I am new at Quantconnect and I am trying to determine the trend using ADX. My plan is to determine the strength of the trend using ADX value, and determining direction comparing D+ and D-. However, after consulting the documentation, I haven't figured out how to access those values correctly, any tips? Thanks

def determine_trend(self): trending = self.adx.Current.Value >= ADX_MIN_VALUE_FOR_TREND up = self.adx.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Value > self.adx.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Value down = self.adx.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Value > self.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Value return trending, up, down

The error I get is 

Runtime Error: AttributeError : '0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' object has no attribute 'Value'
at OnData in main.py:line 48
at determine_trend in main.py:line 53
AttributeError : '0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' object has no attribute 'Value' (Open Stacktrace)
