Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
from QuantConnect.Python import PythonQuandl
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class ImprovedCommodityMomentumTrading(QCAlgorithm):
    Demystifying Time-Series Momentum Strategies: Volatility Estimators, Trading Rules and Pairwise Correlations

    This paper proposed 3 modifications to the basic time-series momentum strategies in order to reduce portfolio turnover and improve portfolio performance. 

        1. Volatility Estimator: Yang and Zhang (2000) range-based estimator, which replaces the traditional estimator (standard deviation of past daily returns)
        2. Trading Rules: Trading positions takes a continuum of values between -1 and +1 to reflect the statistical strength of price trend, which replaces the traditional trading rules (binary +1 or -1 based on the sign of historical mean return)
        3. Pairwise Correlations: Incorporate signed pairwise correlations in the weighing scheme of portfolio construction 

    [1] Baltas, Nick and Kosowski, Robert, "Demystifying Time-Series Momentum Strategies: Volatility Estimators, Trading Rules and Pairwise Correlations", May 8, 2017.
        URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a2e9/df201d4b4774fda84a961cc804f2450988c5.pdf
    [2] Yang, Dennis, and Qiang Zhang, "Drift‐Independent Volatility Estimation Based on High, Low, Open, and Close Prices", The Journal of Business, vol. 73, no. 3, 2000, pp. 477–492. 
        URL: www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/209650.'''
    def Initialize(self):

        self.SetStartDate(2008,1, 1) 
        self.SetEndDate(2019, 9, 1)  

        tickers = ["CHRIS/CME_S1",  # Soybean Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_W1",  # Wheat Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_SM1", # Soybean Meal Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_BO1", # Soybean Oil Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_C1",  # Corn Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_O1",  # Oats Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_LC1", # Live Cattle Futures, Continuous Contract #1 
                   "CHRIS/CME_FC1", # Feeder Cattle Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/CME_LN1", # Lean Hog Futures, Continuous Contract #1 
                   "CHRIS/CME_GC1", # Gold Futures, Continuous Contract #1 
                   "CHRIS/CME_SI1", # Silver Futures, Continuous Contract #1 
                   "CHRIS/CME_PL1", # Platinum Futures, Continuous Contract #1 
                   "CHRIS/ICE_B1",  # Brent Crude Futures, Continuous Contract
                   "CHRIS/ICE_O1",  # Heating Oil Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/ICE_M1",  # UK Natural Gas Futures, Continuous Contract #1
                   "CHRIS/ICE_CT1", # Cotton No. 2 Futures, Continuous Contract
                   "CHRIS/ICE_OJ1", # Orange Juice Futures, Continuous Contract
                   "CHRIS/ICE_KC1", # Coffee C Futures, Continuous Contract
                   "CHRIS/ICE_CC1", # Cocoa Futures, Continuous Contract 
                   "CHRIS/ICE_G1",  # Gas Oil Futures, Continuous Contract
                   "CHRIS/ICE_RS1"] # Canola Futures, Continuous Contract

        for ticker in tickers:
            data = self.AddData(QuandlFutures, ticker, Resolution.Daily)
            data.SetLeverage(3) # Leverage was set to 3 for each of the futures contract

        self.OneYear = 365      # time period for trading rule calculation
        self.OneMonth = 30      # time period for YZ volatility estimator
        self.ThreeMonths = 90   # time period for pairwise correlation calculation

        # Last trading date tracker to achieve rebalancing the portfolio every month
        self.nextRebalance = self.Time

        # Set portfolio target level of volatility, set to 12% 
        self.portfolio_target_sigma = 0.12

    def OnData(self, data):
        Monthly rebalance at the beginning of each month.
        Portfolio weights for each constituents are calculated based on Baltas and Kosowski weights.

        # skip if less than 30 days passed since the last trading date
        if self.Time < self.nextRebalance:

        '''Monthly Rebalance Execution'''
        # dataframe that contains the historical data for all securities
        history = self.History(self.Securities.Keys, self.OneYear, Resolution.Daily)
        history.replace(0, np.nan, inplace = True)

        # Get the security symbols are are in the history dataframe
        available_symbols = list(set(history.index.get_level_values(level = 0)))

        # Liquidate symbols that are not in the history dataframe anymore
        for security in self.Securities.Keys:
            if security.Value not in available_symbols:
                self.Liquidate(security, 'Not found in history request')

        # Get the trade signals and YZ volatility for all securities
        trade_signals = self.GetTradingSignal(history) 
        volatility = self.GetYZVolatility(history, available_symbols) 
        # Get the correlation factor
        CF_rho_bar = self.GetCorrelationFactor(history, trade_signals, available_symbols)

        #Rebalance the portfolio according to Baltas and Kosowski suggested weights
        N_assets = len(available_symbols)
        for symbol, signal, vol in zip(available_symbols, trade_signals, volatility):
            # Baltas and Kosowski weights (Equation 19 in [1])
            weight = (signal*self.portfolio_target_sigma*CF_rho_bar)/(N_assets*vol)
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, weight)

        # Set next rebalance time
        self.nextRebalance = Expiry.EndOfMonth(self.Time)

    def GetCorrelationFactor(self, history, trade_signals, available_symbols):
        Calculate the Correlation Factor, which is a function of the average pairwise correlation of all portfolio contituents
        - the calculation is based on past three month pairwise correlation
        - Notations:
            rho_bar - average pairwise correlation of all portfolio constituents
            CF_rho_bar - the correlation factor as a function of rho_bar'''

        # Get the past three month simple daily returns for all securities
        settle = history.settle.unstack(level = 0)
        past_three_month_returns = settle.pct_change().loc[settle.index[-1]-timedelta(self.ThreeMonths):]

        # Get number of assets 
        N_assets = len(available_symbols)
        # Get the pairwise signed correlation matrix for all assets
        correlation_matrix = past_three_month_returns.corr() 

        # Calculate rho_bar
        summation = 0
        for i in range(N_assets-1):
            for temp in range(N_assets - 1 - i):
                j = i + temp + 1
                x_i = trade_signals[i]
                x_j = trade_signals[j]
                rho_i_j = correlation_matrix.iloc[i,j]
                summation += x_i * x_j * rho_i_j
        # Equation 14 in [1]
        rho_bar = (2 * summation) / (N_assets * (N_assets - 1)) 

        # Calculate the correlation factor (CF_rho_bar)
        # Equation 18 in [1]
        return np.sqrt(N_assets / (1 + (N_assets - 1) * rho_bar)) 

    def GetTradingSignal(self, history):
        TREND Trading Signal
        - Uses the t-statistics of historical daily log-returns to reflect the strength of price movement trend
        - TREND Signal Conditions:
            t-stat > 1 => TREND Signal = 1
            t-stat < 1 => TREND Signal = -1
            -1 < t-stat < 1 => TREND Signal = t-stat
        settle = history.settle.unstack(level = 0)

        # daily futures log-returns based on close-to-close
        log_returns = np.log(settle/settle.shift(1)).dropna()

        # Calculate the t-statistics as
        # (mean-0)/(stdev/sqrt(n)), where n is sample size
        mean = np.mean(log_returns)
        std = np.std(log_returns)
        n = len(log_returns)
        t_stat = mean/(std/np.sqrt(n))

        # cap holding at 1 and -1
        return np.clip(t_stat, a_max=1, a_min=-1)

    def GetYZVolatility(self, history, available_symbols):
        Yang and Zhang 'Drift-Independent Volatility Estimation'
        Formula: sigma_YZ^2 = sigma_OJ^2 + self.k * sigma_SD^2 + (1-self.k)*sigma_RS^2 (Equation 20 in [1])
            where,  sigma_OJ - (Overnight Jump Volitility estimator)
                    sigma_SD - (Standard Volitility estimator)
                    sigma_RS - (Rogers and Satchell Range Volatility estimator)'''
        YZ_volatility = []

        time_index = history.loc[available_symbols[0]].index
        today = time_index[-1]

        #Calculate YZ volatility for each security and append to list
        for ticker in available_symbols:
            past_month_ohlc = history.loc[ticker].loc[today-timedelta(self.OneMonth):today]
            open, high, low, close = past_month_ohlc.open, past_month_ohlc.high, past_month_ohlc.low, past_month_ohlc.settle
            estimation_period = past_month_ohlc.shape[0]

            # Calculate constant parameter k for Yang and Zhang volatility estimator
            # using the formula found in Yang and Zhang (2000)
            k = 0.34 / (1.34 + (estimation_period + 1) / (estimation_period - 1))

            # sigma_OJ (overnight jump => stdev of close-to-open log returns)
            open_to_close_log_returns = np.log(open/close.shift(1))
            open_to_close_log_returns = open_to_close_log_returns[np.isfinite(open_to_close_log_returns)] 
            sigma_OJ = np.std(open_to_close_log_returns) 

            # sigma_SD (standard deviation of close-to-close log returns)
            close_to_close_log_returns = np.log(close/close.shift(1))
            close_to_close_log_returns = close_to_close_log_returns[np.isfinite(close_to_close_log_returns)]
            sigma_SD = np.std(close_to_close_log_returns) 

            # sigma_RS (Rogers and Satchell (1991))
            h = np.log(high/open)
            l = np.log(low/open)
            c = np.log(close/open)
            sigma_RS_daily = (h * (h - c) + l * (l - c))**0.5
            sigma_RS_daily = sigma_RS_daily[np.isfinite(sigma_RS_daily)] 
            sigma_RS = np.mean(sigma_RS_daily) 
            # daily Yang and Zhang volatility
            sigma_YZ = np.sqrt(sigma_OJ**2 + k * sigma_SD**2 + (1 - k) * sigma_RS**2) 

            # append annualized volatility to the list

        return YZ_volatility

class QuandlFutures(PythonQuandl):
    def __init__(self):
        self.ValueColumnName = "Settle"