Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
''' TickerState
    States a ticker can take while being processed against a brokerage.
from enum import Enum, auto

class TickerState(Enum):
    NEW = auto()
    BUY = auto()
    SHORT = auto()
    LIQUIDATE = auto()
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import * 
from config import Config
from universe import ScheduledUniverse
from alpha import Alpha
from portfolio import PortfolioConstruction
from execute import OrderExecution
from stop import StopPrices

class OpeningRangeBreakoutDL(QCAlgorithm):
    ''' OpeningRangeBreakoutDL
        Opening Range Breakout Using Downloaded Basket of Equities

    def Initialize(self):
        # Configuration parameters
        self.config = Config(self)

        # Backtesting
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 2, 25) # Set backtest Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2021, 7, 24)   # Set backtest End Date
        self.SetCash(35000)            # Set backtest Strategy Cash

        # Brokerage
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin)

        # Scheduled universe construction
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
        self.scheduledUniverse = ScheduledUniverse(self, self.config)
            self.DateRules.WeekEnd(), self.TimeRules.At(23, 50), self.scheduledUniverse.SelectSymbols))

        # Alpha Model
        self.stopPrices = StopPrices()
        self.SetAlpha(Alpha(self.config, self.stopPrices))
        # Portfolio Construction
        # Execution Model
        self.SetExecution(OrderExecution(self.config, self.stopPrices))
from datetime import timedelta
from ticker import TickerState

class Alpha(AlphaModel):
    '''Alpha - Determine trading signals
       Insights are evaluated every X minutes, e.g. 10,
       but this method is called every minute.
       The indicators are likewise updated every minute.

    def __init__(self, config, stopPrices):
        self.config = config
        self.stopPrices = stopPrices
        self.symbolDataBySymbol = {}

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        ''' Update - Scan symbol data for insights
            Called every minute.

        def GenerateInsight(_sd, _direction, _state):
            # Create and return an Insight.
            # Set the SymbolData direction and state.
            insight = Insight.Price(_sd.symbol, timedelta(minutes=self.config.consolidationPeriod), _direction)
            _sd.direction = _direction
            _sd.state = _state
            return insight
        def CalcMidpoint(_high, _low):
            mid = abs((_high - _low) / 2)
            base = _low if _low < _high else _high
            return mid + base
        # List of Insights to emit
        insights = []    
        # Scan for insights among our universe of symbols.
        removedSymbolData = []
        for s, sd in self.symbolDataBySymbol.items():
            if sd.IsReady:
                # The opening bar status for this symbol is valid.
                price = data[sd.symbol].Close if data.Bars.ContainsKey(sd.symbol) else None
                if price is None: 
                    # Tradebar is not ready.
                if algorithm.Portfolio[sd.symbol].Invested:
                    # Invested in the ticker.
                    if sd.state == TickerState.LIQUIDATE:
                        # End Of Day or ticker was removed.
                        insights.append(GenerateInsight(sd, InsightDirection.Flat, TickerState.LIQUIDATE))
                        # Reset opening bar.
                    if sd.remove:
                        # The ticker has been removed. Portfolio will handle closeout.
                    # If invested, but TickerState is not LIQUIDATE, do nothing;
                    # We are waiting for the market to act.
                    # We are not invested in this ticker.
                    # Only trade during the specified opening period.
                    if (data.Bars[sd.symbol].Time.hour == self.config.exitTime.hour \
                        and data.Bars[sd.symbol].Time.minute > self.config.exitTime.minute) \
                        or (data.Bars[sd.symbol].Time.hour > self.config.exitTime.hour):
                            # Non-trading time period.
                            if sd.state == TickerState.BUY or sd.state == TickerState.SHORT:
                                # Past time for exit on this ticker, but it remains Ready and we are not invested.
                                # Either timeout, error, or StopMarketOrder executed.
                                algorithm.Log("StopMarketOrder, timeout, or error for {}".format(sd.symbol.Value))
                                # Treat as LIQUIDATE to clear the state in Portfolio.
                                insights.append(GenerateInsight(sd, InsightDirection.Flat, TickerState.LIQUIDATE))
                                # Reset opening bar.
                            # Always continue to the next ticker.
                    # We are in the trading range time, we are not invested, the opening bar is valid.
                    # Check to see if we've already issued an insight to BUY or SHORT.
                    # If so, continue to wait.
                    # N.B.: TickerState.LIQUIDATE is treated the same as TickerState.NEW
                    # This is because the LIQUIDATE state should have resulted in clearing
                    # the opening bar, which should prevent entry to this part of the state
                    # engine unless the opening bar has been reacquired, and we are still in the 
                    # trading window.
                    if sd.state == TickerState.BUY or sd.state == TickerState.SHORT:
                    # No insight issued yet.
                    # Determine if there is an Opening Range Breakout.
                    if price > sd.openingBar.High:
                        # Opening Range Breakout HIGH.
                        # Calculate appropriate StopMarketOrder price.
                        ## Small percentage lower than the high bar.
                        ## self.stopPrices[sd.symbol] = sd.openingBar.High * self.config.initialMargin
                        self.stopPrices[sd.symbol] = CalcMidpoint(sd.openingBar.High, sd.openingBar.Low)
                        # BUY the ticker.
                        insights.append(GenerateInsight(sd, InsightDirection.Up, TickerState.BUY))
                    elif price < sd.openingBar.Low:
                        # Opening Range Breakout LOW.
                        # Calculate appropriate StopMarketOrder price.
                        ## Small percentage higher than the low bar.
                        ## self.stopPrices[sd.symbol] = sd.openingBar.Low * (1 + (1 - self.config.initialMargin))
                        self.stopPrices[sd.symbol] = CalcMidpoint(sd.openingBar.High, sd.openingBar.Low)
                        # SHORT the ticker.
                        insights.append(GenerateInsight(sd, InsightDirection.Down, TickerState.SHORT))
        # Remove any deleted tickers.
        for s in removedSymbolData:
            del self.symbolDataBySymbol[s]

        return insights

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        for added in changes.AddedSecurities:
            symbolData = self.symbolDataBySymbol.get(added.Symbol)
            if symbolData is None:
                algorithm.Log("Adding ticker {}".format(added.Symbol.Value))
                algorithm.Securities[added.Symbol].MarginModel = PatternDayTradingMarginModel()
                self.symbolDataBySymbol[added.Symbol] = SymbolData(self.config, algorithm, added.Symbol)
                algorithm.Log("Resetting ticker {}".format(added.Symbol.Value))
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            algorithm.Log("Removing ticker {}".format(removed.Symbol.Value))
            symbolData = self.symbolDataBySymbol.get(removed.Symbol)
            if symbolData is not None:
                if algorithm.Portfolio[removed.Symbol].Invested:
                    # We are invested in this ticker, so we must liquidate it.
                    symbolData.state = TickerState.LIQUIDATE
                symbolData.remove = True
class SymbolData:
    ''' Indicator for one symbol of our universe.
        Each indicator is updated automatically.
    def __init__(self, config, algorithm, symbol):
        self.config = config
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.openingBar = None
        self.direction = None
        self.state = TickerState.NEW
        self.remove = False
        self.consolidator = algorithm.Consolidate(self.symbol, timedelta(minutes=self.config.consolidationPeriod), self.OnDataConsolidated)

    def IsReady(self):
        ''' The symbol data is ready when the 
            openingBar has been collected.
        return self.openingBar is not None
    def OnDataConsolidated(self, bar):
        if bar.Time.hour == self.config.entryTime.hour and bar.Time.minute == self.config.entryTime.minute:
            self.openingBar = bar
        elif bar.Time.hour == self.config.closeTime.hour and bar.Time.minute == self.config.closeTime.minute:
    def ClosePosition(self):
        self.state = TickerState.LIQUIDATE
    def Clear(self):
        self.openingBar = None
from datetime import *
from decimal import *

class Config():
    ''' Instantiate QuantConnect Parameters '''
    def __init__(self, algorithm):
        # Universe parameters
        self.downloadFile = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0td3or2jrl4wz0/universe.txt?dl=1"
        # Calculated in universe.py/ScheduledUniverse.SelectSymbols()
        self.universeSize = 0
        # Alpha parameters
        self.entryTime = datetime.strptime("09:30", "%H:%M")
        self.exitTime = datetime.strptime("10:30", "%H:%M")
        self.closeTime = datetime.strptime("13:30", "%H:%M")
        self.consolidationPeriod = int(algorithm.GetParameter("consolidationPeriod"))
        # Portfolio Construction parameters
        self.initialMargin = float(algorithm.GetParameter("initialMargin"))
# Generic Simple Execution Model

from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Orders import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Execution import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *

class OrderExecution(ExecutionModel):
    ''' Immediately submits market orders to achieve the desired portfolio targets,
        with stop loss and end-of-day liquidation.

    def __init__(self, config, stopPrices):
        '''Initializes a new instance of the simple Execution class'''
        self.config = config
        self.stopPrices = stopPrices

    def Execute(self, algorithm, targets):
        ''' Immediately submits orders for the specified portfolio targets.
            Implicit Args:
                stopPrices  Stop prices for symbols being traded
                algorithm:  The algorithm instance
                targets:    The portfolio targets to be ordered
                            Positive quantity denotes an equity purchase
                            Negative quantity denotes an equity sale
                            Zero quantity denotes an equity liquidation

        for target in targets:
            # Get quantity to be ordered.
            quantity = target.Quantity
            if quantity != 0:
                # BUY or SHORT the equity.
                algorithm.Log("Market order for {} shares of {}".format(quantity, target.Symbol.Value))
                algorithm.MarketOrder(target.Symbol, quantity)
                # Create StopMarketOrder with price calculated by the AlphaModel.
                algorithm.Log("Stop Market order for {} shares of {} at ${:.2f}".format(-quantity, target.Symbol.Value, self.stopPrices[target.Symbol]))
                algorithm.StopMarketOrder(target.Symbol, -quantity, self.stopPrices[target.Symbol])
                _direction = OrderDirection.Buy if quantity > 0 else OrderDirection.Sell
                algorithm.Log("Available cash ${:.2f}, remaining margin ${:.2f}".format(algorithm.Portfolio.Cash, 
                    algorithm.Portfolio.GetMarginRemaining(target.Symbol, _direction)))
                # Remove the Stop Market Order Price, which is matched to each BUY or SHORT.
                # If we do not maintain queue discipline, this will eventually provoke a run time exception.
                del self.stopPrices[target.Symbol]
                # Liquidating position. Will also cancel any StopMarket order.
                algorithm.Log("Liquidating {}".format(target.Symbol.Value))
                algorithm.Log("Available cash now ${:.2f}".format(algorithm.Portfolio.Cash))

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        # Event handler for securities added and removed.
        # changes.AddedSecurities:
        #   We do not need to do anything for AddedSecurities.
        # changes.RemovedSecurities:
        #   Liquidate removed securities.
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            algorithm.Log("Liquidating removed security {}".format(removed.Symbol.Value))
            algorithm.Log("Available cash now ${:.2f}".format(algorithm.Portfolio.Cash))
# Portfolio Construction

from clr import AddReference

from QuantConnect import Resolution, Extensions
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Alphas import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm.Framework.Portfolio import *
from itertools import groupby
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from math import floor
from ticker import TickerState

class PortfolioConstruction(PortfolioConstructionModel):
    ''' PortfolioConstruction - Construct a portfolio based
        on Insights generated by the AlphaModel.
        Liquidation means a ticker has been delisted, or is otherwise 
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.symbolDataBySymbol = {}
    def CreateTargets(self, algorithm, insights):
        ''' CreateTargets for Portfolio Construction
            Scan insights looking for tickets we can purchase,
            hold, or sell. It is assumed that symbols can only
            appear once in any list of insights.
        targets = []         # Portfolio targets to be returned for execution
        deletedSymbols = []  # We will delete these symbols.
        # Account for having possibly already expended some number of slices of our cash.
        cashSlicesLeft = self.config.universeSize - len(self.symbolDataBySymbol)
        for insight in insights:
            sd = self.symbolDataBySymbol.get(insight.Symbol)
            if sd is None:
                # We do not own this ticker.
                if cashSlicesLeft == 0:
                    # No cash / margin slices left; cannot BUY or SHORT this ticker.
                if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Up:
                    # Buy this ticker.
                    # Calculate the number of shares to buy.
                    marginRemaining = algorithm.Portfolio.GetMarginRemaining(insight.Symbol, OrderDirection.Buy)
                    cash = algorithm.Portfolio.Cash
                    margin = marginRemaining if marginRemaining <= cash else cash
                    sharePrice = algorithm.Securities[insight.Symbol].Close
                    shares = floor((margin / cashSlicesLeft) / sharePrice)
                    if margin < 0 or shares == 0:
                        algorithm.Log("Not enough buying power to buy long ticker {} {} shares at ${:.2f}".format(insight.Symbol.Value, shares, sharePrice))
                    # Create target for appropriate number of shares.
                    algorithm.Log("Buying long ticker {} {} shares at ${:.2f}".format(insight.Symbol.Value, shares, sharePrice))
                    targets.append(PortfolioTarget(insight.Symbol, shares))
                    # Record pending ticker purchase.
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[insight.Symbol] = SymbolData(self.config, 
                        insight.Symbol, sharePrice, shares, TickerState.BUY)
                elif insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Down:
                    # Short the ticker.
                    # Calculate the number of shares to sell.
                    margin = algorithm.Portfolio.GetMarginRemaining(insight.Symbol, OrderDirection.Sell) * self.config.initialMargin
                    sharePrice = algorithm.Securities[insight.Symbol].Close
                    shares = floor((margin / cashSlicesLeft) / sharePrice)
                    if margin < 0 or shares == 0:
                        algorithm.Log("Not enough buying power to sell short ticker {} {} shares at ${:.2f}".format(insight.Symbol.Value, -shares, sharePrice))
                    # Create target for appropriate number of shares.
                    algorithm.Log("Short selling ticker {} {} shares at ${:.2f}".format(insight.Symbol.Value, -shares, sharePrice))
                    targets.append(PortfolioTarget(insight.Symbol, -shares))
                    # Record pending ticker purchase.
                    self.symbolDataBySymbol[insight.Symbol] = SymbolData(self.config, 
                        insight.Symbol, sharePrice, -shares, TickerState.SHORT)
                # We own this ticker.
                if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Flat \
                    or sd.state == TickerState.LIQUIDATE:
                    # Liquidate the ticker.
                    # We expect shares to be zero for this insight, 
                    # but in fact we don't care; this might be a delisted stock.
                    algorithm.Log("Liquidating ticker {} {} shares at ${:.2f}".format(sd.symbol.Value, sd.shares, sd.price))
                    # Liquidate the position.
                    targets.append(PortfolioTarget(insight.Symbol, 0))
                    sd.state = TickerState.LIQUIDATE
                    algorithm.Log("ERROR: Unexpected insight direction or ticker state, should only be Flat or LIQUIDATE, \ninsight direction {}, ticker state {}".format(insight.Direction, sd.state))
        # Remove the deleted symbols.
        for sd in deletedSymbols:
            self.symbolDataBySymbol.pop(sd.symbol, None)

        # Return the portfolio targets.
        return targets

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        # Event handler for securities added and removed.
        # changes.AddedSecurities:
        #   We do not need to do anything for AddedSecurities.
        # changes.RemovedSecurities:
        for removed in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            sd = self.symbolDataBySymbol.get(removed.Symbol)
            if sd is not None:
                sd.state = TickerState.LIQUIDATE

class SymbolData:
    ''' Symbol data for each ticker held in our portfolio '''
    def __init__(self, config, symbol, price, shares, state):
        self.config = config
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.price = price
        self.shares = shares
        self.state = state
class StopPrices(dict):
    """ StopPrices
        Dictionary holding Stop Market prices for equities being traded.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        dict.__init__(self, kwargs)
class ScheduledUniverse():
    '''Select a new universe on a schedule by downloading a file.
       The file must have one ticker per line.
       Each line has three string fields, separated by commas ",".

       1 - Ticker
       2 - Security Type
       3 - Market
       If the Security Type or Market cannot be parsed, they are
       replaced with SecurityType.Equity and Market.USA, respectively.

       Severly malformed files may result in an abort of the trading
    def __init__(self, algorithm, config):
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.config = config
    def SelectSymbols(self, DateTime):
        symbols = []
        self.algorithm.Log("Reading symbol file {}".format(self.config.downloadFile))
        file = self.algorithm.Download(self.config.downloadFile)
        for line in file.splitlines():
            (symbolStr, securityTypeStr, marketStr) = line.split(sep=",")
            self.algorithm.Log("Adding symbol {} of type {} in market {}".format(symbolStr, securityTypeStr, marketStr))
            securityType = self.ParseSecurityType(securityTypeStr)
            market = self.ParseMarket(marketStr)
            symbols.append(Symbol.Create(symbolStr, securityType, market))
        self.config.universeSize = len(symbols)
        self.algorithm.Log("Universe size {} symbols".format(self.config.universeSize))
        return symbols
    securityStr2Type = {
        "Equity" : SecurityType.Equity,
        "Option" : SecurityType.Option,
        "Future" : SecurityType.Future,
        "Forex"  : SecurityType.Forex,
        "Crypto" : SecurityType.Crypto,
        "Cfd"    : SecurityType.Cfd,
    def ParseSecurityType(self, securityTypeStr):
        securityType = SecurityType.Equity
        for s in ScheduledUniverse.securityStr2Type.keys():
            if securityTypeStr == s:
                securityType = ScheduledUniverse.securityStr2Type[s]
        return securityType
    marketStr2Type = {
        "USA"      : Market.USA,
        "FXCM"     : Market.FXCM,
        "GDAX"     : Market.GDAX,
        "Bitfinex" : Market.Bitfinex,
        "Oanda"    : Market.Oanda,
    def ParseMarket(self, marketTypeStr):
        market = Market.USA
        for s in ScheduledUniverse.marketStr2Type.keys():
            if marketTypeStr == s:
                market = ScheduledUniverse.marketStr2Type[s]
        return market