Overall Statistics
Total Orders
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Start Equity
End Equity
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Sortino Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
Portfolio Turnover
# https://quantpedia.com/strategies/betting-against-beta-factor-in-country-equity-indexes/
# The investment universe consists of all country ETFs. The beta for each country is calculated with respect to the MSCI US 
# Equity Index using a 1-year rolling window. ETFs are then ranked in ascending order based on their estimated beta. The ranked 
# ETFs are assigned to one of two portfolios: low beta and high beta. Securities are weighted by the ranked betas, and the portfolios 
# are rebalanced every calendar month. Both portfolios are rescaled to have a beta of one at portfolio formation. The “Betting-Against-Beta” 
# is the zero-cost zero-beta portfolio that is long on the low-beta portfolio and that shorts the high-beta portfolio. There are a lot of 
# simple modifications (like going long on the bottom beta decile and short on the top beta decile), which could probably improve the strategy’s performance.

import numpy as np
from AlgorithmImports import *
from collections import deque

class BettingAgainstBetaFactorinInternationalEquities(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2002, 2, 1)

        self.countries = [
                        "EWA",  # iShares MSCI Australia Index ETF
                        "EWO",  # iShares MSCI Austria Investable Mkt Index ETF
                        "EWK",  # iShares MSCI Belgium Investable Market Index ETF
                        "EWZ",  # iShares MSCI Brazil Index ETF
                        "EWC",  # iShares MSCI Canada Index ETF
                        "FXI",  # iShares China Large-Cap ETF
                        "EWQ",  # iShares MSCI France Index ETF
                        "EWG",  # iShares MSCI Germany ETF 
                        "EWH",  # iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index ETF
                        "EWI",  # iShares MSCI Italy Index ETF
                        "EWJ",  # iShares MSCI Japan Index ETF
                        "EWM",  # iShares MSCI Malaysia Index ETF
                        "EWW",  # iShares MSCI Mexico Inv. Mt. Idx
                        "EWN",  # iShares MSCI Netherlands Index ETF
                        "EWS",  # iShares MSCI Singapore Index ETF
                        "EZA",  # iShares MSCI South Africe Index ETF
                        "EWY",  # iShares MSCI South Korea ETF
                        "EWP",  # iShares MSCI Spain Index ETF
                        "EWD",  # iShares MSCI Sweden Index ETF
                        "EWL",  # iShares MSCI Switzerland Index ETF
                        "EWT",  # iShares MSCI Taiwan Index ETF
                        "THD",  # iShares MSCI Thailand Index ETF
                        "EWU",  # iShares MSCI United Kingdom Index ETF
        self.leverage_cap = 5
        # Daily price data.
        self.data = {}
        self.period = 12 * 21
        self.symbol = 'SPY'
        for symbol in self.countries + [self.symbol]:
            data = self.AddEquity(symbol, Resolution.Daily)
            self.data[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](self.period)
        self.recent_month = -1

    def OnData(self, data):
        for symbol in self.data:
            symbol_obj = self.Symbol(symbol)
            if symbol_obj in data.Keys:
                if data[symbol_obj]:
                    price = data[symbol_obj].Value
                    if price != 0:
        if self.recent_month == self.Time.month:
        self.recent_month = self.Time.month
        beta = {}
        for symbol in self.countries:
            # Data is ready.
            if self.data[self.symbol].IsReady and self.data[symbol].IsReady and self.symbol in data and symbol in data:
                market_closes = np.array([x for x in self.data[self.symbol]])
                asset_closes = np.array([x for x in self.data[symbol]])
                market_returns = (market_closes[1:] - market_closes[:-1]) / market_closes[:-1]
                asset_returns = (asset_closes[1:] - asset_closes[:-1]) / asset_closes[:-1]
                cov = np.cov(asset_returns, market_returns)[0][1]
                market_variance = np.var(market_returns)
                beta[symbol] = cov / market_variance
        weight = {}
        if len(beta) != 0: 
            # Beta diff calc.
            beta_median = np.median([x[1] for x in beta.items()])
            long_diff = [(x[0], abs(beta_median - x[1])) for x in beta.items() if x[1] < beta_median]
            short_diff = [(x[0], abs(beta_median - x[1])) for x in beta.items() if x[1] > beta_median]
            # Beta rescale.
            long_portfolio_beta = np.mean([beta[x[0]] for x in long_diff])
            long_leverage = 1 / long_portfolio_beta

            short_portfolio_beta = np.mean([beta[x[0]] for x in short_diff])
            short_leverage = 1 / short_portfolio_beta
            # Cap long and short leverage.
            long_leverage = max(-self.leverage_cap, min(self.leverage_cap, long_leverage))
            short_leverage = max(-self.leverage_cap, min(self.leverage_cap, short_leverage))
            # self.Log(f"long: {long_leverage}; short: {short_leverage}")
            total_long_diff = sum([x[1] for x in long_diff])
            total_short_diff = sum([x[1] for x in short_diff])
            # Beta diff weighting.
            weight = {}
            for symbol, diff in long_diff:
                weight[symbol] = (diff / total_long_diff) * long_leverage
            for symbol, diff in short_diff:
                weight[symbol] = - (diff / total_short_diff) * short_leverage
        # Trade execution.
        invested = [x.Key for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested]
        for symbol in invested:
            if symbol not in weight:
        for symbol, w in weight.items():
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, w)
# Custom fee model.
class CustomFeeModel(FeeModel):
    def GetOrderFee(self, parameters):
        fee = parameters.Security.Price * parameters.Order.AbsoluteQuantity * 0.00005
        return OrderFee(CashAmount(fee, "USD"))