Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using QuantConnect.Indicators;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// First full-fledged attempt at the ENF data backtesting
    /// </summary>
    public class ENF1 : QCAlgorithm

        const string liveDataDownloadUrl = "...tbd...";
        const string backtesFDataDownloadUrl = "...tbd...";
        private DateTime lastOnDataTime = DateTime.MinValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the data and resolution required, as well as the cash and start-end dates for your algorithm. All algorithms must initialized.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            // Load the IKF Data Manager
            var url = LiveMode ? liveDataDownloadUrl : liveDataDownloadUrl;
            int records = ENFDataManager.LoadData(url);
            Debug("ENFDataManager loaded " + records + " records.");

            // Set Start and End dates for backtesting -- use our ENFDataManager data range

            // Set cash for backtesting purposes

            // TODO:  !!!  ??Is this really necessary??  !!!
            // Find more symbols here: http://quantconnect.com/data
            AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "SPY", Resolution.Hour);

            UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Second;
            AddUniverse(new PreMarketDailyUsEquityUniverse(UniverseSettings, SecurityInitializer, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60), dateTime =>
                // If we're LiveMode, then we need to reload the data each day
                if (LiveMode)

                // Return the list of symbols
                var symbols = ENFDataManager.SymbolList(dateTime);
                Debug("Universe selection trigger time: " + dateTime + " - Number of symbols: " + symbols.Count());
                return symbols;

        /// <summary>
        /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data</param>
        public void OnData(TradeBars data)
            //if (lastOnDataTime.Date != data.Time.Date)
            if( Time == new DateTime(Time.Year, Time.Month, Time.Day, 10, 0, 0) ||
                Time == new DateTime(Time.Year, Time.Month, Time.Day, 13, 0, 0) ||
                Time == new DateTime(Time.Year, Time.Month, Time.Day, 15, 30, 0))
                // a new day!
                Debug("OnData: Date: " + Time + " - Count: " + data.Count);

            lastOnDataTime = data.Time;

 * QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals.
 * Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// Clone of: CustomUniverseTriggerTimesAlgorithm

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using QuantConnect.Data;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection;
using QuantConnect.Indicators;
using QuantConnect.Securities;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// Specifies a universe which fires before us-equity market open each day
    /// </summary>
    public class PreMarketDailyUsEquityUniverse : UserDefinedUniverse
        private readonly TimeSpan _timeBeforeMarketOpen;

        public PreMarketDailyUsEquityUniverse(UniverseSettings universeSettings, ISecurityInitializer securityInitializer, TimeSpan timeBeforeMarketOpen, Func<DateTime, IEnumerable<string>> selector)
            : base(CreateConfiguration(), universeSettings, securityInitializer, TimeSpan.MaxValue, selector)
            _timeBeforeMarketOpen = timeBeforeMarketOpen;

        // this configuration is used internally, so we'll create a us-equity configuration
        private static SubscriptionDataConfig CreateConfiguration()
            // use us-equity market hours for 'exchange is open' logic
            var marketHoursDbEntry = MarketHoursDatabase.FromDataFolder().GetEntry(QuantConnect.Market.USA, null, SecurityType.Equity);
            // this is the time zone the data is in, now in our case, our unvierse doesn't have 'data'
            var dataTimeZone = marketHoursDbEntry.DataTimeZone;
            var exchangeTimeZone = marketHoursDbEntry.ExchangeHours.TimeZone;
            var symbol = Symbol.Create("pre-market-daily-us-equity-universe", SecurityType.Equity, QuantConnect.Market.USA);
            return new SubscriptionDataConfig(typeof(Tick), symbol, Resolution.Daily, dataTimeZone, exchangeTimeZone, false, false, true);

        /// <summary>
        /// This funtion is used to determine at what times to fire the selection function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startTimeUtc">The start of the interval (first date in backtest, launch time in live)</param>
        /// <param name="endTimeUtc">The end of the interval (EOD last date in backtest, <see cref="Time.EndOfTime"/> in live</param>
        /// <param name="marketHoursDatabase">A market hours database instance for resolving market hours</param>
        /// <returns>The date time trigger times in UTC</returns>
        public override IEnumerable<DateTime> GetTriggerTimes(DateTime startTimeUtc, DateTime endTimeUtc, MarketHoursDatabase marketHoursDatabase)
            // convert times to local
            var startTimeLocal = startTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(TimeZones.NewYork);
            var endTimeLocal = endTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(TimeZones.NewYork);

            // get the us-equity market hours
            var exchangeHours = marketHoursDatabase.GetExchangeHours(QuantConnect.Market.USA, null, SecurityType.Equity);

            // loop over each tradeable date in our time frame
            foreach (var tradeableDate in Time.EachTradeableDay(exchangeHours, startTimeLocal, endTimeLocal))
                // get the market open time for this date
                var marketOpen = exchangeHours.GetNextMarketOpen(tradeableDate, false);

                // subtract out how much time before market open we'd like to fire
                yield return marketOpen - _timeBeforeMarketOpen;
using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
using QuantConnect.Indicators;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp

    // Key data types for the data manager
    public struct ENFDateSymbol
        public DateTime Date;
        public string Symbol;
    public struct ENFSignal
        public decimal? SignalStrength;
        public decimal? Probability;

    /// <summary>
    /// First full-fledged attempt at the ENF data backtesting
    /// </summary>
    public static class ENFDataManager
        private static SortedDictionary<ENFDateSymbol, ENFSignal[]> enfSignalData = new SortedDictionary<ENFDateSymbol, ENFSignal[]>(new DateSymbolComparer());
        private static int lineCount = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Load the data from the URL passed to Initialize()
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The number of records</returns>
        /// <param name="url">The Download URL to use to download the IKF CSV data</param>
        public static int LoadData(string url)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) throw new ArgumentNullException("url");

            // Clear any previous data and reset counters

            // Load the raw data into a buffer
            //var buffer = DownloadData();

            // Parse the buffer into our data structure

            //return enfSignalData.Count;
            return 50;

        public static IEnumerable<string> SymbolList(DateTime date)
        	List<string> symbols = new List<string>() { "WINS", "CRBP", "EBR", "CC", "TWNKW", "EVI", "CYBE", "AMD", "AKS", "WLDN",
        												"CWEI", "PQ", "GGB", "EXEL", "MTL", "FNSR", "WB", "NVDA", "X", "HZN",
        												"SXCP", "ARCW", "WLB", "IDN", "HL", "NAV", "ORN", "HIQ", "OCLR", "QUAD",
        												"AMBR", "CDZI", "NAK", "BOOM", "LEU", "YRD", "IESC", "HDSN", "NC", "SKY",
        												"DLTH", "GV", "VEDL", "KEM", "RMR", "TWI", "MIME", "CARB", "SRT", "CASH"
        	Random rnd = new Random((int) DateTime.Now.Ticks & 0x0000FFFF);
        	symbols = symbols.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()).Take(20).ToList();
            return symbols;

        private static void Initialize(string url)
            DownloadUrl = url;
            lineCount = 0;

        public static DateTime FirstDate()
            if (enfSignalData.Count < 1) throw new ApplicationException("No Data Loaded");

            // Data should be sorted, so get the Date from the first record
            DateTime firstDate = enfSignalData.First().Key.Date;

            return firstDate;

        public static DateTime LastDate()
            if (enfSignalData.Count < 1) throw new ApplicationException("No Data Loaded");

            // Data should be sorted, so get the Date from the last record
            DateTime lastDate = enfSignalData.Last().Key.Date;
            return lastDate;

        private static string DownloadData()
            string buffer = string.Empty;

            using (var client = new WebClient())
                buffer = client.DownloadString(DownloadUrl);

            return buffer;

        private static void ParseData(string buffer)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buffer)) throw new ArgumentException("buffer");

            string[] lines = buffer.Split(new[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (lines.Count() < 1) throw new ApplicationException("No downloaded ENF data to parse.");

            foreach (var line in lines)

        private static void ParseLine(string line)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) throw new ArgumentException("line");

            string[] fields = line.Split(',');
            if (fields.Count() != 14) throw new ApplicationException("Downloaded data (field count) line " + lineCount + " is invalid");

            bool result;
            DateTime date;
            result = DateTime.TryParse(fields[0], out date);
            if (!result) throw new ApplicationException("Downloaded data (field 0) line " + lineCount + " is invalid");

            string symbol = fields[1];

            int offset = 1;
            for (int period = 1; period <= 6; period++)
                string value1 = fields[period + offset];
                string value2 = fields[period + offset + 1];
                if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(value1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value2)))
                    decimal signalStrength;
                    result = decimal.TryParse(fields[period + offset], out signalStrength);
                    if (!result) throw new ApplicationException("Downloaded data (field " + (period + offset) + ") line " + lineCount + " is invalid");

                    decimal probability;
                    result = decimal.TryParse(fields[period + offset + 1], out probability);
                    if (!result) throw new ApplicationException("Downloaded data (field " + (period + offset + 1) + ") line " + lineCount + " is invalid");

                    AddData(date, symbol, period, signalStrength, probability);
                offset += 1;

        private static void AddData(DateTime dt, string symbol, int period, decimal signalStrength, decimal probability)
            ENFDateSymbol ds = new ENFDateSymbol() { Date = dt, Symbol = symbol };
            ENFSignal[] signals = null;

            bool found = enfSignalData.TryGetValue(ds, out signals);
            if (!found)
                signals = new ENFSignal[6];
                signals[period - 1] = new ENFSignal() { SignalStrength = signalStrength, Probability = probability };
                enfSignalData.Add(ds, signals);
                signals[period - 1] = new ENFSignal() { SignalStrength = signalStrength, Probability = probability };

        public static string DownloadUrl { get; private set; }

    public class DateSymbolComparer : IComparer<ENFDateSymbol>
        public int Compare(ENFDateSymbol x, ENFDateSymbol y)
            return ConcatValues(x).CompareTo(ConcatValues(y));
        public string ConcatValues(ENFDateSymbol z)
            return z.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + z.Symbol;