Overall Statistics |
Total Orders 498 Average Win 0.41% Average Loss -0.22% Compounding Annual Return -0.323% Drawdown 2.500% Expectancy 0.182 Start Equity 100000 End Equity 99033 Net Profit -0.967% Sharpe Ratio -0.81 Sortino Ratio -0.475 Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio 0.666% Loss Rate 59% Win Rate 41% Profit-Loss Ratio 1.86 Alpha -0.016 Beta 0.044 Annual Standard Deviation 0.012 Annual Variance 0 Information Ratio -1.52 Tracking Error 0.095 Treynor Ratio -0.217 Total Fees $282.00 Estimated Strategy Capacity $16000.00 Lowest Capacity Asset SPXW 2ZV9BLSEJP7DA|SPX 31 Portfolio Turnover 0.09% |
#region imports from AlgorithmImports import * #endregion """ To support MANY symbols -- we would replace much of main with this. we would create these symbols on equity/index and option add. the UNIVERSE (set filter) stays in main. self.strategies[underlying] = Consolidator( ... ) in on_data -- we loop through the self.strategies ... call on_data, and pass it the slice. We REMOVE all regions, except order_handling, from main. EXAMPLE: # <Class variables> underlying_universe = ['SPY','QQQ','IWM'] # <Initialize> self.strategies = {} for underlying in underlying_universe: # (special case for SPX -- or indexes probably -- diff list?) if underlying in ['SPX','VIX']: underlying_symbol = self.add_index(underlying).symbol option = self.add_index_option(underlying_symbol, f'{underlying}W') else: underlying_symbol = self.add_equity(underlying).symbol option = self.add_option(underlying) option.SetFilter(lambda x: x.IncludeWeeklys().Strikes(0, 100).Expiration(timedelta(days=0), timedelta(days=1))) self.strategies[underlying_symbol] = Consolidator(underlying_symbol, option.symbol, self) # <OnData> for underlying_symbol, strat in self.strategies.items(): strat.on_data(slice) """ class Consolidator: def __init__(self, underlying_symbol, option_symbol, algo): # universe created in init self.a = algo idx = underlying_symbol self.underlying_symbol = underlying_symbol self._symbol = option_symbol self._contracts = 1 # Note -- we could simply pull this down via a history call (each day) -- but this is more efficient. self.cons = self.a.consolidate(idx, timedelta(minutes=15), self.on_15m) self.atr = AverageTrueRange(self.a.length, MovingAverageType.Simple) self.register_indicator(idx, self.atr, self.cons) self.warmup_data(idx) self.open_prices = {} self.long_ct = None self.short_ct = None # region Data Handling def warmup_data(self, idx): """ auto-warmup, with history -- need to warmup with sufficient bars, to cover n bars at x interval. (data formats changed -- be careful, volume NOT in the default history object) # https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/research-environment/datasets/indices """ hist = self.a.history([idx], self.a.length * 15 + 1, Resolution.Minute).loc[idx] for row in hist.itertuples(): bar = TradeBar(row.Index, idx, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, 0) self.cons.Update(bar) self.a.log(f'successfully warmed up.') def on_15m(self, bar: TradeBar) -> None: self.atr.update(bar) def on_data(self, data: Slice): bars = data.bars if not data.contains_key(self.underlying_symbol): return ul = bars[self.underlying_symbol] # first bar of day? if (ul.end_time).hour == 9 and (ul.end_time).minute == 31: open_price = ul.open self.open_prices[ul.end_time.date()] = open_price if self.IsReady: self.sell_price = open_price + self.atr.current.value * self.a.entry_strike_atrs self.buy_price = self.sell_price + self.atr.current.value * self.a.exit_strike_atrs self.a.log(f'open: {open_price}, atr: {self.atr.current.value}, sell: {self.sell_price}, buy: {self.buy_price}') # self.max_risk_pts = abs(self.sell_price - self.buy_price) self.ul_stop_lvl = self.buy_price if not self.a.portfolio[self.underlying_symbol].invested: self.entry_logic(data) else: self.exit_logic() # endregion # region Strategy Logic def entry_logic(self, slice): """ After recording the opening figures, the algorithm calculates the two components of the credit spread. Both legs of the spread share the same day of expiration and are of equal size. (Note: For testing purposes, both legs contain 1 contract each.) The strikes for each leg are determined as follows: - The Write Strike equals the Open Price of $XSP (9:30 AM EST) plus one ATR, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. - The Buy Strike equals the Write Strike plus 2 ATRs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. """ if self.a.Portfolio[self.underlying_symbol].Invested: return chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self._symbol) if not chain: return # nearest expiry expiry = sorted(chain, key=lambda x: x.Expiry)[0].Expiry self.a.log(f'date: {self.a.time.date()} -- expiry: {expiry}') calls = [i for i in chain if i.Expiry == expiry and i.Right == OptionRight.Call] if len(calls) < 1: return # sorted the contracts according to their strike prices calls = sorted(calls, key=lambda x: x.Strike) sell_contract = sorted(calls, key=lambda x: abs(self.sell_price - x.strike))[0] buy_contract = sorted(calls, key=lambda x: abs(self.buy_price - x.strike))[0] self.short_ct = sell_contract self.long_ct = buy_contract self.a.log(f'symbol: {sell_contract.Symbol} -- {sell_contract.BidPrice} / {sell_contract.AskPrice}') self.a.log(f'symbol: {buy_contract.Symbol} -- {buy_contract.BidPrice} / {buy_contract.AskPrice}') self.max_gain, self.max_loss = self.credit_spread_max_gain_loss(buy_contract, sell_contract) self.initialCredit = self.max_gain self.a.Buy(buy_contract.Symbol, self._contracts) self.a.Sell(sell_contract.Symbol, self._contracts) def exit_logic(self): """ An unrealized loss of 50% or more of the spread's maximum loss. ● An unrealized gain exceeding 90% of the spreads maximum gain. ● The underlying price of $XSP surpasses our stop loss level. Stop Loss Level = the Open Price of $XSP plus 2 ATRs. """ # so -- we sold it for 100, can buy it back for 50. pnl is 50. # or -- we sold it for 100, can buy it back for 150, pnl is -50 current_pnl = self.initialCredit - self.spread_price() # If our pnl if <= 50% of max loss -- stop out. stop_condition = current_pnl <= self.a.pct_of_max_loss_stop * self.max_loss if stop_condition: self.a.log(f'stop condition: {current_pnl} < {self.a.pct_of_max_loss_stop * self.max_loss} -- ({self.a.pct_of_max_loss_stop} * {self.max_loss})') self.a.liquidate(self.underlying_symbol, tag="SL") # if our pnl is >= 90% of max gain -- take profit. tgt_condition = current_pnl >= self.a.pct_of_max_gain_tgt * self.max_gain if tgt_condition: self.a.liquidate(self.underlying_symbol, tag="TP") self.a.log(f'tp condition: {current_pnl} >= {self.pct_of_max_gain_tgt * self.max_gain} -- ({self.a.pct_of_max_gain_tgt} * {self.max_gain})') ul_stop_condition = self.a.portfolio[self.underlying_symbol].price >= self.buy_price if ul_stop_condition: self.a.liquidate(self.underlying_symbol, tag="Underlying SL") self.a.log(f"tp condition: {ul_stop_condition} = {self.a.portfolio[self.underlying_symbol].price} >= {self.buy_price}") #endregion # region Utilities def spread_price(self): """ Here we are really pricing the cost to exit """ if self.long_ct and self.short_ct: # credit - debit return self.short_ct.AskPrice - self.long_ct.BidPrice def credit_spread_max_gain_loss(self, buy, sell): """This returns in points -- share points -- not $$""" buyprice = buy.AskPrice sellprice = sell.BidPrice buystk = buy.Strike sellstk = sell.Strike stk_distance = abs(buystk - sellstk) credit = sellprice - buyprice max_gain = credit max_loss = (stk_distance) - credit self.a.log(f'Strike distance: {stk_distance}') self.a.log(f'max gain: {credit}') self.a.log(f'max loss: {max_loss}') return max_gain, max_loss @property def IsReady(self): return self.atr.is_ready #endregion
# region imports from AlgorithmImports import * from consolidator import Consolidator # endregion """ 0DTE Put Write dev: @zoakes Commit Equivalent History - initial commits, data handling, aggregation, consolidator + time bars. - handling of pricing, risk, reward, and basics of entry logic. - handling of orders, entries exits, and pricing wrt risk. Version History: 0.1 -- Initial Build 0.2 -- Index support performs better -- use that. 0.3 -- Consolidator (supported, not needed) -- for multi-product design. NOTES: XSP is not supported, SPX is https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/writing-algorithms/datasets/algoseek/us-index-options#07-Supported-Assets """ class DeterminedSkyBlueFly(QCAlgorithm): # # can create custom alerts, and a mailing list here # # may start there -- we can extend as desired. to_notify = [ "test@test.com" ] length = 130 entry_strike_atrs = 1 exit_strike_atrs = 2 # exit strike atrs are counted from the entry strike # -- i.e. it would be entry_strike_atrs + exit_strike_atrs from open pct_of_max_loss_stop = .5 # .5 == 50% pct_of_max_gain_tgt = .9 # .9 == 90% option_sl = False ul_sl = False target_dte = 0 _contracts = 1 _option_type = OptionRight.PUT # or OptionRight.CALL _debug_lvl = 3 # higher debug_lvl is more details logged. (0 - 3) def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2012,1,1) self.SetEndDate(2015,1,1) # self.SetStartDate(2022, 10, 30) # self.SetEndDate(2022,11,15) self.SetCash(100000) # Benchmark self.spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute).symbol self.set_benchmark(self.spy) self.universe_settings.data_normalization_mode = DataNormalizationMode.RAW # Index Options (SPX) # https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/writing-algorithms/universes/index-options self.idx = self.add_index("SPX").symbol option = self.add_index_option(self.idx, "SPXW") self.underlyingsymbol = self.idx self._symbol = option.symbol # Equity Options (SPY) ## self.idx = self.add_equity("SPY") # self.idx = self.spy # option = self.add_option("SPY") # self.underlyingsymbol = self.idx # self._symbol = option.symbol lower_bound = 0 if self._option_type == OptionRight.CALL else -100 upper_bound = 0 if self._option_type == OptionRight.PUT else 100 # https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/writing-algorithms/universes/equity-options option.SetFilter( lambda x: x.IncludeWeeklys() .Strikes(lower_bound, upper_bound) .Expiration( timedelta(days=self.target_dte), timedelta(days=self.target_dte + 1) ) ) self.open_prices = {} self.long_ct = None self.short_ct = None self.SetSecurityInitializer(self.reality_model) # Note -- we could simply pull this down via a history call (each day) -- but this is more efficient. self.cons = self.consolidate(self.idx, timedelta(minutes=15), self.on_15m) self.atr = AverageTrueRange(self.length, MovingAverageType.Simple) self.register_indicator(self.idx, self.atr, self.cons) self.warmup_data(self.idx) def reality_model(self, security): security.SetFeeModel(InteractiveBrokersFeeModel()) # region Data Handling def warmup_data(self, idx): """ auto-warmup, with history -- need to warmup with sufficient bars, to cover n bars at x interval. (data formats changed -- be careful, volume NOT in the default history object) # https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/research-environment/datasets/indices """ hist = self.history([idx], self.length * 15 + 1, Resolution.Minute).loc[idx] for row in hist.itertuples(): bar = TradeBar(row.Index, idx, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, 0) self.cons.Update(bar) self.log(f'successfully warmed up.') def on_15m(self, bar: TradeBar) -> None: self.atr.update(bar) def OnData(self, data: Slice): bars = data.bars if not data.contains_key(self.underlyingsymbol): return ul = bars[self.underlyingsymbol] # first bar of day? if (ul.end_time).hour == 9 and (ul.end_time).minute == 31: open_price = ul.open self.open_prices[ul.end_time.date()] = open_price # NOTE -------------- THIS is the prmary place the logic is flipped (here and universe filters) if self.IsReady: if self._option_type == OptionRight.PUT: self.sell_price = open_price - self.atr.current.value * self.entry_strike_atrs self.buy_price = self.sell_price - self.atr.current.value * self.exit_strike_atrs else: self.sell_price = open_price + self.atr.current.value * self.entry_strike_atrs self.buy_price = self.sell_price + self.atr.current.value * self.exit_strike_atrs if self._debug_lvl >= 2: self.log(f'open: {open_price}, atr: {self.atr.current.value}, \ sell: {self.sell_price}, buy: {self.buy_price}') # self.max_risk_pts = abs(self.sell_price - self.buy_price) self.ul_stop_lvl = self.buy_price if not self.portfolio.invested: self.entry_logic(data) else: self.exit_logic() #endregion # region Strategy Logic def entry_logic(self, slice): """ After recording the opening figures, the algorithm calculates the two components of the credit spread. Both legs of the spread share the same day of expiration and are of equal size. (Note: For testing purposes, both legs contain 1 contract each.) The strikes for each leg are determined as follows: - The Write Strike equals the Open Price of $XSP (9:30 AM EST) plus one ATR, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. - The Buy Strike equals the Write Strike plus 2 ATRs, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. """ if self.Portfolio.Invested: return chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self._symbol) if not chain: return # nearest expiry expiry = sorted(chain, key=lambda x: x.Expiry)[0].Expiry if self._debug_lvl >= 2: self.log(f'date: {self.time.date()} -- expiry: {expiry}') ## CHANGED here too ! (to puts) chosen = [i for i in chain if i.Expiry == expiry and i.Right == self._option_type] if len(chosen) < 1: return sell_contract = sorted(chosen, key=lambda x: abs(self.sell_price - x.strike))[0] buy_contract = sorted(chosen, key=lambda x: abs(self.buy_price - x.strike))[0] self.short_ct = sell_contract self.long_ct = buy_contract if self._debug_lvl >= 2: self.log(f'symbol: {sell_contract.Symbol} -- {sell_contract.BidPrice} / {sell_contract.AskPrice}') self.log(f'symbol: {buy_contract.Symbol} -- {buy_contract.BidPrice} / {buy_contract.AskPrice}') self.max_gain, self.max_loss = self.credit_spread_max_gain_loss(buy_contract, sell_contract) self.initialCredit = self.max_gain self.Buy(buy_contract.Symbol, self._contracts) self.Sell(sell_contract.Symbol, self._contracts) if self._debug_lvl >= 1: self.log(f'selling {sell_contract.symbol} at {sell_contract.BidPrice}') self.log(f'buying {buy_contract.symbol} at {buy_contract.AskPrice}') def exit_logic(self): """ An unrealized loss of 50% or more of the spread's maximum loss. ● An unrealized gain exceeding 90% of the spreads maximum gain. ● The underlying price of $XSP surpasses our stop loss level. Stop Loss Level = the Open Price of $XSP plus 2 ATRs. """ # so -- we sold it for 100, can buy it back for 50. pnl is 50. # or -- we sold it for 100, can buy it back for 150, pnl is -50 current_pnl = self.initialCredit - self.spread_price() if self.option_sl: # If our pnl if <= 50% of max loss -- stop out. stop_condition = current_pnl <= self.pct_of_max_loss_stop * self.max_loss if stop_condition: log_message = ( f'stop condition: {current_pnl} < {self.pct_of_max_loss_stop * self.max_loss}' f'-- ({self.pct_of_max_loss_stop} * {self.max_loss})' ) self.log(log_message) self.liquidate(tag="SL") # if our pnl is >= 90% of max gain -- take profit. tgt_condition = current_pnl >= self.pct_of_max_gain_tgt * self.max_gain if tgt_condition: self.liquidate(tag="TP") log_message = ( f"tp condition: {current_pnl} >= {target_pnl} " f"-- ({self.pct_of_max_gain_tgt} * {self.max_gain})" ) self.log(log_message) if self.ul_sl: ul_stop_condition = self.portfolio[self.underlyingsymbol].price >= self.buy_price if ul_stop_condition: self.liquidate(tag="Underlying SL") self.log(f"tp condition: {self.portfolio[self.underlyingsymbol].price} >= {self.buy_price}") # endregion # region Utilities # Not in use, currently -- QC has alerting natively, dont think we need this. def notify_mailing_list(self, msg: str, subject: Optional[str] = None): """ https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/cloud-platform/live-trading/notifications # https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/11677/formatting-problems-with-self-notify-email/ self.Notify.Email('email-id', 'Subject Text', 'Message Text', 'Attachment Text') """ if not subject: subject = "QuantConnect Notification" for addr in self.to_notify: self.notify.email(addr, subject, msg, None, None) @property def IsReady(self): return self.atr.is_ready def spread_price(self): """ Here we are really pricing the cost to exit """ if self.long_ct and self.short_ct: # credit - debit return self.short_ct.AskPrice - self.long_ct.BidPrice def credit_spread_max_gain_loss(self, buy, sell): """This returns in points -- share points -- not $$""" buyprice = buy.AskPrice sellprice = sell.BidPrice buystk = buy.Strike sellstk = sell.Strike stk_distance = abs(buystk - sellstk) credit = sellprice - buyprice max_gain = credit max_loss = (stk_distance) - credit if self._debug_lvl >= 2: self.log(f'Strike distance: {stk_distance}') self.log(f'max gain: {credit}') self.log(f'max loss: {max_loss}') return max_gain, max_loss #endregion # region Order Events def OnOrderEvent(self, order_event: OrderEvent): """ https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/writing-algorithms/trading-and-orders/order-events """ order = self.transactions.get_order_by_id(order_event.order_id) if order_event.status == OrderStatus.FILLED: # Grab the fill price, etc. fill_price = order_event.fill_price fill_qty = order_event.fill_quantity dir = order_event.direction self.Log(str(order_event)) def on_assignment_order_event(self, assignment_event): """ https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/v2/writing-algorithms/reality-modeling/options-models/assignment """ # Liquidate all positions related to the underlying symbol underlying_symbol = assignment_event.Symbol.Underlying self.Liquidate(underlying_symbol) self.log(f"Option assigned: {assignment_event.Symbol} -- flattening all {underlying_symbol}") #endregion