Hi! the plugin works fine, I can send file to the QC cloud for save and also for backesting. However, it does not run, because I get the error message that there has be only one file names "main.py". Ok, I understand, for python projects only one file possible. But how to manage this file name (everytime the same)?? If I press - as described in the manual - the right button in the solution explorer in VS, I can choose send for backtest and give it a project name. However, in the solution explorer there are all the different example algorithms files that come with LEAN and thus all resulting in an error sending to the cloud for backtesting! It is not practicle to have one filename for all files, no meaning!! Thus, how to do?? The idea is great to have VS and plug-in for backtesting, but only one filename.... hopefully there is something wrong in my configuration.... thanks and best wishes....