Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
class NullAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
#### Version 3.3.1

from QuantConnect.DataSource import *
from AlgorithmImports import *

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.express as px

import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from math import sqrt

from IPython.display import display

from scipy.stats import rankdata, ttest_ind, jarque_bera, mannwhitneyu, pearsonr, spearmanr, chisquare
from pytz import timezone

class DatasetAnalyzer:
    A class to analyze datasets listed on the QC data market.
    def __init__(self, dataset, dataset_tickers, universe, linked_dataset, security_type, factor_by_name, 
                 datasets_for_correlation_test, sparse_data, dataset_start_date, in_sample_end_date, 
                 out_of_sample_end_date, return_prediction_period=1, marker_size=3):
         - dataset
             Class type of the dataset to analyze
         - dataset_tickers
             List of tickers of dataset links.
             For linked datasets => equity tickers. For unlinked datasets => dataset ticker ("REG" for Regalytics)
         - universe
             A list of tickers to use when analyzing the relationship between the dataset and security returns.
             If this list is empty, SPY is used as the default benchmark security.
         - linked_dataset
             Boolean to distinguish if the dataset is linked or unlinked to securities.
         - security_type
             Security type enum that describes the `universe` tickers.
         - factor_by_name
             Dictionary of `Factor`s to analyze, keyed by the factor name. The dictionary keys should match the 
             column names that are returned when performing a history request on the dataset.
         - datasets_for_correlation_test
             List of other dataset class names to analyze the correlation with the `dataset`.
         - sparse_data
             Boolean to represent if the `dataset` is sparse.
         - dataset_start_date
             Start date of the dataset. Retrievable from the dataset listing.
         - in_sample_end_date
             Date to mark the end of the in-sample period.
         - out_of_sample_end_date
             Date to mark the end of the out-of-sample period.
         - return_prediction_period
             Number of days positions would be held for.
        self.qb = QuantBook()
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.dataset_tickers = dataset_tickers
        self.factor_by_name = factor_by_name
        self.datasets_for_correlation_test = datasets_for_correlation_test
        self.sparse_data = sparse_data
        self.dataset_start_date = dataset_start_date
        self.in_sample_end_date = in_sample_end_date
        self.out_of_sample_end_date = out_of_sample_end_date
        self.return_prediction_period = return_prediction_period
        self.transformed_dataset_history = pd.DataFrame()
        self.hypothesis_test_p_value = {}
        self.marker_size = marker_size
        self.security_symbols = []
        self.dataset_symbols = []
        if not linked_dataset:
            if len(universe) == 0:
                # Subscribe to SPY index
                security = self.qb.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily)
                self.security_timezone = security.Exchange.TimeZone
                # Subscribe to the universe constituents
                for ticker in universe:
                    security = self.qb.AddSecurity(security_type, ticker, Resolution.Daily)
                    self.security_timezone = security.Exchange.TimeZone
            # Subscribe to the dataset
            for ticker in dataset_tickers:
                dataset_subscription = self.qb.AddData(dataset, ticker)
                self.dataset_timezone = dataset_subscription.Exchange.TimeZone
            for ticker in dataset_tickers:
                # Subscribe to the universe price data
                security = self.qb.AddSecurity(security_type, ticker, Resolution.Daily)
                self.security_timezone = security.Exchange.TimeZone

                # Subscribe to the dataset
                dataset_subscription = self.qb.AddData(dataset, security.Symbol)
                self.dataset_timezone = dataset_subscription.Exchange.TimeZone
    def get_data(self):
        Retrieves historical price data for the universe securities and historical data for the factors under analysis.
        The first 5 rows of the raw dataset history DataFrame is displayed, then the value functions for each of the factors
        are applied. The timestamps of the dataset history DataFrame are adjusted to match the timezone of the security.
        To put everything on a daily resolution, the intraday timestamps of the dataset history DataFrame are moved to 
        midnight. If the dataset has sparse data, the historical data is filled forward. Lastly, the timestamps of the
        price and dataset history are aligned.
        # Request historical price data
        self.price_history = self.qb.History(self.security_symbols, self.dataset_start_date, self.out_of_sample_end_date).close.unstack(level=0)
        # Calculate historical returns
        self.return_history = self.price_history.pct_change(self.return_prediction_period).shift(-self.return_prediction_period).dropna()
        # Request historical dataset data
        self.dataset_history = self.qb.History(self.dataset_symbols, self.dataset_start_date, self.out_of_sample_end_date)
        factors = list(self.factor_by_name.keys())
        # Reformat DataFrame
        self.dataset_history = self.dataset_history[factors].unstack(level=0)
        # Show the raw data
        self.transformed_dataset_history = pd.DataFrame()
        for factor in factors:
            df = self.factor_by_name[factor].value_function(self.dataset_history[factor], self.return_history.index, self.dataset_timezone, self.security_timezone)            
            df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(factor, col) for col in df.columns])
            self.transformed_dataset_history = pd.concat([self.transformed_dataset_history, df], axis=1)
        # Drop nan values that could be created by `pd.concat` in the line above
        self.return_sub_history = self.return_history.reindex(self.transformed_dataset_history.index)
        # Use a scatter plot if the factor values are sparse, otherwise use a line chart
        self.dataset_plotting_mode = 'markers' if self.sparse_data else 'lines'
        # Align all timestamps
        self.price_history = self.price_history.reindex(self.return_history.index)
    def _round_to_midnight(self, time):
        Rounds the given time to midnight. If the time is at or before 9:30am, it's rounded down. Otherwise, it's rounded up.
         - time
            Time to be rounded.
        Returns the rounded time.
        if isinstance(time, date):
            return time.date()
        if time.hour == time.minute == time.second == 0:
            return pd.Timestamp(time.date()).date()

        # If the timestamp is before market open, round down to previous midnight
        if time.hour < 9 or time.hour ==9 and time.minute <= 30:
            return pd.Timestamp(time.date()).date()

        # Round up to next midnight
        return pd.Timestamp(time.date() + timedelta(days=1)).date()
    def plot_data_shape(self):
        Displays a plot of security returns in conjunction with the factor values after the value function has
        been applied. Only the first security in the universe is used to create the plots.
        num_rows = 1 + len(self.factor_by_name)
        # Create Plotly figure
        titles = ["Returns"]
        for factor_name, factor in self.factor_by_name.items():
            titles.append(f"{factor.printable_name} Factor Values")
        fig = make_subplots(rows=num_rows, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, subplot_titles=tuple(titles))
        current_row = 1
        for equity_symbol_index, security_symbol in enumerate(self.security_symbols[:1]):
            # Plot security returns
            returns = self.return_history[security_symbol]
            returns = returns[returns.index >= self.transformed_dataset_history.index[0]]
            fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=returns.index, y = returns, mode = 'lines'), row=current_row, col=1)            
            current_row += 1
            for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():               
                # Plot factor values
                dataset_symbol = self.dataset_symbols[equity_symbol_index]
                factor_values = self.transformed_dataset_history[factor][dataset_symbol]
                printable_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
                fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=factor_values.index, y = factor_values, mode = self.dataset_plotting_mode, marker=dict(size=self.marker_size)), 
                                 row=current_row, col=1)
                current_row += 1
        fig.update_layout(title_text=f"Time Series of Security Returns and Factor Values for {str(security_symbol)}",
                          margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0),
                          height = (current_row-1) * 200)
        fig.update_xaxes(title="Date", row=current_row-1, col=1)
        # Show the plot
    def measure_correlation_and_regressions(self):
        Displays a scatter plot to show the impact of each factor on the universe returns. 
        A OLS regression line is included in the plot.
        for factor, specs in self.factor_by_name.items():
            all_returns = np.array([])
            all_factor_values = np.array([])
            for equity_symbol_index, security_symbol in enumerate(self.security_symbols):
                # y-axis
                equity_returns = self.return_sub_history[security_symbol]
                # x-axis
                dataset_symbol = self.dataset_symbols[equity_symbol_index]
                factor_values = self.transformed_dataset_history[factor][dataset_symbol]
                all_returns = np.append(all_returns, equity_returns.values)
                all_factor_values = np.append(all_factor_values, factor_values.values)
            all_factor_values = pd.Series(all_factor_values)
            all_returns = pd.Series(all_returns)
            self.hypothesis_test_p_value[factor] = self._get_p_value(all_factor_values, all_returns, specs.data_type, 'continuous')
            # Define a method to write well-formated statistical properties in the annotation
            def convert_to_legend_format(value):
                rounded = round(value, 5)
                if rounded != 0:
                    return str(rounded)
                return "{:e}".format(value) # Scientific notation
            # Fit a regression model
            model = LinearRegression()
            reg = model.fit(sm.add_constant(all_factor_values.values), all_returns)
            # Save results
            corr = convert_to_legend_format(all_factor_values.corr(all_returns))
            r_square = convert_to_legend_format(model.score(sm.add_constant(all_factor_values.values), all_returns))
            alpha = convert_to_legend_format(reg.intercept_)
            beta = convert_to_legend_format(reg.coef_[1])
            p_value = convert_to_legend_format(self.hypothesis_test_p_value[factor])
            my_df = pd.concat([all_returns, all_factor_values], axis=1)
            fig = px.scatter(my_df, x=1, y=0, trendline="ols", render_mode="svg", size_max=self.marker_size)
            printable_factor_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
            fig.update_layout(title=f"Correlation Between {printable_factor_name} Factor and Returns",
                              xaxis_title=f"{printable_factor_name} Factor Values",
                              yaxis_title=f"{self.return_prediction_period} Day Future Returns",
                              margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0),
                              legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=0.99, xanchor="left", x=0.01),
                              legend_bgcolor= 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
                                    text=f'Correlation: {corr}<br>R-square: {r_square}<br>Alpha: {alpha}<br>Beta: {beta}<br>P-value: {p_value}',
            output_string = f"Correlation: {corr}, " + \
                            f"R-Square: {r_square}, " + \
                            f"Alpha: {alpha}, " + \
                            f"Beta: {beta}, " + \
                            f"P-value: {p_value}.\n\n\n"
    def calculate_statistics(self):
        Displays a DataFrame of the following statistics: mean, std dev, skewness, kurtosis, & Jarque Bera test P-value.      
        statistic_df = pd.DataFrame()
        for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():
            printable_factor_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
            # Gather factor values for all the securities
            all_factor_values = pd.Series(self.transformed_dataset_history[factor].values.flatten())
            statistic_df.loc['Mean', printable_factor_name] = all_factor_values.mean()
            statistic_df.loc['Standard deviation', printable_factor_name] = all_factor_values.std()
            statistic_df.loc['Skewness', printable_factor_name] = all_factor_values.skew()
            statistic_df.loc['Kurtosis', printable_factor_name] = all_factor_values.kurt()
            if self.factor_by_name[factor].data_type == 'continuous':
                p_value = jarque_bera(all_factor_values).pvalue
                p_value = 'N/A'
            statistic_df.loc['Jarque Bera test P-value', printable_factor_name] = p_value
    def calculate_other_dataset_correlations(self):
        Displays two DataFrames:
          - The first DataFrame shows the correlation between each of the factors in the `dataset`
          - The second DataFrame shows the correlation each of the factors in the `dataset` and their respective correlation
             with the factors of the datasets in the `datasets_for_correlation_test` list.
        # Factor correlation within the main dataset
        factor_df = pd.DataFrame()
        for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():
            factor_df[factor] = pd.Series(self.transformed_dataset_history[factor].values.flatten())
        # For linked securities, select the columns of the securities that are present in both datasets
        # For unlinked securities, duplicate the columns
        # To get one correlation value, move all of the columns in the DataFrames into one column before using `corr`
        def value_func(df):
            return df.apply(lambda row: row, axis=1)
        other_dataset_factor_by_class = {
            QuiverWallStreetBets:        [OtherDatasetFactor('rank', 'discrete', SecurityType.Equity, True, value_func),
                                          OtherDatasetFactor('sentiment', 'continuous', SecurityType.Equity, True, value_func)],
            QuiverQuantTwitterFollowers: [OtherDatasetFactor('followers', 'discrete', SecurityType.Equity, True, value_func)],
            USTreasuryYieldCurveRate:    [OtherDatasetFactor('onemonth', 'continuous', "USTYCR", False, value_func)]

        results = pd.DataFrame()

        for dataset_class in self.datasets_for_correlation_test:
            for other_dataset_factor in other_dataset_factor_by_class[dataset_class]:
                dataset_class_str = str(dataset_class).split("'")[-2].split(".")[-1]
                start_date = self.transformed_dataset_history.index[0]
                end_date = self.transformed_dataset_history.index[-1]
                if other_dataset_factor.link == SecurityType.Equity:

                    matching_symbols = []
                    other_dataset_df = pd.DataFrame()

                    for symbol in self.security_symbols:
                        # Subscribe to the dataset and request history
                        dataset_symbol = self.qb.AddData(dataset_class, symbol).Symbol
                        history = self.qb.History(dataset_symbol, start_date, end_date)
                        history = history.loc[dataset_symbol][[other_dataset_factor.factor_name]].fillna(method='ffill')

                        # Apply value function
                        history = other_dataset_factor.value_func(history)

                        other_dataset_df[dataset_symbol] = history[other_dataset_factor.factor_name]

                    for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():

                        equity_symbol_df = pd.DataFrame()
                        dataset_symbols = []
                        for symbol in matching_symbols:
                            idx = self.security_symbols.index(symbol)
                        aligned_transformed_dataset = self.transformed_dataset_history[factor][dataset_symbols].reindex(other_dataset_df.index)

                        corr = pd.Series(aligned_transformed_dataset.values.flatten('F')).corr(pd.Series(other_dataset_df.values.flatten('F')))
                        printable_factor_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
                        results.loc[f"{dataset_class_str}.{other_dataset_factor.factor_name}", f'Correlation with {printable_factor_name}'] = corr

                        hypothesis_test_p_value = self._get_p_value(aligned_transformed_dataset.values.flatten('F'), # .fillna(0)
                                                                    other_dataset_df.values.flatten('F'), # .fillna(0)
                        results.loc[f"{dataset_class_str}.{other_dataset_factor.factor_name}", f'P-value on Correlation with {printable_factor_name}'] = hypothesis_test_p_value

                        dataset_symbol = self.qb.AddData(dataset_class, other_dataset_factor.link).Symbol
                        history = self.qb.History(dataset_symbol, start_date, end_date)
                        history = history.loc[dataset_symbol][other_dataset_factor.factor_name].fillna(method='ffill')

                    history.index = history.index.map(self._round_to_midnight)
                    history = pd.DataFrame(history)

                    for i in range(len(self.security_symbols) - 1):
                        history[f'column_{i}'] = history[history.columns[0]]

                    for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():
                        printable_factor_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
                        set_a = pd.Series(self.transformed_dataset_history[factor].reindex(history.index).values.flatten('F'))
                        set_b = pd.Series(history.values.flatten('F'))
                        results.loc[f"{dataset_class_str}.{other_dataset_factor.factor_name}", f'Correlation with {printable_factor_name}'] = set_a.corr(set_b)

                        hypothesis_test_p_value = self._get_p_value(set_a.fillna(0), 
                        results.loc[f"{dataset_class_str}.{other_dataset_factor.factor_name}", f'P-value on Correlation with {printable_factor_name}'] = hypothesis_test_p_value
    def _get_p_value(self, dataset_a, dataset_b, data_a_type, data_b_type, significance=0.05):
        Gets the p-value of two lists, considering the "type" of each list (continuous or discrete).
         - dataset_a
            First list of values.
         - dataset_b
            Second list of values.
         - data_a_type
            Type of `dataset_a` ('continuous' or 'discrete').
         - data_b_type
            Type of `dataset_b` ('continuous' or 'discrete').
         - significance
            Level of significance to use for the statistical tests.
        Returns the p-value that results after applying the correct statistical test.
        if isinstance(dataset_a, pd.Series) and isinstance(dataset_b, pd.Series):
            merge = pd.concat([dataset_a, dataset_b], axis=1).dropna(axis=0)
            dataset_a = merge.iloc[:, 0]
            dataset_b = merge.iloc[:, 1]
            merge = np.concatenate([dataset_a.reshape(-1, 1), dataset_b.reshape(-1, 1)], axis=1)
            merge = merge[~np.isnan(merge).any(axis=1), :]
            dataset_a = merge[:, 0]
            dataset_b = merge[:, 1]
        if data_b_type == 'continuous':
            if jarque_bera(dataset_b).pvalue < significance:
                if data_a_type == "continuous":
                    return ttest_ind(dataset_a, dataset_b).pvalue
                return pearsonr(dataset_a, dataset_b)[1] # discrete data type
                if data_a_type == "continuous":
                    return mannwhitneyu(dataset_a, dataset_b).pvalue
                return spearmanr(dataset_a, dataset_b)[1] # discrete data type
        return chisquare(dataset_a, dataset_b)[1]
    def run_logistic_regression(self):
        Runs the logistic regression test. A line plot of results is diplayed, along with a DataFrame containing the model's accuracy.
        self.run_binary_ml_model(LogisticRegression(class_weight = 'balanced'), 'Accuracy', True, model_name='Logistic Regression')   
    def produce_return_predictions(self):
        Runs the linear regression test. Two line plots are diplayed:
         - The first line plot shows the actual and predicted daily returns of the universe
         - The second line plot shows the actual and predicted equity curve of the universe
        A DataFrame containing the model's accuracy is also presented.
        results = pd.DataFrame()
        fig = go.Figure()
        # Gather in-sample data
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date()]
        y = self.return_sub_history.loc[self.return_sub_history.index <= self.in_sample_end_date].mean(axis=1)
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values)
        # Fit model to in-sample data
        model = LinearRegression()
        reg = model.fit(x, y.values)
        results.loc['Alpha', 'value'] = reg.intercept_
        #for i in range(1, len(reg.coef_)):
        #    results.loc[f'Beta_{i}', 'value'] = reg.coef_[i]
        # Calculate in-sample mean squared error 
        in_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)
        results.loc['In-sample MSE', 'value'] = mean_squared_error(y, in_sample_predictions)
        # Plot in-sample actual y-values
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=y.index, y = y.values, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"In-sample Actual Returns"))

        # Plot in-sample predicted y-values
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=y.index, y = in_sample_predictions, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"In-sample Predicted Returns")) 
        # Gather out-of-sample-data
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[self.in_sample_end_date:]
        y = self.return_sub_history.loc[self.return_sub_history.index >= self.in_sample_end_date].mean(axis=1)
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values, has_constant='add')

        # Calculate out-of-sample mean squared error
        out_of_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)
        results.loc['Out-of-sample MSE', 'value'] = mean_squared_error(y.values, out_of_sample_predictions)

        # Plot out-of-sample actual y-values
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=y.index, y = y.values, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"Out-of-sample Actual Returns"))

        # Plot out-of-sample predicted y-values
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=y.index, y = out_of_sample_predictions, mode = 'markers', marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"Out-of-sample Predicted Returns"))

        # Update layout
        fig.update_layout(title_text=f"Actual and Predicted Daily Returns From a Multiple Linear Regression Model",
                         margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0),
                         legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=0.99, xanchor="left", x=0.01),
                         legend_bgcolor= 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)')
        fig.update_yaxes(title=f"{self.return_prediction_period} Day Future Returns")
        # Show the figure
        # Plot prediction uncertainty
        fig =  go.Figure()
        mean_return = (self.return_history.loc[self.transformed_dataset_history.index].mean(axis=1) + 1)
        idx = pd.date_range(mean_return.index[0], mean_return.index[-1])
        mean_return = mean_return.reindex(idx).fillna(1)
        mean_return = mean_return.cumprod()
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=mean_return.index, y = mean_return.values, mode = 'lines', name=f"Actual Equity Curve", line=dict(width=6)))
        in_sample_returns = (in_sample_predictions + 1) * mean_return.reindex(self.return_sub_history.index)[:len(in_sample_predictions)].shift(1).fillna(1)
        out_of_sample_returns = (out_of_sample_predictions + 1) * mean_return.reindex(self.return_sub_history.index)[-len(out_of_sample_predictions)-1:].shift(1)[1:]
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=in_sample_returns.index, y = in_sample_returns.values, mode = self.dataset_plotting_mode, marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"Predicted In-Sample Equity Curve"))
        fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=out_of_sample_returns.index, y = out_of_sample_returns.values, mode = self.dataset_plotting_mode, marker=dict(size=self.marker_size), name=f"Predicted Out-Of-Sample Equity Curve"))        
        last_equity_value = mean_return.reindex(self.return_sub_history.index)[len(in_sample_predictions)]
        avg_daily_return = self.return_history.mean(axis=1).loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date()].mean()
        std_equity = self.return_history.mean(axis=1).loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date()].std()
        for curve_std in [2, -2]:
            cone_points = []
            for period in range(1, len(self.return_history.loc[self.in_sample_end_date.date():])+1):#len(out_of_sample_predictions)+1):
                cone_point = last_equity_value + (avg_daily_return * period + sqrt(period)*(curve_std*std_equity))
            # plot cone
            sign = "-" if curve_std < 0 else "+"
            fig.add_traces(go.Scatter(x=out_of_sample_returns.index, y=cone_points, mode='lines', name=f'{sign}{abs(curve_std)} STD Prediction Range'))
        # Update layout
        fig.update_layout(title_text=f"Equity Curve of Multiple Linear Regression Model",
                          margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0),
                          legend=dict(yanchor="top", y=0.99, xanchor="left", x=0.01),
                          legend_bgcolor= 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)')
        # Show the prediction cone
        # Display results
    def find_most_informative_factors(self):
        Displays a DataFrame that shows the percentage each factor contributes to the first component after performing PCA.
        A PCA is performed for each security in the universe.
        # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50796024/feature-variable-importance-after-a-pca-analysis
        if len(self.factor_by_name) == 1:
            print("Principal component analysis is only available when analyzing multiple factors.")
        results = pd.DataFrame()
        for symbol_index, symbol in enumerate(self.security_symbols):
            dataset_symbol = self.dataset_symbols[symbol_index]
            data = pd.DataFrame()
            for factor in self.factor_by_name.keys():
                data[factor] = self.transformed_dataset_history[factor][dataset_symbol]
            pca = PCA(n_components='mle')

            # Standardize if the data isn't already fit to a normal distribution
            #if standardize:
            #    data = (data - data.mean()) / data.std()

            # Perform PCA dimensionality reduction

            contributions_to_first_component = pca.explained_variance_ratio_.dot(pca.components_)
            factor_importance_pct = contributions_to_first_component / sum(contributions_to_first_component)

            for i, factor in enumerate(data.columns):
                printable_factor_name = self.factor_by_name[factor].printable_name
                results.loc[str(symbol), printable_factor_name] = factor_importance_pct[i]
    def run_linear_regression(self, display_df=True, model_name=None):
        Trains a multiple linear regression model on the in-sample period and tests it's
        performance on the out-of-sample period. 
         - display_df
            Boolean to indicate if the results DataFrame should be displayed
         - model_name
            String describing the name of the model (Linear Regression). Only used if `display_df` == False.
        Returns the results of the regression model if not displaying the result DataFrame.
        results = pd.DataFrame()
        # Gather in-sample data
        inclusive = [factor for factor, pvalue in self.hypothesis_test_p_value.items() if pvalue < 0.05]
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date(), inclusive]
        #x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date()]
        y = self.return_sub_history.loc[self.return_sub_history.index <= self.in_sample_end_date].mean(axis=1)       
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values)
        # Fit model to in-sample data
        model = LinearRegression()
        reg = model.fit(x, y.values)
        # Calculate in-sample mean squared error 
        in_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)
        in_sample_score = mean_squared_error(y, in_sample_predictions)
        results.loc['In-sample MSE', 'value'] = in_sample_score
        # Gather out-of-sample-data
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[self.in_sample_end_date:, inclusive]
        y = self.return_sub_history.loc[self.return_sub_history.index >= self.in_sample_end_date].mean(axis=1)
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values)

        # Calculate out-of-sample mean squared error
        out_of_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)
        out_of_sample_score = mean_squared_error(y.values, out_of_sample_predictions)
        results.loc['Out-of-sample MSE', 'value'] = out_of_sample_score

        if display_df:
        return {'model_name': 'Linear Regression',
                'metric': 'MSE',
                'In-sample': in_sample_score,
                'Out-of-sample': out_of_sample_score}
    def run_svm_classifier(self, display_df=True, model_name=None):
        Trains a support vector machine classifier model to predict the direction of the 
        next day given the factor values of the current day.
         - display_df
            Boolean to indicate if the results DataFrame should be displayed
         - model_name
            String describing the name of the model (Linear Regression). Only used if `display_df` == False.
        Returns the results of the model if not displaying the result DataFrame.
        return self.run_binary_ml_model(SVC(class_weight = 'balanced'), 'Accuracy', display_df=display_df, model_name=model_name)
    def run_decision_tree_classifier(self, display_df=True, model_name=None):
        Trains a decision tree classifier model to predict the direction of the 
        next day given the factor values of the current day.
         - display_df
            Boolean to indicate if the results DataFrame should be displayed
         - model_name
            String describing the name of the model (Linear Regression). Only used if `display_df` == False.
        Returns the results of the model if not displaying the result DataFrame.
        return self.run_binary_ml_model(DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, class_weight = 'balanced'), 'Accuracy', display_df=display_df, model_name=model_name)
    def run_random_forest_classifier(self, display_df=True, model_name=None):
        Trains a random forest classifier model to predict the direction of the 
        next day given the factor values of the current day.
         - display_df
            Boolean to indicate if the results DataFrame should be displayed
         - model_name
            String describing the name of the model (Linear Regression). Only used if `display_df` == False.
        Returns the results of the model if not displaying the result DataFrame.
        return self.run_binary_ml_model(RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state = 1990, class_weight = 'balanced'), 'Accuracy', display_df=display_df, model_name=model_name)
    def run_binary_ml_model(self, model, score_name, plot=False, display_df=True, model_name=None):
        Trains a machine learning model to predict the direction of the 
        next day given the factor values of the current day.
         - model
            Class of the ML model to use.
         - score_name
            Name of the metric used to evaluate the model
         - plot
            Boolean to indicator if the actual values and the model's predictions should be displayed
         - display_df
            Boolean to indicate if the results DataFrame should be displayed
         - model_name
            String describing the name of the model (Linear Regression). Only used if `display_df` == False.
        Returns the results of the model if not displaying the result DataFrame.
        # Make the binany price return series
        binary_price_return = self.return_sub_history.mean(axis=1).copy()
        binary_price_return[binary_price_return <= 0] = -1
        binary_price_return[binary_price_return > 0] = 1

        results = pd.DataFrame()
        # Gather in-sample data
        inclusive = [factor for factor, pvalue in self.hypothesis_test_p_value.items() if pvalue < 0.05]
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date(), inclusive]
        #x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[:self.in_sample_end_date.date()]
        y = binary_price_return.loc[binary_price_return.index <= self.in_sample_end_date]
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values)
        # Fit model to in-sample data
        model.fit(x, y)
        # Calculate in-sample mean squared error
        in_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)        
        in_sample_score = model.score(x, y)
        results.loc[f'In-sample {score_name}', 'value'] = in_sample_score
        if plot:
            # For logistic regression
            titles = ['Predicted Price Movement Direction From a Logistic Regression Model (Up=1, Down=-1)', 
                      'Accuracy of Logistic Regression Model Predictions (Correct=1, Incorrect=-1)']
            fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, subplot_titles=tuple(titles))
            fig.append_trace(go.Bar(x=y.index, y=in_sample_predictions), row=1, col=1)
            in_sample_accuracy = (y == in_sample_predictions).apply(lambda x: 1 if x else -1)
            fig.append_trace(go.Bar(x=in_sample_accuracy.index, y=in_sample_accuracy.values), row=2, col=1)
        # Gather out-of-sample-data
        x = self.transformed_dataset_history.loc[self.in_sample_end_date:, inclusive]
        y = binary_price_return.loc[binary_price_return.index >= self.in_sample_end_date]
        x = sm.add_constant(x.values)
        # Calculate out-of-sample mean squared error
        out_of_sample_predictions = model.predict(x)
        out_of_sample_score = model.score(x, y)
        results.loc[f'Out-of-sample {score_name}', 'value'] = out_of_sample_score
        if plot:            
            # For logistic regression
            fig.append_trace(go.Bar(x=y.index, y=out_of_sample_predictions), row=1, col=1)
            out_of_sample_accuracy = (y == out_of_sample_predictions).apply(lambda x: 1 if x else -1)
            fig.append_trace(go.Bar(x=out_of_sample_accuracy.index, y=out_of_sample_accuracy.values), row=2, col=1)
            fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0), showlegend=False, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)')
            # Display figure
        if display_df:
            # Display results
        return {'model_name': model_name,
                'metric': score_name,
                'In-sample': in_sample_score,
                'Out-of-sample': out_of_sample_score}
    def display_ml_model_summary(self):
        Displays a DataFrame showing the scores of each machine learning model in the in-sample and out-of-sample periods.
        model_results = [
            self.run_linear_regression(False, 'Linear Regression'),
            self.run_svm_classifier(False, 'Support Vector Machine'),
            self.run_decision_tree_classifier(False, 'Decision Tree'),
            self.run_random_forest_classifier(False, 'Random Forest')
        result_df = pd.DataFrame()
        for result in model_results:
            model_name = result['model_name']
            metric = result['metric']
            for result_type in ['In-sample', 'Out-of-sample']:
                result_df.loc[f"{model_name} {metric}", result_type] = result[result_type]

class Factor:
    def __init__(self, value_function, data_type, printable_name, standardize=True):
        self.value_function = value_function
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.printable_name = printable_name
        self.standardize = standardize        
class OtherDatasetFactor:
    def __init__(self, factor_name, data_type, link, sparse, value_func):
        self.factor_name = factor_name
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.link = link
        self.sparse = sparse
        self.value_func = value_func