Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect.Research import QuantBook
import statistics
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import time as tm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.api as sm
import copy
from scipy.stats import zscore

import funcs

class TachyonMultidimensionalChamber(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 10, 19)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2021, 10, 19) # Set End Date
        self.symbol = "" #set this to "" and it will do all symbols
        self.SetCash(400000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin)
        self.UniverseSettings.Leverage = 4
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Second #can comment/change this out

        for s in self.Securities:
        ###variables to keep track of
        self.sd = {} #all symbol data
    def initVars(self):
        self.pastNoPre = {}

        self.moves = {} #this has both PM and RH moves
        self.ranges = {}
        self.curr_ranges = {} #ranges for a certain day, for updateRangesMultiple()
        self.pastSixty = {}
        self.models = {}
        self.pmHigh = {}
        self.pmVol = {}
        self.pmNonZeroVol = {}
        self.everBelowOneDollar = set()
        self.PM_atSelection = {}
        self.prevVWMA = {}
        self.prevVWAP = {}
        self.end = tm.time()
        self.start = tm.time()
        self.dailyLevels = {}
        self.hod = {}
        self.lod = {}
        self.hod_level = {} #hod and lod for calculating daily range
        self.lod_level = {}
        self.open = {}

        self.minutes = {} #n minutes of data for each symbol

        self.everPosition = {}

        self.buffer = 0 #only enter trades after N buffer after open (prob just 1 minute)

        #error reports
        self.max_arg_empty_seq = set()
        self.calc_EMA_error = set()
        self.VWMA_vol_zero = set()
        self.EMAwPMerror = set()
        self.EMAerrorLong = set()
        self.EMAerrorShort = set()
        self.EODmodelErr = set()
        self.avgdevoob = set()
        self.notInPMHigh = set()

        #prevPrices, for EMA calc -- if they are the same, don't need to recalculate EMA
        self.prevPrices = {}
        self.prevPrices["ab"] = {}
        self.prevPrices["ab_wPM"] = {}
        self.prevPrices["bc"] = {}
        self.prevPrices["cd"] = {}
        self.prevPrices["postbreak"] = {}
        self.prevPrices["ab_inpos"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["ab"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["ab_wPM"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["bc"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["cd"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["postbreak"] = {}
        self.prevStartPeriod["ab_inpos"] = {}
        #EOD model things
        self.EODmodels = {}
        self.EODmodels_entry = {}
        #times (just regular hours), debugging
        self.times = {}
        self.s_times = {}

        #end day early
        self.stop_trading = 0
        self.stop_entering = 0

        #check these on shorter tf than 1 minute
        self.staging = {}

    def SecurityInitializer(self, security):
    def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, universe):  
        selected = []
        blacklist = set()
        #blacklist = set(["IBM", "WMT", "IST", "MNDL", "FCAU", "TEVIY", "P", "HSGX", "CLNP", "PSTH"])
        #PSTH takes so long for some reason
        for coarse in universe:  
            #if coarse.Volume > 5000000 and coarse.Value > 1 and coarse.HasFundamentalData: 
            if self.symbol != "": 
                if coarse.Symbol.Value == self.symbol:
                    symbol = coarse.Symbol
            elif coarse.Volume > 20000000 and coarse.Value > .90 and coarse.HasFundamentalData:
                if coarse.Symbol.Value not in blacklist:
                    symbol = coarse.Symbol
        return selected #list of objects of type Symbol
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changed):
        for security in changed.AddedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol not in self.sd:
                self.sd[symbol] = SymbolData(self, symbol)
        for security in changed.RemovedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            self.sd.pop(symbol, None)

    ###reset these every day
    def OnEndOfDay(self):
        for s in self.sd:

    # functions #

    #green or doji --> green
    def red_or_green(o, h, l, c):
        if c >= o:
            return "g"
        elif c < o:
            return "r"
    #add to "candle_halves", every half of candle
    def updateCandleHalves(self, s, mins, opened, high, low, close, vol, typeOfCandle, t):
        #new point every 20 seconds
        #change between earlier high or low depending on if candle red or green
        #init new move
        if "candle_halves" not in self.moves[s][t] or typeOfCandle == "low":
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"] = {}
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Price"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time_wall"] = []
            #add first candle, start at low
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 3.0)
            if close >= opened:
                self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 3.0)
                self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time"].append(mins - .667)
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time"].append(mins - .333)

            #always add the close
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 6.0)

        #add new 1/3 candles
            #add 1/6 of volume to old close
            #1/3 to low, 1/3 to high
            #1/6 to current close
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Price"][-1] = (self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Price"][-1] + opened) / 2.0
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"][-1] += vol / 6.0
            if close >= opened:
            elif close < opened:

            #these are always the same 
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 3.0)
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 3.0)
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Volume"].append(vol / 6.0)
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time"].append(mins - .667)
            self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Time"].append(mins - .333)
        return 0

    #get high and low of move, volume
    #and convert candles to 1/4 candles
    def updateMoves(self, s, opened, high, low, close, vol, t):
        #t = time = "PM" or "RH"
        #init for either t
        if s not in self.moves:
            self.moves[s] = {}

        # ignition and consolidation #
        mins = self.timeInMin(str(self.Time).split()[1])
        #new low, reset everything
        if (t in self.moves[s] and low < self.moves[s][t]["low"]) or t not in self.moves[s]:
            #update HOD
            #it's the highest high of all previous moves
            ##so, can only exist if there is a new move
            if t == "RH" and t in self.moves[s]:
                #if s not in self.hod_level or self.moves[s]["RH"]["high"] > self.hod_level[s]:
                if s not in self.hod_level or self.hod[s] > self.hod_level[s]:
                    #self.Debug("update hod_level")
                    #self.hod_level[s] = self.moves[s]["RH"]["high"]
                    self.hod_level[s] = self.hod[s]

            #update move
            self.moves[s][t] = {}
            self.moves[s][t]["low"] = low
            self.moves[s][t]["consol_low"] = "NA"
            #self.moves[s][t]["ign_vol"] = vol
            #self.moves[s][t]["consol_vol"] = 0
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"] = {} #reset all candles
            #half candles
            self.updateCandleHalves(s, mins, opened, high, low, close, vol, "low", t)
            #if first candle is red and is max of move, then high won't exist in candle_halves
            self.moves[s][t]["high"] = max(self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Price"])
            #if self.Time.hour == 9 and 30 < self.Time.minute < 40:
            #    self.Debug(self.Time)
            #    self.Debug(self.moves[s][t]["candle_halves"]["Price"])
        #new high (post new low)
        elif high > self.moves[s][t]["high"]:
            self.moves[s][t]["high"] = high
            #self.moves[s][t]["ign_vol"] += vol + self.moves[s][t]["consol_vol"]
            self.moves[s][t]["consol_low"] = "NA"
            #self.moves[s][t]["consol_vol"] = 0
            #half candles
            self.updateCandleHalves(s, mins, opened, high, low, close, vol, "high", t)
        #consolidation (no new high)
            #self.moves[s][t]["consol_vol"] += vol
            #new low of consolidation
            if self.moves[s][t]["consol_low"] == "NA" or low < self.moves[s][t]["consol_low"]:
                self.moves[s][t]["consol_low"] = low
            self.updateCandleHalves(s, mins, opened, high, low, close, vol, "consol_low", t)

        #always add new candle
        if "o" not in self.moves[s][t]["candles"]:
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["o"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["h"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["l"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["c"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["v"] = []
            self.moves[s][t]["candles"]["dv"] = []
        return 0

    def enter(self, s, close):

        # above VWAP #
        vwap = self.sd[s].vwap.Current.Value
        if not (close > vwap): return  #above VWAP
        #doesn't need to break VWAP, just be above it

        # resolution too low #
        if not (len(self.moves[s]["RH"]["candles"]["o"]) >= 4): return

        # enough volume, or dollar volume #
        if not (statistics.median(self.moves[s]["RH"]["candles"]["v"]) > 10000 or statistics.median(self.moves[s]["RH"]["candles"]["dv"]) > 1000000): return

        # not just cents #
        if not ((self.moves[s]["RH"]["high"] - self.moves[s]["RH"]["low"]) >= .10): return

        # print #
        self.Debug("LONG\t\t" + str(self.Time).split()[1] + "\t" + str(s.Value))


    #time is premarket or not
    #time of format: HH:MM:SS
    def isPM(self, clock):
        hour, minute, sec = clock.split(":")
        if int(hour) < 9:
            return 1
        if int(hour) == 9 and int(minute) < 31:
            return 1
        return 0
    def isAH(self, clock):
        hour, minute, sec = clock.split(":")
        if int(hour) > 16 or (int(hour) == 16 and int(minute) > 0):
            return 1
        return 0
    #time in minutes (since midnight)
    def timeInMin(self, clock):
        hour, minute, sec = clock.split(":")
        return (int(hour)*60) + int(minute)
    # on data #
    def OnData(self, data):
        '''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
                data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data

        #stop trading at whatever time e.g., noon
        #then, after market closes, allow trading again for the next day
        if self.stop_trading != 0:

        if self.Time.hour == 4 and self.Time.minute == 1 and self.Time.second == 1:
            self.Debug("Number of symbols: ")

        #every minute:
        #check if below 1, if so remove
            #only do this in PM (?)
        #reset list of symbols to stage
        if self.Time.second == 1:
            for s in self.everBelowOneDollar:
                if s in self.ranges:
                    del self.ranges[s]
                if s in self.sd:
                    del self.sd[s]

            self.staging = {}

            if (self.Time.hour >= 10) or (self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute > 30):

        #remove stocks without premarket action
        if self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute == 11 and self.Time.second == 1:
            self.Debug("stocks before pm removal: " + str(len(self.sd)))
            toremove = set()
            for s in self.sd:
                if s in self.pmVol and s in self.pmNonZeroVol:
                    if self.pmVol[s] < 5000 or self.pmNonZeroVol[s] < 25: #dollar volume > $100000?
                elif s not in self.pmHigh:
            for s in toremove:
                if s in self.sd:
                    del self.sd[s]
            self.Debug("stocks after pm removal: " +  str(len(self.sd)))
            for s in self.sd:
                if s in self.pmVol and s in self.pmNonZeroVol:

                    self.PM_atSelection[s] = {}
                    self.PM_atSelection[s]["pmvol"] = self.pmVol[s]
                    self.PM_atSelection[s]["pm_nonzero"] = self.pmNonZeroVol[s]

        for s in self.sd:   
            start = tm.time()
            if data.ContainsKey(s) and data.Bars.ContainsKey(s) and self.Time.hour < 16:
                second = data.Bars
                if s not in self.pastSixty:
                    self.pastSixty[s] = {}
                    self.pastSixty[s]["o"] = second[s].Open
                    self.pastSixty[s]["h"] = second[s].High
                    self.pastSixty[s]["l"] = second[s].Low
                    self.pastSixty[s]["v"] = second[s].Volume
                    if second[s].Open > self.pastSixty[s]["h"]:
                        self.pastSixty[s]["h"] = second[s].High
                    if second[s].Low < self.pastSixty[s]["l"]:
                        self.pastSixty[s]["l"] = second[s].Low
                    self.pastSixty[s]["v"] += second[s].Volume
                if self.Time.second == 1: #should this be 1 actually? 
                    #add 1 more minute for this symbol
                    if s not in self.minutes:
                        self.minutes[s] = 1
                        self.minutes[s] += 1
                    #if s in self.positions:
                    #    self.Debug(self.Portfolio[s].Quantity)
                    # store ohlcv for past self.keepPast candles, with premarket #
                    ###consolidate past 60 seconds
                    opened = self.pastSixty[s]["o"]
                    high = self.pastSixty[s]["h"]
                    low = self.pastSixty[s]["l"]
                    close = second[s].Close
                    vol = self.pastSixty[s]["v"]
                    currRange = self.pastSixty[s]["h"] - self.pastSixty[s]["l"]
                    #re-init with current second
                    self.pastSixty[s]["o"] = second[s].Open
                    self.pastSixty[s]["h"] = second[s].High
                    self.pastSixty[s]["l"] = second[s].Low
                    self.pastSixty[s]["v"] = second[s].Volume

                    #save pmHigh
                    #put this in a function
                    if not self.IsMarketOpen(s):
                        if s not in self.pmHigh:
                            self.pmHigh[s] =  high
                            self.pmVol[s] = vol
                            self.pmNonZeroVol[s] = 0
                        if high > self.pmHigh[s]:
                            self.pmHigh[s] =  high
                        self.pmVol[s] += vol
                        if vol != 0:
                            self.pmNonZeroVol[s] += 1
                        if low < 1:
                    #update moves
                    self.updateMoves(s, opened, high, low, close, vol, "PM")

                    #market is open now
                    if self.IsMarketOpen(s) and self.buffer == 1 and self.stop_entering == 0:
                        #if self.Time.hour < 10 and self.Time.minute < 40:
                        #    self.Debug(self.Time)
                        #9:31:00 is first
                        if s not in self.open:
                            self.open[s] = opened
                        # save ohlcv of intraday candles (save range separately) #
                        if s not in self.pastNoPre:
                            self.pastNoPre[s] = {}
                            self.pastNoPre[s]["o"] = []
                            self.pastNoPre[s]["h"] = []
                            self.pastNoPre[s]["l"] = []
                            self.pastNoPre[s]["c"] = []
                            self.pastNoPre[s]["v"] = []
                        #if s in self.hod_level:
                        #    self.Debug(self.Time)
                        #    self.Debug(self.hod_level[s])

                        # price, volume, time of moves #
                        # ranges                       #
                        # levels                       #
                        # EMAs (trend)                 #
                        #if self.Time.hour == 9 and 29 < self.Time.minute < 40:
                        #    self.Debug(self.Time)
                        #    self.Debug(low)
                        self.updateMoves(s, opened, high, low, close, vol, "RH")
                        # HOD and LOD, for range calc #
                        # these are not necessarily levels
                        # literally just HOD and LOD
                        if s not in self.hod or (s in self.hod and high > self.hod[s]):
                            self.hod[s] = high

                        if s not in self.lod or (s in self.lod and low < self.lod[s]):
                            self.lod[s] = low
                        # entry #
                        self.enter(s, close)
                        #if self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute == 0:
                        #    funcs.minuteHistory(self, s)
                        # previous values #
                        self.prevVWAP[s] = self.sd[s].vwap.Current.Value
                    # debugging                  #
                    # print things out for test  #
                    #if self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute == 0:
                    #    self.printCandleHalves(s)
                    #if self.Time.hour == 11 and self.Time.minute == 19:
                    #    if s in self.positions:
                    #        self.printCandleHalvesCurr(s)
            #count total time for each ticker
            end = tm.time()
            if s not in self.times:
                self.times[s] = 0
            self.times[s] += (end - start)              

        if ((self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute >= 0) or self.Time.hour >= 11) and self.stop_entering != 1:
        #if self.Time.hour >= 12 and self.stop_entering != 1:
            self.stop_entering = 1
        if ((self.Time.hour == 10 and self.Time.minute >= 0) or self.Time.hour >= 11) and self.stop_trading == 0:
        #if self.Time.hour >= 12 and self.stop_trading == 0 and not self.positions:
            self.Debug("Stopping, 10:00 stop")

            self.Debug("max() arg is empty sequence:")
            for s in self.max_arg_empty_seq:
            self.Debug("Volume in VWMA is 0:")
            for s in self.VWMA_vol_zero:
            self.Debug("calc EMA error:")
            for s in self.calc_EMA_error:
            self.Debug("calc EMA wPM error:")  
            for s in self.EMAwPMerror:
            self.Debug("calc EMA long error:")
            for s in self.EMAerrorLong:

            self.Debug("EOD model:")
            for s in self.EODmodelErr:

            self.Debug("avg dev ign ind oob:")
            for s in self.avgdevoob:

            profit_s = {}
            for s in self.everPosition:
                profit_s[self.Portfolio[s].NetProfit] = s
            for profit in sorted(profit_s):
                self.Debug("net profit " + profit_s[profit].Value + ": " + str(profit))

            #end the day
            self.stop_trading = 1

        #close all at 3:55 if any positions are open
        #should change this to time to market close
            #use BeforeMarketClose()
        if self.Time.hour >= 15 and self.Time.minute >= 55: 
            self.Debug("Stopping, 3:55 stop")

        #first minute has passed
        if self.sd and self.IsMarketOpen(s) and self.buffer == 0 and self.Time.minute == 31:
        #if self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute == 31 and self.buffer == 0:
            self.buffer = 1

class SymbolData:
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
        self.vwap = algorithm.VWAP(symbol, 2000, Resolution.Minute) #60*24 = 1440 minutes in a day
        prehist = algorithm.History(symbol, 10, Resolution.Minute)
        if not prehist.empty:
            hist = prehist.loc[symbol]
            if 'volume' not in prehist.columns:
                algorithm.Log(f"No volume: {symbol}")
            for idx, bar in hist.iterrows():
                tradeBar = TradeBar(idx, symbol, bar.open, bar.high, bar.low, bar.close, bar.volume, timedelta(minutes=1))
import statistics
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from scipy.stats import norm
import time as tm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import talib
import pandas

def green_red_prop_any(self, opened, high, low, close):
    green = 0
    red = 0
    if opened == close:
        return .50

    elif close > opened:
        green += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - close) + abs(low - opened)
        red += abs(high - close) + abs(low - opened)
    elif close < opened: 
        red += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
        red += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
    if (green + red) != 0:
        return green / (green + red)
        return "NA"

#for the candle that is high of ign, exclude/include wicks depending on if red or green candle
def red_volume_high_of_ign(self, opened, high, low, close, volume):
    green = 0
    red = 0
    if opened == close:
        return .50*volume

    elif close > opened:
        green += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - close) 
        red += abs(high - close) + abs(low - opened)
        #red volume
        return (abs(close - high) / (green + red))*volume
    elif close < opened: 
        red += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
        red += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
        #red volume
        return ( (green + red - abs(high - opened)) / (green + red))*volume
        return "NA"

#for the candle that is high of ign, exclude/include wicks depending on if red or green candle
def green_volume_low_of_ign(self, opened, high, low, close, volume):
    green = 0
    red = 0
    if opened == close:
        return .50*volume

    elif close > opened:
        green += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - close) 
        red += abs(high - close) + abs(low - opened)
        #green volume
        return ( (green + red - abs(high - opened)) / (green + red))*volume
    elif close < opened: 
        red += abs(close - opened)
        green += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
        red += abs(high - opened) + abs(low - close)
        #green volume
        return (abs(close - low) / (green + red))*volume
        return "NA"

def angles(self, s, close):
    ab = (self.moves[s]["high"] - self.moves[s]["low"]) / self.moves[s]["ign_time"]
    bd = (self.moves[s]["high"] - close) / (self.moves[s]["ign_time"] + self.moves[s]["consol_time"])
    if abs(ab) > abs(bd):
            return 1
    return 0

def get_currhigh_ind(s, prices):
    ind = "NA"
    max_price = max(prices)
    for i in range(0, len(prices)):
        if prices[i] < max_price:
            return i

def calc_z(self, x, mu, sd):
    return (x - mu) / sd
def x_from_z(self, z, mu, sd):
    return (z*sd) + mu

#index of consol low
def get_consol_low_ind(self, prices, high, curr_consol_low):
    consol_low_ind = "NA"
    hit_high = 0
    for i in range(0, len(prices)):
        if prices[i] == high:
            hit_high = 1
        if hit_high == 1 and prices[i] == curr_consol_low:
            consol_low_ind = i
    return consol_low_ind

#index of ignition high    
def ign_high_ind(self, prices, high):
    for i in range(0, len(prices)):
        if prices[i] == high:
            return i

#Returns a value rounded down to a specific number of decimal places.
def round_decimals_down(self, number:float, decimals:int=2):
    if not isinstance(decimals, int):
        raise TypeError("decimal places must be an integer")
    elif decimals < 0:
        raise ValueError("decimal places has to be 0 or more")
    elif decimals == 0:
        return math.floor(number)

    factor = 10 ** decimals
    return math.floor(number * factor) / factor

#running simple moving average
def calcSMA(self, vals):
    count = 1.0
    running_sum = 0.0
    SMAs = []
    for v in vals:
        running_sum += v
        SMAs.append(running_sum / count)
        count += 1
    return SMAs

#thinkorswim also includes 4 lookback periods
#the earliest are first
def calcEMA(self, s, closes, period):
    currEMA = 0
    EMAs = []
    alpha = 2.0 / (float(period)+1.0)
    for i in range(0, len(closes)):
        if i == 0:
            currEMA = closes[0]
                currEMA = alpha*closes[i] + (1.0-alpha)*currEMA
                return 0, 0
    return currEMA, EMAs
#print out table of ranges
def print_ranges(self, s):    
    self.Debug("Period\tClose_minus_open\tVolume\tMins_since_first") #start is Mins_since_first - Period
    for date in self.ranges[s]:
        for period in sorted(self.ranges[s][date]):
            for i in range (0, len(self.ranges[s][date][period]["high"])):
                #self.Debug(str(period) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][period]["open"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][period]["high"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][period]["low"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][period]["close"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][period]["vol"][i]) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][period]["time"][i]))
                #self.Debug(str(period) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["open"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["high"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["low"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["close"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][date][period]["vol"][i]) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["dist"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][date][period]["minute"][i]) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][date][period]["time"][i]) + "\t" + date)
                self.Debug(str(period) + "\t" + str(round(self.ranges[s][date][period]["close"][i] - self.ranges[s][date][period]["open"][i], 2)) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][date][period]["vol"][i]) + "\t" + str(self.ranges[s][date][period]["minute"][i]))

#low of consolidation to current price, postbreak
#so, use movesCurr
def calc_consolEMA(self, s):
    #get consol low to current price
    consol_low_prices = []
    hit_high = 0
    consol_low = 2000000000
    for p in self.moves[s]["RH"]["candle_halves"]["Price"]:
        #consolidating, get the low
        if hit_high == 1:
            #if new low, reset
            if p < consol_low:
                consol_low = p
                consol_low_prices = []
        #past high of the move
        elif p == self.moves[s]["RH"]["high"]:
            hit_high = 1
    if len(consol_low_prices) == 0:
        return "NAN"
    #midpoint, and low of consolidation to high of consolidation post-low
    midpoint_consol = ((max(consol_low_prices) + min(consol_low_prices)) / 2.0)
    consol_low_to_high = []
    for p in consol_low_prices:
        if p == max(consol_low_prices):

    #only need to recalc if it's going to be different
    start_consol = "N"
    EMA_period_consol = "A"
    if s not in self.prevStartPeriod["cd"] or consol_low_to_high != self.prevPrices["cd"][s]:
        start_consol, EMA_period_consol = EMA_midpoint(self, s, consol_low_to_high, midpoint_consol)
        self.prevStartPeriod["cd"][s] = str(start_consol) + " " + str(EMA_period_consol)
        self.prevPrices["cd"][s] = consol_low_to_high
        start_consol, EMA_period_consol = self.prevStartPeriod["cd"][s].split()

    if not (start_consol != "N" and EMA_period_consol != "A"):
        self.Debug("is NA")
    adj_closes_EMA_consol = []
        adj_closes_EMA_consol = consol_low_prices[int(start_consol):] 
        self.Debug("adj_closes_EMA_consol error")
    adj_closes_EMA_consol[0] = consol_low_prices[0]
    currEMA_consol, EMAs_consol = self.calcEMA(s, adj_closes_EMA_consol, EMA_period_consol)
    return currEMA_consol, EMAs_consol, start_consol