
How can I get the list of symbols from this code :

def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse): # First narrow the original coarse universe down to a managable level. init_select = [stock for stock in coarse if (stock.HasFundamentalData)] # second convert the initial selection to a pandas dataframe. stock_symbols = [stock.Symbol for stock in init_select] stock_data = [(stock.DollarVolume,) for stock in init_select] column_names = ['dollar_volume'] self.Debug('#################') self.Debug((stock_symbols))

basically, down the road, i want to be able to extract the previous X numbers of days of clsing price as follows:


hist = self.History([all_the_symbols_in_my_universe], 10, Resolution.Daily) self.Log((hist))

Thanks so much in advance !