We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
835Tradeable Dates
5812Tradeable Dates
5803Tradeable Dates
Mike started the discussion Does browser window need to remain open when live trading?
This might seem like a wacky thing to ask, it does to me, but does the browser window need to...
Mike started the discussion A good genetic algorithm framework for C#?
Does anyone know of a good genetic algorithm framework in C#?
Mike left a comment in the discussion How to increase log file size?
Yes it was. I meant to update this post stating, I changed it to public override void...
Mike left a comment in the discussion How can I access "options chain" data in real-time?
Thanks, I'll try those out.
835Tradeable Dates
5812Tradeable Dates
5803Tradeable Dates
Mike started the discussion Does browser window need to remain open when live trading?
This might seem like a wacky thing to ask, it does to me, but does the browser window need to...
Mike started the discussion A good genetic algorithm framework for C#?
Does anyone know of a good genetic algorithm framework in C#?
Mike left a comment in the discussion How to increase log file size?
Please disregard my last post. In my sleep deprived state, I must have not noticed the obvious...
Mike left a comment in the discussion How to increase log file size?
Yes it was. I meant to update this post stating, I changed it to public override void...
Mike left a comment in the discussion How can I access "options chain" data in real-time?
Thanks, I'll try those out.
Mike left a comment in the discussion Code
Hi Anmol, There are also some example algorithms in the Algorithm/CSharp/ folder on GitHub. ...
Mike left a comment in the discussion Noob question - what kind of access does QC have to my algorithm?
In my experience, every time I've needed help debugging they ask me first. They've been very good...
Mike started the discussion How to change email address used on QuantConnect discussion?
I recently aquired a new email address, but I can't seem to find a way to change the email...
Mike started the discussion How can I access "options chain" data in real-time?
I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get the data for a stock's "options chain"? I looked through...
Mike started the discussion How to increase log file size?
Is there any way I can increase the max size of an algo's log file? Or, ask the QuantConnect...
Mike started the discussion How to output to console from BaseData class
I see Debug(...) is a method of the QCAlorithm() class. And it looks like messages passed to...
Mike started the discussion Does QuantConnect get the latest day's data from Quandl during live trading?
I tweaked the code posted by MichaelH a bit to make a more generic QuandlReader() class.
Mike started the discussion Insert object at beginning of RollingWindow
I see there's an Add() method in the RollingWindow class. It adds a new item to the end of the...
Mike started the discussion How to output line number?
This might seem like an overly simple question, but how can I output the line number to the logs...
Mike started the discussion Additional log space
I saw another post regarding more log data. It's my understanding that subscribers may request...
Mike started the discussion SMS and Email messages
I was using Tradier, but as it turns out, they don't have access to buy or sell the EFT fund I want...
Mike left a comment in the discussion How to increase log file size?
I implemented the following, but nothing is outputted. List _logs = new List(); _logs.Add("line...
Mike left a comment in the discussion How to increase log file size?
Please disregard my last post. In my sleep deprived state, I must have not noticed the obvious...
8 years ago