Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statistics as stat
from scipy import stats
from datetime import timedelta

class ATH3Alpha(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, rolling_window_size, add_linear_trend=True, maximumDrawdownPercent=0.3, tpPercent=0.5, buy_bond=False):
        # init
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.rolling_window_size = rolling_window_size
        self.add_linear_trend = add_linear_trend
        self.Data = {}
        self.trailingHighs = dict()
        self.profitTakeData = { }

        # parameters
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)
        self.tp_percent = abs(tpPercent)
        self.buy_bond = buy_bond
        # add bond data
        if self.buy_bond:
            self.bond = algorithm.AddEquity("TLT", Resolution.Hour).Symbol
        # warm up
        # algorithm.SetWarmUp(100, Resolution.Daily)

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        # Create empty list of insights
        insights = []
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio Cash: {algorithm.Portfolio.Cash}")
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio Usettle: {algorithm.Portfolio.UnsettledCash}")
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio Invested: {algorithm.Portfolio.Invested}")
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio TotalHoldingsValue: {algorithm.Portfolio.TotalHoldingsValue}")
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio MarginRemaining: {algorithm.Portfolio.MarginRemaining}")
        # algorithm.Debug(f"Portflio TotalPortfolioValue: {algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue}")
        # stop time is time after which we don't trade
        stop_time = algorithm.Time.replace(hour=15, minute=30)
        if algorithm.Time > stop_time:
            return insights

        # buy bond
        if self.buy_bond:
            if not algorithm.Portfolio[self.bond].Invested:
                insights.append(Insight.Price(self.bond, timedelta(days=999999), InsightDirection.Up, confidence=0.1))

        # update windows
        for symbol in self.Data.keys():

            # check if there is the data for the symbol: if not continue    
            if not data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            if not data.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            if data[symbol] is None: continue
            if not self.Data[symbol].close_window_day.IsReady: continue
            if not self.Data[symbol].high_window_day.IsReady: continue
            if not self.Data[symbol].high_window_month.IsReady: continue
            if not self.Data[symbol].high_window_week.IsReady: continue
            if self.buy_bond:
                if symbol == self.bond: continue
            # update rolling window; add new close price
            # if self.usevol:
            #     self.Data[symbol].update(data[symbol].Close, data[symbol].High, data[symbol].Volume)
            # util values
            close_current = data[symbol].Close
            week_high = self.Data[symbol].high_window_week[0]   # 0 or 1 ?
            month_high = self.Data[symbol].high_window_month[0] # 0 or 1 ?
            day_high = self.Data[symbol].high_window_day[0]     # 0 or 1 ?
            # if self.usevol:
            #     volume_growth = self.Data[symbol].volume_window[0] / (self.Data[symbol].volume_window[7] + 1) - 1
            # trading rule
            signal = close_current > week_high and close_current > month_high and close_current > day_high and (close_current / month_high - 1) < 0.2
            if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested and signal and algorithm.Portfolio.Cash > 10000: #  and volume_growth< 0
                # remove symbol from trailing stop object
                self.trailingHighs.pop(symbol, None)
                self.profitTakeData.pop(symbol, None)
                if self.add_linear_trend:
                    # linear regression calculation
                    y = list(self.Data[symbol].close_window_day)[1:self.Data[symbol].close_window_day.Count]
                    x = np.arange(len(y))
                    y = np.array(y)
                    log_y = np.log(y)
                    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_y)
                    # self.Debug(f"R value: {r_value}")
                    if r_value < 0.3:

                # standard deviation
                std_ = stat.stdev(list(self.Data[symbol].close_window_day)[1:self.Data[symbol].close_window_day.Count])
                # orders
                # algorithm.Debug(f"TEST: {(close_current / month_high - 1)}")
                insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, timedelta(days=999999), InsightDirection.Up, confidence=r_value))
                # algorithm.StopMarketOrder(symbol, -quantity, close_current - (std_ * self.stop_loss_factor))
                # algorithm.LimitOrder(symbol, -quantity, close_current + (std_ * self.profit_take_factor))
                    # We can move the whole TrailingStopRiskManagementModel here for checking and emitting flat insight
            ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:

                # Test if we cross 10% growth
                mean_daily_return = np.mean(np.diff(np.log(np.flip(np.array(list(self.Data[symbol].close_window_day))))))
                # algorithm.Debug(algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Price / algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].AveragePrice)
                if (algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Price / algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].AveragePrice) < (mean_daily_return * 2):
                    self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -mean_daily_return

                # Add newly invested securities
                if symbol not in self.trailingHighs and symbol not in self.profitTakeData:
                    self.trailingHighs[symbol] = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice   # Set to average holding cost
                    self.profitTakeData[symbol] = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice   # Set to average holding cost
                # Check for new highs and update - set to tradebar high
                if self.trailingHighs[symbol] < data[symbol].High:
                    self.trailingHighs[symbol] = data[symbol].High
                # Check for securities past the drawdown limit
                securityHigh = self.trailingHighs[symbol]
                drawdown = (data[symbol].Low / securityHigh) - 1
                if drawdown < self.maximumDrawdownPercent:
                    # liquidate
                    insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, Expiry.EndOfMonth, InsightDirection.Flat, confidence=1))
                # profit take
                profit_percent = data[symbol].High / self.profitTakeData[symbol] - 1
                if profit_percent >= self.tp_percent:
                    # liquidate
                    insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, Expiry.EndOfMonth, InsightDirection.Flat, confidence=1))
            ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################
        ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################    
        # for kvp in algorithm.Securities:
        #     symbol = kvp.Key
        #     security = kvp.Value

        #     # Remove if not invested
        #     if not security.Invested:
        #         self.trailingHighs.pop(symbol, None)
        #         continue

        #     # Add newly invested securities
        #     if symbol not in self.trailingHighs:
        #         self.trailingHighs[symbol] = security.Holdings.AveragePrice   # Set to average holding cost
        #         continue

        #     # Check for new highs and update - set to tradebar high
        #     if self.trailingHighs[symbol] < security.High:
        #         self.trailingHighs[symbol] = security.High
        #         continue

        #     # Check for securities past the drawdown limit
        #     securityHigh = self.trailingHighs[symbol]
        #     drawdown = (security.Low / securityHigh) - 1

        #     if drawdown < self.maximumDrawdownPercent:
        #         # liquidate
        #         insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, Expiry.EndOfMonth, InsightDirection.Flat))
        ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################    
        return insights                  

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        # action on added securities
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol not in self.Data:
                self.Data[symbol] = SymbolData(algorithm, symbol)
                # self.Data[symbol].WarmUpIndicators(algorithm, historyFastfive.loc[ticker], \
                #                         historySlowfive.loc[ticker], historySlowtwo.loc[ticker], \
                #                         historySlowone.loc[ticker])

        # action on removed securities
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol in self.Data:
                if self.Data.pop(symbol, None) is not None:
                    algorithm.Liquidate(symbol, 'Removed from universe')

class SymbolData(object):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        # define windows
        self.close_window_day = RollingWindow[float](22)
        self.high_window_day = RollingWindow[float](22)
        self.volume_window_day = RollingWindow[float](22)
        self.high_window_week = RollingWindow[float](2)
        self.high_window_month = RollingWindow[float](2)
        # consolidators
        self.dayConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days = 1))
        self.weekConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days = 5))
        self.monthConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days = 22))
        self.dayConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidatedDaily
        self.weekConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidatedWeek
        self.monthConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidatedMonth
        algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, self.dayConsolidator)
        algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, self.weekConsolidator)
        algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, self.monthConsolidator)
        # warm up
        history = self.algorithm.History([self.symbol], 22 * 4, Resolution.Daily)
        if history.shape[0] == 0:
            self.algorithm.Log('DataFrame is empty!')
        for tuple in history.loc[self.symbol].itertuples():
            tradebar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, self.symbol, tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close, tuple.volume)
        # day
        # DayConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
        # DayConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidated
        # self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, DayConsolidator)
        # # week
        # WeekConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(weeks=1))
        # WeekConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidatedWeek
        # self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, WeekConsolidator)
        # # month
        # MonthConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(weeks=1))
        # MonthConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidatedMonth
        # self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, MonthConsolidator)
        # old
        # self.algorithm.Consolidate(self.symbol, Resolution.Daily, self.OnDataConsolidated)
        # self.algorithm.Consolidate(self.symbol, Calendar.Weekly, self.OnDataConsolidatedWeek)
        # self.algorithm.Consolidate(self.symbol, Calendar.Monthly, self.OnDataConsolidatedMonth)

        # warm up all windows
        # history = self.algorithm.History([self.symbol], 22, Resolution.Daily)
        # if history.shape[0] == 0:
        #     self.algorithm.Log('DataFrame is empty!')
        #     return
        # else:
        #     for time, row in history.loc[self.symbol].iterrows():
        #         self.close_window_day.Add(row["close"])
        #         self.high_window_day.Add(row["high"])
        #         self.volume_window_day.Add(row["volume"])
    # def WarmUpIndicators(self, algorithm, history):
    #     for tuple in history.itertuples():
    #         tradebar = TradeBar(tuple.Index, self.Symbol, tuple.open, tuple.high, tuple.low, tuple.close, tuple.volume)
    #         self.dayConsolidator.Update(tradebar)
    #         self.weekConsolidator.Update(tradebar)
    #         self.high_window_month.Update(tradebar)
    # def RegisterIndicator(self, algorithm):
    #     algorithm.RegisterIndicator(self.Symbol, self.fastFiveEMA, self.dayConsolidator, Field.Close)
    #     algorithm.RegisterIndicator(self.Symbol, self.slowFiveEMA, self.fiveMinuteConsolidator, Field.Close)
    #     algorithm.RegisterIndicator(self.Symbol, self.slowFiveSMA, self.fiveMinuteConsolidator, Field.Close)
    # def update(self, close, high, volume):
    #     self.volume_window.Add(volume)

    def OnDataConsolidatedDaily(self, sender, consolidated):

    def OnDataConsolidatedWeek(self, sender, consolidated):
    def OnDataConsolidatedMonth(self, sender, consolidated):

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statistics as stat
from scipy import stats
from datetime import timedelta

class ATHAlpha(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, rolling_window_size, add_linear_trend=True, maximumDrawdownPercent=0.3, tpPercent=0.5):
        # init
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.rolling_window_size = rolling_window_size
        self.add_linear_trend = add_linear_trend
        self.Data = {}
        self.trailingHighs = dict()
        self.profitTakeData = { }

        # parameters
        self.maximumDrawdownPercent = -abs(maximumDrawdownPercent)
        self.tp_percent = abs(tpPercent)
    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        # Create empty list of insights
        insights = []

        # update windows
        for symbol in self.Data.keys():

            # check if there is the data for the symbol: if not continue    
            if not data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            if not data.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            if data[symbol] is None: continue
            if not self.Data[symbol].high_window.IsReady: continue
            self.Data[symbol].update(data[symbol].Close, data[symbol].High)
            # util values
            close_current = data[symbol].Close
            rolling_month_high = max(list(self.Data[symbol].high_window)[1:self.Data[symbol].high_window.Count])
            # trading rule
            signal = close_current > rolling_month_high
            if not algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested and signal:
                # remove symbol from trailing stop object
                self.trailingHighs.pop(symbol, None)
                self.profitTakeData.pop(symbol, None)
                if self.add_linear_trend:
                    # linear regression calculation
                    y = list(self.Data[symbol].close_window)[1:self.Data[symbol].close_window.Count]
                    x = np.arange(len(y))
                    y = np.array(y)
                    log_y = np.log(y)
                    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_y)
                    if r_value < 0.3:

                # standard deviation
                std_ = stat.stdev(list(self.Data[symbol].close_window)[1:self.Data[symbol].close_window.Count])
                # orders
                insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, timedelta(days=999999), InsightDirection.Up, confidence=r_value))
            ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################
            elif algorithm.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                # Add newly invested securities
                if symbol not in self.trailingHighs and symbol not in self.profitTakeData:
                    self.trailingHighs[symbol] = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice   # Set to average holding cost
                    self.profitTakeData[symbol] = algorithm.Securities[symbol].Holdings.AveragePrice   # Set to average holding cost
                # Check for new highs and update - set to tradebar high
                if self.trailingHighs[symbol] < data[symbol].High:
                    self.trailingHighs[symbol] = data[symbol].High
                # Check for securities past the drawdown limit
                securityHigh = self.trailingHighs[symbol]
                drawdown = (data[symbol].Low / securityHigh) - 1
                if drawdown < self.maximumDrawdownPercent:
                    # liquidate
                    insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, Expiry.EndOfMonth, InsightDirection.Flat, confidence=1))
                # profit take
                profit_percent = data[symbol].High / self.profitTakeData[symbol] - 1
                if profit_percent >= self.tp_percent:
                    # liquidate
                    insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, Expiry.EndOfMonth, InsightDirection.Flat, confidence=1))
            ################ REMOVE SL/PT FOR NOW ################
        return insights                  

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        # action on added securities
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol not in self.Data:
                self.Data[symbol] = SymbolData(algorithm, symbol)

        # action on removed securities
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol in self.Data:
                if self.Data.pop(symbol, None) is not None:
                    algorithm.Liquidate(symbol, 'Removed from universe')

class SymbolData(object):
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.close_window = RollingWindow[float](8 * 22)
        self.high_window = RollingWindow[float](8 * 22)
        # Rolling windows for universe frequency
        history = self.algorithm.History([self.symbol], 8 * 22, Resolution.Hour)
        if history.shape[0] == 0:
            self.algorithm.Log('DataFrame is empty!')
            for time, row in history.loc[self.symbol].iterrows():
    def update(self, close, high):

from AlgorithmImports import *
from EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel import EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel, PortfolioBias

class InsightWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel):
    '''Provides an implementation of IPortfolioConstructionModel that generates percent targets based on the
    Insight.Weight. The target percent holdings of each Symbol is given by the Insight.Weight from the last
    active Insight for that symbol.
    For insights of direction InsightDirection.Up, long targets are returned and for insights of direction
    InsightDirection.Down, short targets are returned.
    If the sum of all the last active Insight per symbol is bigger than 1, it will factor down each target
    percent holdings proportionally so the sum is 1.
    It will ignore Insight that have no Insight.Weight value.'''

    def __init__(self, rebalance = Resolution.Daily, portfolioBias = PortfolioBias.LongShort):
        '''Initialize a new instance of InsightWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel
            rebalance: Rebalancing parameter. If it is a timedelta, date rules or Resolution, it will be converted into a function.
                              If None will be ignored.
                              The function returns the next expected rebalance time for a given algorithm UTC DateTime.
                              The function returns null if unknown, in which case the function will be called again in the
                              next loop. Returning current time will trigger rebalance.
            portfolioBias: Specifies the bias of the portfolio (Short, Long/Short, Long)'''
        super().__init__(rebalance, portfolioBias)

    def ShouldCreateTargetForInsight(self, insight):
        '''Method that will determine if the portfolio construction model should create a
        target for this insight
            insight: The insight to create a target for'''
        # Ignore insights that don't have Weight value
        return insight.Weight is not None

    def DetermineTargetPercent(self, activeInsights):
        '''Will determine the target percent for each insight
            activeInsights: The active insights to generate a target for'''
        result = {}

        # We will adjust weights proportionally in case the sum is > 1 so it sums to 1.
        weightSums = sum(self.GetValue(insight) for insight in activeInsights if self.RespectPortfolioBias(insight))
        weightFactor = 1.0
        if weightSums > 1:
            weightFactor = 1 / weightSums
            return result
        for insight in activeInsights:
            result[insight] = (insight.Direction if self.RespectPortfolioBias(insight) else InsightDirection.Flat) * self.GetValue(insight) * weightFactor
        return result

    def GetValue(self, insight):
        '''Method that will determine which member will be used to compute the weights and gets its value
            insight: The insight to create a target for
            The value of the selected insight member'''
        return insight.Weight
#region imports
# from AlgorithmImports import *
# #Imports
# from itertools import groupby
# from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# from pytz import utc

# from clr import AddReference
# AddReference("System")
# AddReference("QuantConnect.Common")
# AddReference("QuantConnect.Algorithm")
# AddReference("QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework")

# from QuantConnect import Resolution, Extensions
# from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
# from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk import *

# #Global variables
# Zero = int(0)

# class RiskManagement(RiskManagementModel):

#     def __init__(self):
#         '''
#         Initialization variables
#         '''
#         # Long Position Variables
#         self.LongTrail = {}
#         self.LongTrailingDrawdown = float(0.1)
#         # Short Position Variables
#         self.ShortTrail = {}
#         self.ShortTrailingDrawdown = float(0.1)

#     def ManageRisk(self, algorithm, targets):
#         '''
#         Main risk management handler. Passes algorithm and targets
#         '''
#         RiskAdjustedTargets = []
#         for asset in self.LongTrail:
#             if not algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Invested:
#                 self.LongTrail[asset] = [algorithm.Securities[asset].Price, 0]
#         # for asset in self.ShortTrail:
#         #     if not algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Invested:
#         #         self.ShortTrail[asset] = [algorithm.Securities[asset].Price, 0]
#         invested = [x.Key for x in algorithm.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested]
#         if invested:
#             for asset in invested:
#                 if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].IsLong:
#                     if asset not in self.LongTrail or self.LongTrail[asset][1] == 0:
#                         self.LongTrail[asset] = [algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price, algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Quantity]
#                 # elif algorithm.Portfolio[asset].IsShort:
#                 #     if asset not in self.ShortTrail or self.ShortTrail[asset][1] == 0:
#                 #         self.ShortTrail[asset] = [algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price, algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Quantity]

#                 self.TrailingStop(algorithm, asset, RiskAdjustedTargets)
#         return RiskAdjustedTargets
#     def TrailingStop(self, algorithm, asset, RiskAdjustedTargets):
#         '''
#         Manages trailing stop for both long and short assets respectively
#         '''
#         if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].IsLong:
#             if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price > self.LongTrail[asset][0]:
#                 self.LongTrail[asset][0] = algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price
#             elif algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price / self.LongTrail[asset][0] < (1-self.LongTrailingDrawdown):
#                 RiskAdjustedTargets.append(PortfolioTarget(asset, 0))
#                 algorithm.Debug(f'Long trailing Stop Triggered for {asset}.  Current Price: {algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price} | Highest Price: {self.LongTrail[asset][0]} | Loss: {algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price / self.LongTrail[asset][0]} | Date: {algorithm.Time}')
#                 self.LongTrail.pop(asset)
#         # if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].IsShort:
#         #     if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price < self.ShortTrail[asset][0]:
#         #         self.ShortTrail[asset][0] = algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price
#         #     elif algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price / self.ShortTrail[asset][0] > 1 / (1-self.ShortTrailingDrawdown):
#         #         RiskAdjustedTargets.append(PortfolioTarget(asset, 0))
#         #         algorithm.Debug(f'Short trailing Stop Triggered for {asset}. Current Price: {algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price} | Lowest Price: {self.ShortTrail[asset][0]} | Loss: {algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price / self.ShortTrail[asset][0]} | Date: {algorithm.Time}')
#         #         self.ShortTrail.pop(asset)
#         return RiskAdjustedTargets
#     def ProfitTake(self, algorithm, asset, RiskAdjustedTargets):
#         '''
#         Manages profit take for long assets
#         '''
#         if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].IsLong:
#             if algorithm.Portfolio[asset].Price > self.LongTrail[asset][0]:
#         return
from AlgorithmImports import *
# from ConfidenceWeightedPortfolioConstructionModel import ConfidenceWeightedPortfolioConstructionModel
# Algo framework modules
from ATH3Alpha import ATH3Alpha
from ATHAlpha import ATHAlpha
from datetime import timedelta

class GeekyApricotKitten(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2009, 12, 31)
        self.SetEndDate(2010, 6, 1)

        # init
        self.backtestSymbolsPerDay = {}
        self.current_universe = []
        self.time = -1
        self.Data = {}
        # PARAMETERS
        self.algo = "3ath"                          # algo type, can be "factor" or "3ath" or "ath"
        self.frequency = Resolution.Minute            # Universe frequency
        self.portfolio_construction = "confidence"  # Portfolio construction type; can be "equal", "confidence", "none"
        # 3ATH
        self.sl_percent = 0.2    # stop loss percent
        self.pt_percent = 0.2    # profit take percent

        # universe
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = self.frequency
        self.UniverseSettings.Leverage = 1
            self.TimeRules.At(10, 0),
        if self.algo == "factor":
            # monthly rebalancing strategy
            self.AddAlpha(ConstantAlphaModel(InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up, timedelta(days = 30), 0.25, None))
            self.Settings.RebalancePortfolioOnInsightChanges = False
            self.Settings.RebalancePortfolioOnSecurityChanges = True
            self.SetPortfolioConstruction( EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(lambda dt: None) ) # self.DateRules.MonthStart(0))
        elif self.algo == "3ath" or self.algo == "ath":
            # alpha
            if self.algo == "3ath":
                self.AddAlpha(ATH3Alpha(self, 22, True, maximumDrawdownPercent = self.sl_percent, tpPercent = self.pt_percent))
            elif  self.algo == "ath":
                self.AddAlpha(ATHAlpha(self, 22, True, maximumDrawdownPercent = self.sl_percent, tpPercent = self.pt_percent))
            # portfolio contrsuction
            self.Settings.RebalancePortfolioOnInsightChanges = True
            self.Settings.RebalancePortfolioOnSecurityChanges = False
            if self.portfolio_construction == "equal":
                self.SetPortfolioConstruction( EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel(lambda dt: None) )
            if self.portfolio_construction == "confidence":
                self.SetPortfolioConstruction(ConfidenceWeightedPortfolioConstructionModel(lambda dt: None, PortfolioBias.Long))
            if self.portfolio_construction == "null":
                self.SetPortfolioConstruction( NullPortfolioConstructionModel() ) 
            # execution
            self.SetExecution( ImmediateExecutionModel() )
            # risk
            # self.AddRiskManagement(RiskManagement())
        # warm up

    def CustomSecurityInitializer(self, security):
        '''Initialize the security with raw prices'''
    def SelectSymbols(self, date):
        # handle live mode file format
        if self.LiveMode:
            # fetch the file from dropbox
            str = self.Download("https://www.dropbox.com/s/2l73mu97gcehmh7/daily-stock-picker-live.csv?dl=1")
            # if we have a file for today, return symbols, else leave universe unchanged
            self.current_universe = str.split(',') if len(str) > 0 else self.current_universe
            return self.current_universe

        # backtest - first cache the entire file
        if len(self.backtestSymbolsPerDay) == 0:

            # str = self.Download("https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae1couew5ir3z9y/daily-stock-picker-backtest.csv?dl=1", headers)
            str = self.Download("https://contentiobatch.blob.core.windows.net/qc-backtest/universe.csv")
            for line in str.splitlines():
                data = line.split(',')
                self.backtestSymbolsPerDay[data[0]] = data[1:]

        # index = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
        # self.current_universe = self.backtestSymbolsPerDay.get(index, self.current_universe)
        # [self.Debug(x) for x in self.current_universe]
        # self.current_universe = [Symbol.Create(x, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA) for x in self.current_universe if x not in ["|", " "]]
        # return self.current_universe
        index = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
        if index not in self.backtestSymbolsPerDay:
            return Universe.Unchanged
        tickers = self.backtestSymbolsPerDay[index]
        self.current_universe = [Symbol.Create(x, SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA) for x in tickers if x not in ["|", " "]]
        [self.Debug(f"{date}: {x}") for x in self.current_universe]
        return self.current_universe