
I have two issues with the API:

  1. I'm trying to access my deployment's logs but the return is empty.
  2. The ReadLiveAlgorithm function returns only the last ~25 minutes worth of a chart, since it (probably) defaults to the highest resolution. It should be possible to get a lower resolution and hence get more data.
using System; using QuantConnect.Api; namespace LeanApiTool { class Program { static void Main( string[] args ) { // Create and initialise connection var qc = new Api(); qc.Initialize( redacted, "redacted", "notused" ); // Check for successful connection if ( !qc.Connected ) throw new Exception( "API connection unsuccessful!" ); // Read live algo var liveResult = qc.ReadLiveAlgorithm( 2543382, "6ae060032eaa51b16a1ac8871f538c26" ); // Read logs var logs = qc.ReadLiveLogs( 2543382, "6ae060032eaa51b16a1ac8871f538c26", DateTime.Parse( "14 Apr 2019" ), DateTime.Parse( "20 Apr 2019" ) ); } } }

There's definitely logs between these two dates - I have also tried to run that function without any date range - same empty result. The deploy ID and hash are correct as the ReadLiveAlgorithm returns a correct set of data.
