We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
239Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
Denny started the discussion Ghost Sell Orders
I'm a long time C# programmer, but I'm quite new to QantConnect and the stock market in...
Denny started the discussion Plot Historic Data
I was wondering if there was a way to plot historic data. For example, I produce a ZigZag pattern...
Denny left a comment in the discussion History API Maintenance - 21st Jan 2017
On Friday I went live with a deployment that uses History/WarmUp. Should I redeploy?
Denny left a comment in the discussion Trouble With Custom Indicator
Thanks Jared. For those interested the fix was to add the selector when...
239Tradeable Dates
0Tradeable Dates
Denny started the discussion Ghost Sell Orders
I'm a long time C# programmer, but I'm quite new to QantConnect and the stock market in...
Denny started the discussion Plot Historic Data
I was wondering if there was a way to plot historic data. For example, I produce a ZigZag pattern...
Denny left a comment in the discussion An Example of Fundamental Ranking
That's pretty exciting stuff, Paul. Thanks for sharing. One question: In your...
Denny left a comment in the discussion History API Maintenance - 21st Jan 2017
On Friday I went live with a deployment that uses History/WarmUp. Should I redeploy?
Denny left a comment in the discussion Trouble With Custom Indicator
Thanks Jared. For those interested the fix was to add the selector when...
Denny left a comment in the discussion ORDER TICKETS
Haha. You're welcome. +1 for the orderEvent.Status.IsFill(). That's way better than my...
Denny left a comment in the discussion ORDER TICKETS
I had the exact same troubles! But first, to clarify, when setting an order, you're...
Denny left a comment in the discussion Consider to connect to Robinnhood
Yeah, that certainly would cut into one's profits. The question of course would be if you can...
Denny left a comment in the discussion An Example of Fundamental Ranking
That's pretty exciting stuff, Paul. Thanks for sharing. One question: In your...
8 years ago