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0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
1Security Types
0Sortino Ratio
42Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
Super started the discussion Unsuccessful accurate price retrieval although all conditions are met
I am running live with IBKR.
Super started the discussion Daily Strat Implementation
Hello :]
Super started the discussion Running research notebook locally on C# with .NET Interactive ipynb
Hi again :]
Super started the discussion Importing custom data
I am trying to import custom data from csv in this format: date,value
0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
1Security Types
0Sortino Ratio
42Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
Super started the discussion Unsuccessful accurate price retrieval although all conditions are met
I am running live with IBKR.
Super left a comment in the discussion Unsuccessful accurate price retrieval although all conditions are met
I have already done the things you say to do.
Super started the discussion Daily Strat Implementation
Hello :]
Super started the discussion Running research notebook locally on C# with .NET Interactive ipynb
Hi again :]
Super started the discussion Importing custom data
I am trying to import custom data from csv in this format: date,value
Super left a comment in the discussion Running research notebook locally on C# with .NET Interactive ipynb
Thanks Louis for the answer!
Super left a comment in the discussion Importing custom data
Super left a comment in the discussion Importing custom data
ok the data range is month, each month there is a new value.
Super left a comment in the discussion Daily Strat Implementation
Super left a comment in the discussion Daily Strat Implementation
Hi Nico Xenox thanks for the reply!
Super started the discussion Checking if data exists in the local data folder
Hi guys :)
Super started the discussion Independent maintenance of DATA folder
Super started the discussion Question regarding Coarse Universe Selection and lean CLI
Thanks for adding ```failed-data-requests``` and ```succeeded-data-requests``` files to lean cli...
Super left a comment in the discussion Unsuccessful accurate price retrieval although all conditions are met
I have already done the things you say to do.
6 months ago