Overall Statistics |
Total Trades 18 Average Win 2.40% Average Loss -2.70% Compounding Annual Return 12.590% Drawdown 35.400% Expectancy 0.620 Net Profit 31.494% Sharpe Ratio 0.464 Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio 15.140% Loss Rate 14% Win Rate 86% Profit-Loss Ratio 0.89 Alpha 0.241 Beta -1.327 Annual Standard Deviation 0.271 Annual Variance 0.074 Information Ratio 0.096 Tracking Error 0.408 Treynor Ratio -0.095 Total Fees $246.92 Estimated Strategy Capacity $70000000.00 Lowest Capacity Asset QQQ RIWIV7K5Z9LX Portfolio Turnover 0.98% |
# region imports from AlgorithmImports import * from math import log, sqrt, pi, exp from scipy.stats import norm import scipy.stats as stats # endregion Assignment1 = False Assignment2 = True ## ------------------------ Assignment 1 AAPL Contracts info if Assignment1: class FatYellowOwl(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self) -> None: self.SetStartDate(2022, 7, 14) self.SetEndDate(2022, 12, 1) self.SetCash(100000) self.SetWarmUp(20) # Universe settings self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour # Requesting data self.aapl = self.AddEquity("AAPL",Resolution.Hour) self.aapl.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw) self.aapl = self.aapl.Symbol option = self.AddOption("AAPL",Resolution.Hour) self.option_symbol = option.Symbol # Volatility self.last_price = RollingWindow[float](2) self.std = StandardDeviation(25) # Risk Free rate self.yieldCurve = self.AddData(USTreasuryYieldCurveRate, "USTYCR", Resolution.Daily).Symbol self.last_rfr = RollingWindow[float](4) #Set Options Model: Equity Options are American Style # As such, need to use CrankNicolsonFD or other models. #BlackScholes Model is only for European Options option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD() ## ----------- Black Scholes ------------- ## # Price def bsm_price(self, option_type, sigma, s, k, r, T, q): # calculate the bsm price of European call and put options d1 = (np.log(s / k) + (r - q + sigma ** 2 * 0.5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T)) d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(T) if option_type == 'c': return np.exp(-r*T) * (s * np.exp((r - q)*T) * stats.norm.cdf(d1) - k * stats.norm.cdf(d2)) if option_type == 'p': return np.exp(-r*T) * (k * stats.norm.cdf(-d2) - s * np.exp((r - q)*T) * stats.norm.cdf(-d1)) raise Exception(f'No such option type: {option_type}') def implied_vol(self, option_type, option_price, s, k, r, T, q): # apply bisection method to get the implied volatility by solving the BSM function precision = 0.00001 upper_vol = 500.0 max_vol = 500.0 min_vol = 0.0001 lower_vol = 0.0001 iteration = 50 while iteration > 0: iteration -= 1 mid_vol = (upper_vol + lower_vol)/2 price = self.bsm_price(option_type, mid_vol, s, k, r, T, q) if option_type == 'c': lower_price = self.bsm_price(option_type, lower_vol, s, k, r, T, q) if (lower_price - option_price) * (price - option_price) > 0: lower_vol = mid_vol else: upper_vol = mid_vol if mid_vol > max_vol - 5 : return 0.000001 if option_type == 'p': upper_price = self.bsm_price(option_type, upper_vol, s, k, r, T, q) if (upper_price - option_price) * (price - option_price) > 0: upper_vol = mid_vol else: lower_vol = mid_vol if abs(price - option_price) < precision: break return mid_vol def OnData(self, data: Slice) -> None: if data.get(self.yieldCurve): self.last_rfr.Add(data[self.yieldCurve].OneYear) if self.Time.hour == 10 and data.get(self.aapl): # Once per day self.last_price.Add(data[self.aapl].Price) if self.last_price.IsReady: self.std.Update(self.Time, (self.last_price[0]-self.last_price[1])/self.last_price[1]) if self.IsWarmingUp: #Wait until warming up is done return if self.Time == datetime(2022,10,14,15): rfr = self.last_rfr[0] vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) T = abs(self.Time - datetime(2022,11,18)).days/365 # Compute the price for the call option price = self.bsm_price('c',vol,data[self.aapl].Price, 145, rfr, T, 0) # Get the Implied volatility based on computed price implied_volatility = self.implied_vol('c', price, data[self.aapl].Price, 145,rfr, T, 0) self.Log(f'At{self.Time} a Call option on AAPL with strike price 145 and expiry of 2022-11-18 has a price {price} and implied volatility {implied_volatility}') elif self.Time == datetime(2022,10,17,10): rfr = self.last_rfr[0] vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) T = abs(self.Time - datetime(2022,11,11)).days # Compute the price for the call option price = self.bsm_price('p',vol,data[self.aapl].Price, 145, rfr, T, 0) # Get the Implied volatility based on computed price implied_volatility = self.implied_vol('p', price, data[self.aapl].Price, 145,rfr, T, 0) self.Log(f'At{self.Time} a Put option on AAPL with strike price 130 and expiry of 2022-11-11 has a price {price} and implied volatility {implied_volatility}') elif self.Time == datetime(2022,10,17,13): self.interpolate_contract(data) def interpolate_contract(self,data): computed_prices = [None] computed_impvol = [None] deltas_t = [datetime(2022,12,16)] rfr = self.last_rfr[0] vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) # Because we are using +- this will be month approximatly for i in range(10): delta_t_minus = abs(self.Time - (datetime(2022,12,16)-timedelta(days=i))).days delta_t_plus = abs(self.Time - (datetime(2022,12,16)+timedelta(days=i))).days deltas_t = [datetime(2022,12,16)+timedelta(days=i)] + deltas_t deltas_t.append(datetime(2022,12,16)+timedelta(days=i)) # Compute the price and Implied volatility for the put option price = self.bsm_price('p', vol, data[self.aapl].Price, 145, rfr, delta_t_minus, 0) implied_volatility = self.implied_vol('p', price, data[self.aapl].Price, 145,rfr, delta_t_minus, 0) computed_prices = [price] + computed_prices computed_impvol = [implied_volatility] + computed_impvol # Compute the price and Implied volatility for the put option price = self.bsm_price('p', vol, data[self.aapl].Price, 145, rfr, delta_t_plus, 0) implied_volatility = self.implied_vol('p', price, data[self.aapl].Price, 145,rfr, delta_t_plus, 0) computed_prices.append(price) computed_impvol.append(implied_volatility) my_data = pd.DataFrame({'Price':computed_prices,'Implied_Volatility': computed_impvol}, index=deltas_t) intepolated = my_data.interpolate() self.Log(f'At {self.Time} the interpolated value for price and implied volatility with expiry 2022-12-16 is {str(intepolated.iloc[10])}') self.Log(f'The three previous values are {str(intepolated.iloc[7:10])}') self.Log(f'The three following values are {str(intepolated.iloc[11:14])}') elif Assignment2: class FatYellowOwl(QCAlgorithm): # threshold to tel if an implied volatility is high (impvol/vol) ThHighVol = 1 DesiredDelta = 1 CallQuantity = 100 def Initialize(self) -> None: self.SetStartDate(2020, 8, 11) self.SetEndDate(2022, 12, 1) self.SetCash(2000000) self.SetWarmUp(25) # Universe settings self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour # Requesting data self.underlaying = self.AddEquity("QQQ",Resolution.Hour) self.underlaying.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw) self.underlaying = self.underlaying.Symbol option = self.AddOption("QQQ",Resolution.Hour) self.option_symbol = option.Symbol # Volatility self.last_price = RollingWindow[float](2) self.std = StandardDeviation(25) self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("QQQ"), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("QQQ", -1), self.UpdateVol) # Risk Free rate self.yieldCurve = self.AddData(USTreasuryYieldCurveRate, "USTYCR", Resolution.Daily).Symbol self.last_rfr = RollingWindow[float](4) #Set Options Model: Equity Options are American Style # As such, need to use CrankNicolsonFD or other models. #BlackScholes Model is only for European Options option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD() ## ----------- Black Scholes ------------- ## # Update the daily def UpdateVol(self): self.last_price.Add(self.Securities[self.underlaying].Close) if self.last_price.IsReady: self.std.Update(self.Time, (self.last_price[0]-self.last_price[1])/self.last_price[1]) # Delta def delta(self, option_type, s, k, sigma, r, T, q=0): ''' Inputs - s: The underlying price. - k: The strike price of the option - sigma: The volatility of the underlying asset. - r: The risk-free interest rate - T: Time to expiration - q: The dividend yield ''' d1 = (np.log(s / k) + (r - q + sigma ** 2 * 0.5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T)) if option_type == "c": return exp(-q * T) * norm.cdf(d1) elif option_type == "p": return exp(-q * T) * (norm.cdf(d1)-1) def OnData(self, data: Slice) -> None: # Keep track of the one year interest rate available if data.get(self.yieldCurve): self.last_rfr.Add(data[self.yieldCurve].OneYear) if self.IsWarmingUp: #Wait until warming up is done return # Annual Volatility vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) if self.Time == datetime(2021,11,1,12): chain = data.OptionChains.get(self.option_symbol) if chain: # Select call contracts calls = [contract for contract in chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call] if calls: # Only expiry dates in 11/19/2021 and with strike prices > actual underlying price my_call = filter(lambda c: c.Expiry == datetime(2021,11,19) and c.Strike >= c.UnderlyingLastPrice, calls) self.my_call = sorted(my_call, key = lambda c: c.Strike - c.UnderlyingLastPrice)[0] if self.my_call.ImpliedVolatility/vol > self.ThHighVol: self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.my_call.Symbol, -self.CallQuantity) else: self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.my_call.Symbol, self.CallQuantity) self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("QQQ"), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("QQQ", 10), self.DeltaHedge) else: self.Debug('No Call contracts finded') def DeltaHedge(self): # Risk Free Rate rfr = self.last_rfr[0] # Annual Volatility vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) # Time to expiry T = abs(self.Time - datetime(2021,11,19)).days/365 # Current Delta delta = self.delta('c', self.Securities[self.underlaying].Price, self.my_call.Strike, vol, rfr, T) # Current Shares holds = self.Securities[self.underlaying].Holdings.Quantity # Difference to the desired Delta converted to shares target = (self.DesiredDelta - delta) * 100 quantity_order = target - holds if quantity_order > 0: self.Log(f'Current {self.underlaying.Value} Holds') self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.underlaying, -quantity_order) self.Log(f'For a Delta of {delta}, a market order of {-quantity_order} shares in ' +\ f'{self.underlaying.Value} was created to mantain the Desired delta of {self.DesiredDelta}') else: class FatYellowOwl(QCAlgorithm): # threshold to tell if an implied volatility is high (impvol/vol) ThHighVol = 1 # The Delta that want to be mantained during the holding of the call DesiredDelta = 0.5 # Initial order quantity for call option CallQuantity = 100 # Minimum difference to select the contract (strike - underlying), # negative will allow strike prices below the current underlying.price # The contract with the lowest price will be selected StrikeDiff = -5 # Days to expiry TimeDelta = 90 def Initialize(self) -> None: self.SetStartDate(2020, 8, 11) self.SetEndDate(2022, 12, 1) self.SetCash(2000000) self.SetWarmUp(25) # Universe settings self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour # Requesting data self.underlaying = self.AddEquity("QQQ",Resolution.Hour) self.underlaying.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw) self.underlaying = self.underlaying.Symbol option = self.AddOption("QQQ",Resolution.Hour) self.option_symbol = option.Symbol # Volatility self.last_price = RollingWindow[float](2) self.std = StandardDeviation(25) self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("QQQ"), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("QQQ", -1), self.UpdateVol) # Risk Free rate self.yieldCurve = self.AddData(USTreasuryYieldCurveRate, "USTYCR", Resolution.Daily).Symbol self.last_rfr = RollingWindow[float](4) #Set Options Model: Equity Options are American Style # As such, need to use CrankNicolsonFD or other models. #BlackScholes Model is only for European Options option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD() ## ----------- Black Scholes ------------- ## # Update the daily def UpdateVol(self): self.last_price.Add(self.Securities[self.underlaying].Close) if self.last_price.IsReady: self.std.Update(self.Time, (self.last_price[0]-self.last_price[1])/self.last_price[1]) # Delta def delta(self, option_type, s, k, sigma, r, T, q=0): ''' Inputs - s: The underlying price. - k: The strike price of the option - sigma: The volatility of the underlying asset. - r: The risk-free interest rate - T: Time to expiration - q: The dividend yield ''' d1 = (np.log(s / k) + (r - q + sigma ** 2 * 0.5) * T) / (sigma * np.sqrt(T)) if option_type == "c": return exp(-q * T) * norm.cdf(d1) elif option_type == "p": return exp(-q * T) * (norm.cdf(d1)-1) def OnData(self, data: Slice) -> None: # Keep track of the one year interest rate available if data.get(self.yieldCurve): self.last_rfr.Add(data[self.yieldCurve].OneYear) if self.IsWarmingUp: #Wait until warming up is done return # Annual Volatility vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) if self.Time == datetime(2021,11,1,12): chain = data.OptionChains.get(self.option_symbol) if chain: # Select call contracts calls = [contract for contract in chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call] if calls: # Only expiry dates in 11/19/2021 and with strike prices > actual underlying price my_call = filter(lambda c: (c.Expiry - self.Time).days > self.TimeDelta and c.Strike - c.UnderlyingLastPrice >= self.StrikeDiff, calls) self.my_call = sorted(my_call, key = lambda c: c.Strike - c.UnderlyingLastPrice)[0] if self.my_call.ImpliedVolatility/vol > self.ThHighVol: self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.my_call.Symbol, -self.CallQuantity) else: self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.my_call.Symbol, self.CallQuantity) self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("QQQ"), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("QQQ", 10), self.DeltaHedge) else: self.Debug('No Call contracts finded') def DeltaHedge(self): # Risk Free Rate rfr = self.last_rfr[0] # Annual Volatility vol = self.std.Current.Value*sqrt(252) # Time to expiry T = abs(self.Time - datetime(2021,11,19)).days/365 # Current Delta delta = self.delta('c', self.Securities[self.underlaying].Price, self.my_call.Strike, vol, rfr, T) # Current Shares holds = self.Securities[self.underlaying].Holdings.Quantity # Difference to the desired Delta converted to shares target = (self.DesiredDelta - delta) * 100 quantity_order = target - holds if quantity_order > 0: self.Log(f'Current {self.underlaying.Value} Holds') self.order = self.MarketOrder(self.underlaying, -quantity_order) self.Log(f'For a Delta of {delta}, a market order of {-quantity_order} shares in ' +\ f'{self.underlaying.Value} was created to mantain the Desired delta of {self.DesiredDelta}')