During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Please register to receive data for symbol ' ' using the AddSecurity() function. 

private const string _symbol = "EURUSD"; // properties ExponentialMovingAverage _emaFast; ExponentialMovingAverage _emaSlow; public override void Initialize() { // Backtest only SetStartDate(2017, 5, 1); SetEndDate(2017, 5, 31); SetCash(100000); _emaFast = EMA(_symbol, 20); _emaSlow = EMA(_symbol, 40); // Find more symbols here: http://quantconnect.com/data AddForex(_symbol, Resolution.Minute, Market.Oanda); AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, _symbol, Resolution.Minute); Securities[_symbol].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw); SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.OandaBrokerage); }