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Chris started the discussion AlgoFramework + Alpha Streams. Dealing with limited liquidity?
I have a modeol which I'd like to ultimately trade on a propritary basis but may also be good to...
Chris left a comment in the discussion IBKR Lite
Their Bot interface is supported... I wonder if it'd be possible to 'interface' with that...
Chris left a comment in the discussion How to compare backtest variations - API?
As a note on this. My strong prefernce would be to have Optimization run using something like spot...
Chris started the discussion Factor Research
I know a few of us are working on facor based models.
Chris left a comment in the discussion Earnings Reversal Example Algorithm + Video Tutorial
Qandl has Zacks' Consensus data.... free it is not... cheap it is neither... Gonna keep looking for...
Chris started the discussion AlgoFramework + Alpha Streams. Dealing with limited liquidity?
I have a modeol which I'd like to ultimately trade on a propritary basis but may also be good to...
Chris left a comment in the discussion IBKR Lite
Their Bot interface is supported... I wonder if it'd be possible to 'interface' with that...
Chris left a comment in the discussion How to compare backtest variations - API?
As a note on this. My strong prefernce would be to have Optimization run using something like spot...
Chris started the discussion Factor Research
I know a few of us are working on facor based models.
Chris left a comment in the discussion Getting Started - Multi-pair forex trend system
Anyone looked at porting this to latest APIs? Guessing that TradeBars changed to QuoteBars for...
Chris left a comment in the discussion Interactive Brokers for FX
For those of us outside US. Any issues with running FX algos against IB?
Chris left a comment in the discussion Elo Ranking System
Looks interesting and I need to go and have a bit of a play. Have used Elo previously in automated...
Chris left a comment in the discussion Earnings Reversal Example Algorithm + Video Tutorial
Qandl has Zacks' Consensus data.... free it is not... cheap it is neither... Gonna keep looking for...
4 years ago