Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

class PcaStatArbitrageAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2001, 1, 1)       # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2001, 5, 10)         # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(100000)                # Set Strategy Cash

        self.nextRebalance = self.Time      # Initialize next rebalance time
        self.rebalance_days = 0            # Rebalance every 30 days

        self.lookback = 61                  # Length(days) of historical data
        self.num_components = 15             # Number of principal components in PCA
        self.num_equities = 500               # Number of the equities pool
        self.weights_buy = pd.DataFrame()       # Pandas data frame (index: symbol) that stores the weight
        self.weights_sell = pd.DataFrame()
        self.weights_liquidate = pd.DataFrame()

        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily   # Use hour resolution for speed
        self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseSelectionAndPCA)         # Coarse selection + PCA

    def CoarseSelectionAndPCA(self, coarse):
        '''Drop securities which have too low prices.
        Select those with highest by dollar volume.
        Finally do PCA and get the selected trading symbols.

        # Before next rebalance time, just remain the current universe
        #if self.Time < self.nextRebalance:
        #    return Universe.Unchanged

        ### Simple coarse selection first

        # Sort the equities in DollarVolume decendingly
        selected = sorted([x for x in coarse if x.Price > 5],
                          key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)

        symbols = [x.Symbol for x in selected[:self.num_equities]]

        ### After coarse selection, we do PCA and linear regression to get our selected symbols

        # Get historical data of the selected symbols
        history = self.History(symbols, self.lookback, Resolution.Daily).close.unstack(level=0)

        # Select the desired symbols and their weights for the portfolio from the coarse-selected symbols
            self.weights_buy,self.weights_sell,self.weights_liquidate = self.GetWeights(history)
            self.weights_buy,self.weights_sell,self.weights_liquidate = pd.DataFrame(),pd.DataFrame(),pd.DataFrame()
        # If there is no final selected symbols, return the unchanged universe
        if self.weights_buy.empty or self.weights_sell.empty or self.weights_liquidate.empty:
            return Universe.Unchanged

        return [x for x in symbols if str(x) in self.weights_buy.index or str(x) in self.weights_sell.index or str(x) in self.weights_liquidate]

    def GetWeights(self, history):
        Get the finalized selected symbols and their weights according to their level of deviation
        of the residuals from the linear regression after PCA for each symbol
        # Sample data for PCA 
        sample = history.dropna(axis=1).pct_change().dropna()
        sample_mean = sample.mean() 
        sample_std = sample.std()
        sample = ((sample-sample_mean)/(sample_std)) * 252 **(1/2) # Center it column-wise

        # Fit the PCA model for sample data
        model = PCA().fit(sample)
        #Distributing eigenportfolios 
        EigenPortfolio = pd.DataFrame(model.components_)
        EigenPortfolio.columns = sample.columns
        EigenPortfolio = EigenPortfolio/sample_std
        EigenPortfolio = ( EigenPortfolio.T / EigenPortfolio.sum(axis=1) )

        # Get the first n_components factors
        factors = np.dot(sample, EigenPortfolio)[:,:self.num_components]
        # Add 1's to fit the linear regression (intercept)
        factors = sm.add_constant(factors)

        # Train Ordinary Least Squares linear model for each stock
        OLSmodels = {ticker: sm.OLS(sample[ticker], factors).fit() for ticker in sample.columns}

        # Get the residuals from the linear regression after PCA for each stock
        resids = pd.DataFrame({ticker: model.resid for ticker, model in OLSmodels.items()})

        # Get the OU parameters 
        shifted_residuals = resids.cumsum().iloc[1:,:]
        resids = resids.cumsum().iloc[:-1,:]
        resids.index = shifted_residuals.index
        OLSmodels2 = {ticker: sm.OLS(resids[ticker],sm.add_constant(shifted_residuals[ticker])).fit() for ticker in resids.columns} 
        # Get the new residuals
        resids2 = pd.DataFrame({ticker: model.resid for ticker, model in OLSmodels2.items()})
        # Get the mean reversion parameters 
        a = pd.DataFrame({ticker : model.params[0] for ticker , model in OLSmodels2.items()},index=["a"])
        b = pd.DataFrame({ticker: model.params[1] for ticker , model in OLSmodels2.items()},index=["a"])
        b = b[ b < 0.97 ].dropna()
        e = resids2.std() * 252 **( 1 / 2)
        k = -np.log(b) * 252
        k = k[ k > 252 / 30].dropna()
        #Get the z-score
        var = (e**2 /(2 * k) )*(1 - np.exp(-2 * k * 252))
        num = -a * np.sqrt(1 - b**2)
        den =( ( 1-b ) * np.sqrt( var )).dropna(axis=1)
        m  = ( a / ( 1 - b ) ).dropna(axis=1)
        zscores=(num / den ).iloc[0,:]# zscores of the most recent day
        # Get the stocks far from mean (for mean reversion)
        selected_buy = zscores[zscores < -1.5]
        selected_sell = zscores[zscores > 1.5]
        selected_liquidate = zscores[abs(zscores) < 0.50 ]
        #summing all orders
        sum_orders = selected_buy.abs().sum() + selected_sell.abs().sum()

        # Return the weights for each selected stock
        weights_buy = selected_buy * (1 / sum_orders)
        weights_sell = selected_sell * (1 / sum_orders)
        weights_liquidate = selected_liquidate
        return weights_buy.sort_values(),weights_sell.sort_values(),weights_liquidate.sort_values()

    def OnData(self, data):
        Rebalance every self.rebalance_days
        ### Do nothing until next rebalance
        #if self.Time < self.nextRebalance:
        #    return

        ### Open positions
        for symbol, weight in self.weights_buy.items():
            # If the residual is way deviated from 0, we enter the position in the opposite way (mean reversion)
            if self.Securities[symbol].Invested:
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, -weight)
        ### short positions
        for symbol, weight in self.weights_sell.items():
            if self.Securities[symbol].Invested:
        for symbol, weight in self.weights_liquidate.items():
        ### Update next rebalance time
        #self.nextRebalance = self.Time + timedelta(self.rebalance_days)

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
        Liquidate when the symbols are not in the universe
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if security.Invested:
                self.Liquidate(security.Symbol, 'Removed from Universe')
        #    self.SetHoldings("SPY", 1)