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Stamatis started the discussion Binance Online Deploy
I'm struggling to deploy my algorithm online using Binance Futures due to continuous...
Stamatis started the discussion Urgent Issue with Binance Global Futures API - Unable to Trade USDT Pairs with USDC Collateral
I have invested significant time and resources here (over 1,000 euros in backtesting servers) to...
Stamatis started the discussion Return per ticket
Stamatis started the discussion Total profit per symbol
I am trying to display the total profit / return per symbol when working with strategies with...
Stamatis started the discussion Binance Online Deploy
I'm struggling to deploy my algorithm online using Binance Futures due to continuous...
Stamatis started the discussion Urgent Issue with Binance Global Futures API - Unable to Trade USDT Pairs with USDC Collateral
I have invested significant time and resources here (over 1,000 euros in backtesting servers) to...
Stamatis left a comment in the discussion Binance Online Deploy
Your solution does not work. The proposed conversion does not work. None of your solutions worked...
Stamatis started the discussion Return per ticket
Stamatis started the discussion Total profit per symbol
I am trying to display the total profit / return per symbol when working with strategies with...
Stamatis started the discussion Open order within a specific timeline
I have coded a trendline between 3 prices and i want to set a condition to open an order when price...
Stamatis left a comment in the discussion Open order within a specific timeline
It works with some modifications.
Stamatis left a comment in the discussion Open order within a specific timeline
So Mia, do you have any recommendations about how can i allow an order to be executed only between...
Stamatis left a comment in the discussion Total profit per symbol
It works.
Stamatis left a comment in the discussion Binance Online Deploy
Your solution does not work. The proposed conversion does not work. None of your solutions worked...
3 months ago