
I am new to Quantconnect.

I am trying to create a track of my portfolio value, by creating a list of it.

Running the following code, i can see that the variable self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue doesn't update, and the list is not extended.

Maybe this is because of some python / C# incompability ?


from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Data import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from QuantConnect.Packets import *
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np

class BasicTemplateForexAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # Set the cash we'd like to use for our backtest

        # Start and end dates for the backtest.
        self.SetStartDate(2013, 10, 7)
        self.SetEndDate(2013, 10, 11)

        # Add FOREX contract you want to trade
        # find available contracts here https://www.quantconnect.com/data#forex/oanda/cfd
        self.AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Minute)
        self.AddForex("GBPUSD", Resolution.Minute)
        self.AddForex("EURGBP", Resolution.Minute)

        self.History(5, Resolution.Daily)
        self.History(5, Resolution.Hour)
        self.History(5, Resolution.Minute)

        history = self.History(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), Resolution.Second)

        for data in sorted(history, key=lambda x: x.Time):
            for key in data.Keys:
                self.Log(str(key.Value) + ": " + str(data.Time) + " > " + str(data[key].Value))

    def OnData(self, slice):

        self.Portfolio_value = list()

        for key in slice.Keys:
            #print(str(key.Value) + ": " + str(slice.Time) + " > " + str(slice[key].Value))
            self.Log("Key + ID " + str(key.ID))
            self.Log("Time " + str(slice.Time))
            self.Log("Open " + str(slice[key].Open))
            self.Log("High " + str(slice[key].High))
            self.Log("Low " + str(slice[key].Low))
            self.Log("Close " + str(slice[key].Close))
        self.Log("Portfolio value : " + str(self.Portfolio_value))
        self.Log("Portfolio value : " + str(len(self.Portfolio_value)))