We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
Kevin started the discussion Lean cli not compatible with dotnet 9?
When I tried to run “lean backtest myproject” I get this error:
Kevin started the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
I'm installing quantconnect using the devcontainer option that includes all of the quantconnect...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
Oh, and my script assumes “ln -f” will force create the links and replace any files necessary....
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
In your hardlink.sh file, include the source files you need. Don't include the csproj. Don't just...
Kevin started the discussion Lean cli not compatible with dotnet 9?
When I tried to run “lean backtest myproject” I get this error:
Kevin started the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
I'm installing quantconnect using the devcontainer option that includes all of the quantconnect...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Can you use the same directory for your project/workspace for the lean CLI and for the local platform?
The local platform syncs your files with the cloud, so if you edit your files locally but outside...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
Oh, and my script assumes “ln -f” will force create the links and replace any files necessary....
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
In your hardlink.sh file, include the source files you need. Don't include the csproj. Don't just...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Devcontainer + Cloud hybrid workflow?
So what I did was make a script called hardlink.sh with the following contents:mkdir...
Kevin started the discussion Cannot pull CSharp/TradingAlgorithm 14'(id 4863107): Please make sure Docker is installed and running - during lean cloud pull command
Hi, I'm getting similar errors to the following, multiple times, when trying to do "lean cloud...
Kevin started the discussion Just checking if my posts are public
My account seemingly didn't have enough karma to post here. Almost like I was shadow banned. Just...
Kevin started the discussion Can you use the same directory for your project/workspace for the lean CLI and for the local platform?
Can you use the same directory for your project/workspace for the lean CLI and for the local...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Can you use the same directory for your project/workspace for the lean CLI and for the local platform?
@Mia Sadly, I did run lean init in an empty directory before running lean cloud pull. I don't know...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion [Update] Dividends, Splits and Custom Price Normalization
“The current, default behavior of QuantConnect is to fully adjust for splits and dividends,...
Kevin left a comment in the discussion Can you use the same directory for your project/workspace for the lean CLI and for the local platform?
The local platform syncs your files with the cloud, so if you edit your files locally but outside...
5 months ago