.windowLength)
           self.timestampWindows[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.windowLength)
           for tuple in history.loc[symbol].itertuples():