Overall Statistics
Total Orders
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Start Equity
End Equity
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Sortino Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
CME_LB1.QuantpediaFutures 2S
Portfolio Turnover
# https://quantpedia.com/strategies/return-asymmetry-effect-in-commodity-futures/
# The investment universe consists of 22 commodity futures, namely:
# soybean oil, corn, cocoa, cotton, feeder cattle, gold, copper, heating oil, coffee, live cattle, lean hogs,
# natural gas, oats, orange juice, palladium, platinum, soybean, sugar, silver, soybean meal, wheat, and crude oil.
# Firstly, at the beginning of each month, construct the asymmetry measure (IE) for each commodity based on the latest 260 daily returns using the following formula
# (the formula originally consists of theoretical density and integrals, however the solution is simple when empirical distribution is utilized):
# IE = (number of trading days when the daily return is greater than the average plus two standard deviations) – 
# (number of trading days when the daily return is smaller than the average minus two standard deviations).
# Then rank the commodities according to their IE.
# Buy the bottom seven commodities with the lowest IE in the previous month and sell the top seven commodities with the highest IE in the previous month.
# Weigh the portfolio equally and rebalance monthly.
# QC Implementation:
#   - Universe consists of Quantpedia comodity futures.
#   - Buying bottom 7 commodities and selling top 7 commodities according to IE.

from AlgorithmImports import *

class ReturnAsymmetryEffectInCommodityFutures(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2000, 1, 1)
        self.tickers = [
            "CME_S1",   # Soybean Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_W1",   # Wheat Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_SM1",  # Soybean Meal Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_BO1",  # Soybean Oil Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_C1",   # Corn Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_O1",   # Oats Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_LC1",  # Live Cattle Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_FC1",  # Feeder Cattle Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_LN1",  # Lean Hog Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_GC1",  # Gold Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_SI1",  # Silver Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_PL1",  # Platinum Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_CL1",  # Crude Oil Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_HG1",  # Copper Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_LB1",  # Random Length Lumber Futures, Continuous Contract
            # "CME_NG1",  # Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Physical Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_PA1",  # Palladium Futures, Continuous Contract 
            "CME_RR1",  # Rough Rice Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_RB2",  # Gasoline Futures, Continuous Contract
            "CME_KW2",  # Wheat Kansas, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_CC1",  # Cocoa Futures, Continuous Contract 
            "ICE_CT1",  # Cotton No. 2 Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_KC1",  # Coffee C Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_O1",   # Heating Oil Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_OJ1",  # Orange Juice Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_SB1"   # Sugar No. 11 Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_RS1",  # Canola Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_GO1",  # Gas Oil Futures, Continuous Contract
            "ICE_WT1",  # WTI Crude Futures, Continuous Contract
        self.data = {} # storing objects of SymbolData class keyed by comodity symbols
        self.period = 261 # need 261 daily prices, to calculate 260 daily returns
        self.buy_count = 7 # buy n comodities on each rebalance
        self.sell_count = 7 # sell n comodities on each rebalance
        self.symbol = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol
        # subscribe to futures contracts
        for ticker in self.tickers:
            security = self.AddData(QuantpediaFutures, ticker, Resolution.Daily)
            self.data[security.Symbol] = SymbolData(self.period)
        self.rebalance_flag = False   
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.MonthStart(self.symbol), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.symbol, 0), self.Rebalance)

    def OnData(self, data):
        # update daily closes
        for symbol in self.data:
            if symbol in data and data[symbol]:
                close = data[symbol].Value
        # rebalance monthly        
        if not self.rebalance_flag:
        self.rebalance_flag = False
        IE = {}
        for symbol, symbol_obj in self.data.items():
            # check if comodity has ready prices
            if not symbol_obj.is_ready():
            # calculate IE
            IE_value = symbol_obj.calculate_IE()
            # store IE value under comodity symbol
            IE[symbol] = IE_value
        # make sure, there are enough comodities for rebalance
        if len(IE) < (self.buy_count + self.sell_count):
        # sort commodities based on IE values
        sorted_by_IE = [x[0] for x in sorted(IE.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])]
        # select long and short parts
        long = sorted_by_IE[:self.buy_count]
        short = sorted_by_IE[-self.sell_count:]
        # trade execution
        invested = [x.Key for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested]
        for symbol in invested:
            if symbol not in long + short:
        for symbol in long:
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, 1 / self.buy_count)
        for symbol in short:
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, -1 / self.sell_count)
    def Rebalance(self):
        self.rebalance_flag = True
class SymbolData():
    def __init__(self, period):
        self.closes = RollingWindow[float](period)
    def update_closes(self, close):
    def is_ready(self):
        return self.closes.IsReady
    def calculate_IE(self):
        closes = np.array([x for x in self.closes])
        daily_returns = (closes[:-1] - closes[1:]) / closes[1:]
        average_daily_returns = np.average(daily_returns)
        two_daily_returns_std = 2 * np.std(daily_returns)
        avg_plus_two_std = average_daily_returns + two_daily_returns_std
        avg_minus_two_std = average_daily_returns - two_daily_returns_std
        over_avg_plus_two_std = 0 # counting number of daily returns, which were over avg_plus_two_std
        under_avg_minus_two_std = 0 # counting number of daily returns, which were under avg_minus_two_std
        for daily_return in daily_returns:
            if daily_return > avg_plus_two_std:
                over_avg_plus_two_std += 1
            elif daily_return < avg_minus_two_std:
                under_avg_minus_two_std += 1
        IE_value = over_avg_plus_two_std - under_avg_minus_two_std
        return IE_value
# Quantpedia data.
# NOTE: IMPORTANT: Data order must be ascending (datewise)
class QuantpediaFutures(PythonData):
    def GetSource(self, config, date, isLiveMode):
        return SubscriptionDataSource("data.quantpedia.com/backtesting_data/futures/{0}.csv".format(config.Symbol.Value), SubscriptionTransportMedium.RemoteFile, FileFormat.Csv)

    def Reader(self, config, line, date, isLiveMode):
        data = QuantpediaFutures()
        data.Symbol = config.Symbol
        if not line[0].isdigit(): return None
        split = line.split(';')
        data.Time = datetime.strptime(split[0], "%d.%m.%Y") + timedelta(days=1)
        data['back_adjusted'] = float(split[1])
        data['spliced'] = float(split[2])
        data.Value = float(split[1])

        return data
# Custom fee model.
class CustomFeeModel(FeeModel):
    def GetOrderFee(self, parameters):
        fee = parameters.Security.Price * parameters.Order.AbsoluteQuantity * 0.00005
        return OrderFee(CashAmount(fee, "USD"))