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Ram started the discussion Multi-Leg Option strategies atomically?
From the documentation/samples, my understanding is that each leg of option strategies such as iron...
Ram started the discussion TradingCalendar for 2023 Columbus Day not working. Workarounds?
Columbus Day 2023 markets are open, for the expiry date of Oct 9, 2023. How are the holidays...
Ram started the discussion Simulated option assignment before expiration for SPX
Backtest on SPX fails with the orders below - Invalid Simulated option assignment...
Ram started the discussion ComboLimitOrder limit price for open and close of Iron Condor strategy?
Observed that ImmediateFillModel with aggregate pricing of orderSides ask/bid price is not filling...
Ram started the discussion ObjectStore in the lean cli environment
Found that the docker container is closing for every few days due to ibgateway not responding. As a...
0Net Profit
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0Loss Rate
0Security Types
1Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
Ram started the discussion Multi-Leg Option strategies atomically?
From the documentation/samples, my understanding is that each leg of option strategies such as iron...
Ram started the discussion TradingCalendar for 2023 Columbus Day not working. Workarounds?
Columbus Day 2023 markets are open, for the expiry date of Oct 9, 2023. How are the holidays...
Ram started the discussion Simulated option assignment before expiration for SPX
Backtest on SPX fails with the orders below - Invalid Simulated option assignment...
Ram started the discussion ComboLimitOrder limit price for open and close of Iron Condor strategy?
Observed that ImmediateFillModel with aggregate pricing of orderSides ask/bid price is not filling...
Ram started the discussion ObjectStore in the lean cli environment
Found that the docker container is closing for every few days due to ibgateway not responding. As a...
Ram left a comment in the discussion Ask QC: Are you live trading Options strategies? How's it going?
I am in the same state now. Any experiences from live trading with options features on...
Ram left a comment in the discussion Multi-Leg Option strategies atomically?
This won't help for live trading. Back testing results also get skewed(may not be accurate) since...
Ram left a comment in the discussion ComboLimitOrder limit price for open and close of Iron Condor strategy?
Provide an example of ComboLimitOrder to close an option strategy?
1 years ago