Hi, I am new to this platform and I am trying to implement universe equity selection that will filter equity with gap down and 50 EMA above 200 EMA but i can't resolve the runtime error of my code.

using System.Collections.Concurrent; namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class QuantumVentralAutosequencers : QCAlgorithm { private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Symbol, SelectionData> averages = new ConcurrentDictionary<Symbol, SelectionData>(); private RollingWindow<TradeBar> window; public override void Initialize() { SetStartDate(2010, 1, 1); SetEndDate(2019, 4, 1); SetCash(100000); AddUniverse(CoarseSelectionFilter); UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute; } public IEnumerable<Symbol> CoarseSelectionFilter(IEnumerable<CoarseFundamental> universe) { var selected = new List<Symbol>(); universe = universe .Where(x => x.Price > 10) .OrderByDescending(x => x.DollarVolume).Take(10); foreach (var coarse in universe) { string symbol = coarse.Symbol; if (!averages.ContainsKey(symbol)) { //1. Call history to get an array of 200 days of history data var history = History(symbol, 200, Resolution.Daily); //2. Adjust SelectionData to pass in the history result averages[symbol] = new SelectionData(history); } averages[symbol].Update(Time, coarse.AdjustedPrice); window = new RollingWindow<TradeBar>(2); window.Add(CurrentSlice[symbol]); decimal alpha = window[0].Open - window[1].Close; decimal gapSize = 1/100*(window[1].High - window[1].Low); if (averages[symbol].IsReady() && averages[symbol].Fast > averages[symbol].Slow) { if (alpha < -1*gapSize){ selected.Add(coarse.Symbol); } } } return selected.Take(10); } public override void OnSecuritiesChanged(SecurityChanges changes) { foreach (var security in changes.RemovedSecurities) { if (security.Invested) { Liquidate(security.Symbol); } } foreach (var security in changes.AddedSecurities) { SetHoldings(security.Symbol, 0.10m); } } } public partial class SelectionData { public readonly ExponentialMovingAverage Fast; public readonly ExponentialMovingAverage Slow; public bool IsReady() {return Slow.IsReady && Fast.IsReady;} //3. Update the constructor to accept an IEnumerable<TradeBar> history parameter public SelectionData(IEnumerable<TradeBar> history) { Fast = new ExponentialMovingAverage(50); Slow = new ExponentialMovingAverage(200); //4. Loop over history data and pass the bar.EndTime and bar.Close values to Update() foreach(var bar in history) { Update(bar.EndTime, bar.Close); } } public bool Update(DateTime time, decimal value) { Slow.Update(time, value); Fast.Update(time, value); return IsReady(); } } }