Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
#region imports
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Drawing;
    using QuantConnect;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Selection;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk;
    using QuantConnect.Parameters;
    using QuantConnect.Benchmarks;
    using QuantConnect.Brokerages;
    using QuantConnect.Util;
    using QuantConnect.Interfaces;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm;
    using QuantConnect.Indicators;
    using QuantConnect.Data;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Consolidators;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Custom;
    using QuantConnect.DataSource;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Fundamental;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
    using QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection;
    using QuantConnect.Notifications;
    using QuantConnect.Orders;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Fees;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Fills;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Slippage;
    using QuantConnect.Scheduling;
    using QuantConnect.Securities;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Equity;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Future;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Option;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Forex;
	using QuantConnect.Securities.Crypto;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Interfaces;
    using QuantConnect.Storage;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Custom.AlphaStreams;
    using QCAlgorithmFramework = QuantConnect.Algorithm.QCAlgorithm;
    using QCAlgorithmFrameworkBridge = QuantConnect.Algorithm.QCAlgorithm;

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
    public class VentralTransdimensionalChamber : QCAlgorithm
    	//	Trading bot that trades with the highest and lowest exchange rate of the last 24 hours.
    	//	Buying determined bacause the factor, MACD and the current price.
    	private Dictionary<Symbol, SymbolData> _dataBySymbol;


        private decimal _targetPercent = .008m;
        //private decimal _targetPercent = .01m;							//Sell when 1% profit
        private decimal _stopPercent = .10m;    						//Sell when loss is 10%

        //private decimal _trailPercent = .05m;

        decimal _minPosition = .05m;                					// min BTC needed to invest.
        public decimal _btc;
        public string valuta = "BTC";
        public decimal _holding; 
		private decimal usdAmount = 150.0m;								//size in USD we want to invest.
		private Symbol btcusd;
        private int _btcStijging = 1;
    	Resolution res = Resolution.Minute;

        public int RollingWindow = 5;

        RollingWindow<IndicatorDataPoint> _macdWin;
        MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence _macd;
        MomentumPercent _momentumPercent;
		private decimal pipProfit;
        decimal macd_change;

		public decimal _Volume;

		//RSI Variabelen
		RelativeStrengthIndex _rsi;

        public override void Initialize()
            SetStartDate(2017, 1, 1); 
            SetEndDate(2019, 3, 1);
            SetCash("BTC", 1);
            SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Bitfinex, AccountType.Cash);
	        btcusd = AddCrypto("BTCUSD", Resolution.Minute).Symbol;

            int MomentumPercentPeriod = 1440;	//1dag  = 1440, 2dagen = 2880, 3dagen = 4320, 4dagen = 5760, 5dagen = 7200, 6dagen = 8640, 7dagen = 10080, 8dagen = 11520, 9dagen = 12960, 10dagen = 14400
            _momentumPercent = MOMP("BTCUSD", MomentumPercentPeriod, Resolution.Minute);
            SetWarmUp(MomentumPercentPeriod, Resolution.Minute);

    		_dataBySymbol = new Dictionary<Symbol, SymbolData>();
            foreach (var ticker in new [] {"ETHBTC", "LTCBTC"})        

			"RENBTC", "DIABTC", "SUPERBTC", "BAKEBTC", "THETABTC" */                                                                 
            	var crypto = AddCrypto(ticker, res);								
            	_dataBySymbol.Add(crypto.Symbol, new SymbolData(this, crypto));		

            SetWarmUp(3 * SymbolData.MinutesOfTrading, res);
            //SetWarmUp(SymbolData.MinutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute);

		private decimal NormalizeQuantity(Symbol symbol, decimal quantity)
			var pip = Securities[symbol].SymbolProperties.MinimumPriceVariation;
			return Math.Round(quantity/pip) * pip;

        // ON DATA BLOCK (waar bestanden/data binnenkomt in het programma)
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
        	if (IsWarmingUp) return;
        	if (!_momentumPercent.IsReady) return;

        	foreach (var kvp in _dataBySymbol)
        		var symbolData = kvp.Value;
        		if (!symbolData.IsReady)

        		var symbol = kvp.Key;
        		if (!data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol))
        		if (!data.ContainsKey(symbol) | !data.ContainsKey("BTCUSD")) // !data.ContainsKey(symbol)


        		//Calculate usdAmount to BtcAmount
        		var btcAmount = usdAmount / data[btcusd].Close;

        		Plot("150 USD in BTC", "Value", btcAmount);
        		var price = data[symbol].Price;
        		var invested = Portfolio[symbol].Invested;
            	_btc = Portfolio.CashBook[valuta].Amount;
        		//_volume = data.Bars[symbol].Volume;

				//Plot("RSI", "RSI ", _rsi);

				//Log Message  for checking if we getting Data!
				if (LiveMode)
					var msg = $"\n{symbol} :: IsInvested? {invested} | Factor: {symbolData.Factor} | ";
					msg += $"LowestAvg: {symbolData.LowestAverage} | Price: {price} | MACD Change: {symbolData.MacdChange} | BTC 24h change %: {_momentumPercent} | Portfolio Amount: {_btc}\n";

        		if (!invested && symbolData.Factor >= 3 && symbolData.LowestAverage >= price && _momentumPercent > _btcStijging) // && _momentumPercent >= _btcStijging  && _btc > _minPosition
        			if (symbolData.MacdChange >= 0 && symbolData.MacdChange < 2 && symbolData._rsi <= 30)//&& symbolData.MacdChange < 2  
        				//Determine order size.       				
      					var quantity = NormalizeQuantity(symbol, btcAmount / data[symbol].Close);
						//var msg = $"\n\n AANKOOP ter waarde van {btcAmount} BTC | {symbol} Hoeveelheid: {quantity} voor een bedrag van {usdAmount} euro | Aankoopprijs {symbol} van {data[symbol].Price}BTC\n\n";
						if (quantity == 0) continue;	

						//Placing Order
						MarketOrder(symbol, quantity);
        				Plot("Trades", "AANKOOP", price);


        				Debug($"\n\n ********** AANKOOP: {symbol} aankoopprijs {data[symbol].Price} ter waarde van {usdAmount}euro **********\n\n");   // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug
						//Sending message to telegram group
            			Notify.Telegram("-100155824763**", $"Aankoopmogelijkheid {symbol} met aankoopprijs: {data[symbol].Price}", "**087994843:AAGz-tc6Jc5rXuHtNSQcWAJVZygTlZSpUdE");
						//Sending message to mail
            			Notify.Email("tradingbot*******@gmail.com", "TradeAlert",$"Gekocht {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}");

						//Log message
            			Log($"prijs {price} en Max 24uur {symbolData.MaxExchange} en MIN 24uur {symbolData.MinExchange}");

						//Determine Which selling price.
						symbolData.TargetPrice = price * (1 + _targetPercent);   //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN PROFIT.
						symbolData.StopPrice = price * (1 - _stopPercent);       //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN LOSS.
            			//symbolData.StopPrice = Math.Max(symbolData.StopPrice, price - (price * _trailPercent));

        		//SELLING PART!!
				if (invested)
					//Selling with GAIN
                	if (price >= symbolData.TargetPrice)
                		Debug($"\n\n********** VERKOOP WINST: {symbol} {data[symbol].Price} **********\n\n ");   // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug

                		Plot("BTC", "Holdings", Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].Amount);
                		Plot("Trades", "VERKOOP WINST \n", price);
                		var tag = $"+1% WINST VERKOCHT {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}";
						//Sell Order
                		Liquidate(symbol, tag);  

						//log message  
						//Sending message to telegram group					
						Notify.Telegram("-100155824763**", $"VERKOOP WINST {symbol} met verkoopprijs: {data[symbol].Price}", "**087994843:AAGz-tc6Jc5rXuHtNSQcWAJVZygTlZSpUdE");
						//Sending message to mail
						Notify.Email("tradingbot*******@gmail.com", "TradeAlert", tag);

						//Selling with Loss
                	if (price < symbolData.StopPrice)
                		Debug($"\n\n********** VERKOOP VERLIES: {symbol} {data[symbol].Price} van een bedrag van {usdAmount}euro ********** \n\n");   // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug

                		Plot("BTC", "Holdings", Portfolio.CashBook["BTC"].Amount);
                		Plot("Trades", "VERKOOP VERLIES \n", price);
                		var tag = $"-10% VERLIES VERKOCHT {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}";
						//Sell order
                		Liquidate(symbol, tag);

						//Log message
						//Sending message to mail
						Notify.Telegram("-100155824763***", $"VERKOOP VERLIES {symbol} met verkoopprijs: {data[symbol].Price}", "***087994843:AAGz-tc6Jc5rXuHtNSQcWAJVZygTlZSpUdE");
						//Sending message to mail
						Notify.Email("tradingbot*****@gmail.com", "TradeAlert", tag);

    public class SymbolData
    	private Cash _cash;
		public static int MinutesOfTrading = 1140;
		int MomentumPercentPeriod = 1440;		

		public decimal StopPrice;
		public decimal TargetPrice;

        public int fast = 12;		
        public int slow = 26;		
        public int sig = 9;			
		public Minimum _minCustom;
		public Maximum _maxCustom;

		public decimal Holding => _cash.Amount;
		public Maximum MaxExchange { get; private set; }
		public Minimum MinExchange { get; private set; }
		public MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence _macd {get; private set;}
		public RollingWindow<IndicatorDataPoint> _macdWin {get; private set;}
		public RelativeStrengthIndex _rsi {get; private set;}
		public bool IsReady => MaxExchange.IsReady && MinExchange.IsReady && _macdWin.IsReady && _macd.IsReady; //&& _rsi.IsReady;
		public decimal MacdChange =>(_macdWin[0] - _macdWin[_macdWin.Count - 1]);

		public decimal Factor => (((MaxExchange - MinExchange)/2)/MaxExchange)*100;

		decimal percentage = 2.1m;
		public decimal LowestAverage => ((MaxExchange + MinExchange)/2 + MinExchange)/percentage;

	   	public SymbolData(QCAlgorithm algorithm, Crypto crypto)
    		Resolution resM = Resolution.Minute;
			//Resolution resH = Resolution.Hour;
    		_cash = algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[crypto.BaseCurrencySymbol];
            MaxExchange = algorithm.MAX(crypto.Symbol, MinutesOfTrading, resM);
            MinExchange = algorithm.MIN(crypto.Symbol, MinutesOfTrading, resM);
            _macd = algorithm.MACD(crypto.Symbol, fast, slow, sig, MovingAverageType.Exponential,resM);
			_macdWin = new RollingWindow<IndicatorDataPoint>(5);
    		_macd.Signal.Updated +=(sender, updated) => _macdWin.Add(updated);
    		_rsi = algorithm.RSI(crypto.Symbol, 4, MovingAverageType.Simple, resM);

#region imports
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Drawing;
    using QuantConnect;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Selection;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Risk;
    using QuantConnect.Parameters;
    using QuantConnect.Benchmarks;
    using QuantConnect.Brokerages;
    using QuantConnect.Util;
    using QuantConnect.Interfaces;
    using QuantConnect.Algorithm;
    using QuantConnect.Indicators;
    using QuantConnect.Data;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Consolidators;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Custom;
    using QuantConnect.DataSource;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Fundamental;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Market;
    using QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection;
    using QuantConnect.Notifications;
    using QuantConnect.Orders;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Fees;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Fills;
    using QuantConnect.Orders.Slippage;
    using QuantConnect.Scheduling;
    using QuantConnect.Securities;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Equity;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Future;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Option;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Forex;
    using QuantConnect.Securities.Interfaces;
    using QuantConnect.Storage;
    using QuantConnect.Data.Custom.AlphaStreams;
    using QCAlgorithmFramework = QuantConnect.Algorithm.QCAlgorithm;
    using QCAlgorithmFrameworkBridge = QuantConnect.Algorithm.QCAlgorithm;
namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
using QuantConnect.Securities.Crypto;
namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
    public class VentralTransdimensionalChamber : QCAlgorithm
    	//	Trading bot that trades with the highest and lowest exchange rate of the last 24 hours.
    	//	Buying determined bacause the factor and the current price.
    	private Dictionary<Symbol, SymbolData> _dataBySymbol;
        private string _ticker = "ETHEUR";       //virtueel paar - tracks the current USD value of 1 ether.
        private int _startingCash = 2000;
        private decimal _weight = 1m;          ///Percentage van portfolio dat je wilt investeren // % of portfolio for every trade.
        private decimal _targetPercent = .01m;   //1% winst dan verkopen // Sell when 1% profit
        private decimal _stopPercent = .10m;     //verkopen bij de 10% verlies / Sell when loss is 10%
        int _maxPosition = 900;                  // Max USD invested
        int _minPosition = 750;                  // min USD needed to invest.

        public override void Initialize()
            SetStartDate(2017, 1, 3); 
            SetEndDate(2018, 1, 1);
            SetCash("EUR", _startingCash);
            SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.GDAX, AccountType.Cash);
    		_dataBySymbol = new Dictionary<Symbol, SymbolData>();
            foreach (var ticker in new [] { "ETHEUR" })
            	var crypto = AddCrypto(ticker, Resolution.Minute);
            	_dataBySymbol.Add(crypto.Symbol, new SymbolData(this, crypto));
            SetWarmUp(SymbolData.MinutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute);

        // ON DATA BLOCK (waar bestanden/data binnenkomt in het programma)
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
        	if (IsWarmingUp) return;
        	foreach (var kvp in _dataBySymbol)
        		var symbolData = kvp.Value;
        		if (!symbolData.IsReady)

        		var symbol = kvp.Key;
        		if (!data.Bars.ContainsKey(symbol))

        		var price = data[symbol].Price;
        		var invested = Portfolio[symbol].Invested;

        		if (!invested &&
        		    symbolData.Factor >= 3)// &&
        		    //symbolData.LowestAverage > price)
        			var qnty = CalculateOrderQuantity(symbol, _weight);
        			SetHoldings(symbol, _weight);          // om een order te maken ==>percentage van portfolio dat je wilt investeren
					Debug($"Purchased Stock: {symbol}");   // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug
                    //Log($"prijs {price} en Max 24uur {symbolData.MaxExchange} en MIN 24uur symbolData.MinExchange}");

					symbolData.TargetPrice = price * (1 + _targetPercent);   //Bepalen welke verkoopprijs bij winst (huidige prijs + 1%) // determine wich selling price at profit
					symbolData.StopPrice = price * (1 - _stopPercent);       //bepalen welke verkoopprijs bij verlies (huidige - 2%)     // determine wich selling price at loss.

                if (invested)
                	if (price >= symbolData.TargetPrice)
                    	Sell(symbol, symbolData.Holding);
                    	//Log($"prijs {price}");

                	if (price < symbolData.StopPrice)
                    	Sell(symbol, symbolData.Holding);
                    	//Log($"prijs {price}");

    public class SymbolData
    	private Cash _cash;
		public static int MinutesOfTrading = 1140;

		public decimal StopPrice;
		public decimal TargetPrice;

		//Het aantal Ether we in onze portfolio hebben zitten.
		public decimal Holding => _cash.Amount;
		public Maximum MaxExchange { get; private set; }
		public Minimum MinExchange { get; private set; }

		public bool IsReady => MaxExchange.IsReady && MinExchange.IsReady;

		public decimal Factor => (((MaxExchange - MinExchange)/2)/MaxExchange)*100;

		public decimal LowestAverage => ((MaxExchange + MinExchange)/2 + MinExchange)/2;

	   	public SymbolData(QCAlgorithm algorithm, Crypto crypto)
    		_cash = algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook[crypto.BaseCurrencySymbol];
            MaxExchange = algorithm.MAX(crypto.Symbol, MinutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute);
            MinExchange = algorithm.MIN(crypto.Symbol, MinutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute);