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14Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
3Tradeable Dates
TedVZ started the discussion WebClient.DownloadString stop working
Did I miss somewhere that something changed with calling webClient.DownloadString()? A project...
TedVZ started the discussion Moving to C# 7
Any plans to move up to newer versions of .Net/C#? Doing:
TedVZ started the discussion Consolidators using QCAlgorithmFramework and SetUniverseSelection
Apolgies if my search of the forums was poorly conducted, but I'm trying to understand a bit about...
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Moving to C# 7
Ah, I see. OK. Plans to move to .Net Core in the future over Mono? Just curious.
14Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
14Tradeable Dates
3Tradeable Dates
TedVZ started the discussion WebClient.DownloadString stop working
Did I miss somewhere that something changed with calling webClient.DownloadString()? A project...
TedVZ started the discussion Moving to C# 7
Any plans to move up to newer versions of .Net/C#? Doing:
TedVZ started the discussion Consolidators using QCAlgorithmFramework and SetUniverseSelection
Apolgies if my search of the forums was poorly conducted, but I'm trying to understand a bit about...
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion SPX/RUT option support?
Thanks, Jared. I'd love to help out, but at the present time I rarely get time to work on...
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Moving to C# 7
Ah, I see. OK. Plans to move to .Net Core in the future over Mono? Just curious.
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Delta-hedged straddle
Not sure what's changed, but sometime in the last month or so my clone of this algorithm stopped...
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Delta-hedged straddle
Ah, no worries, thanks for the update. I'll try again later.
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Is it possible to enter/exit a spread as a single trade (backtest or live)?
I'd really like to know as well. Entering the legs individually can blow up the margin on the...
TedVZ started the discussion Straddle/Butterfly examples in c#?
I'm looking through the option tutorials, and they're all in Python. I should really look into...
TedVZ started the discussion Resuming a strategy/algorithm already in-process
Is it possible to "tag" or otherwise persist my own metadata along with a trade transaction? I...
TedVZ started the discussion Multiple Strategy Strategy
If I want to run multiple strategies live, what's the recommended procedure? Is it to pay for...
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion Live Trading - Question about multiple strategies
Great info, thank you!
TedVZ started the discussion Live Trading - Question about multiple strategies
In all honesty it's been too long since I've experimented with QC, but I'm really...
TedVZ started the discussion Load list of symbols to process each day
Let's assume it's a simple file that contains a list of 0-20 symbols I *may* want to act on...
TedVZ started the discussion Struggling with simple issue of getting purchase date
The algorithm I'm toying with presently involves unloading a stock that was purchased after n...
TedVZ started the discussion Protecting against going short too much
Given the richeness of the API, I'm sure I'm overlooking a simpler way to handle this....
TedVZ started the discussion Backtesting Performance
I gotta say, I'm starting to get the feel for the QC platform and it's growing on me....
TedVZ started the discussion SetHoldings vs MarketOrder
Say I'm long on some symbol. What's the difference betwen:
TedVZ started the discussion Possible to run Backtest multiple times automatically?
I want to run a backtest with multiple symbols, but I don't want to treat them as being part of...
TedVZ started the discussion OnData not getting all the symbols
I'm confused by the fact that OnData doesn't seem to be receiving the full list of symbols...
TedVZ started the discussion Incorrect Symbols Added to Universe
Many thanks to Alexandre Catarino who pointed me at his PreMarketDailyUsEquityUniverse...
TedVZ started the discussion Backtesting broke?
I thought maybe it was something with my algorithm, but for any project I try to Backtest, I get a...
TedVZ started the discussion Loading Symbols at Specific Time
I know I can use the AddUniverse and set the resolution to Daily to load a set of symbols each day....
TedVZ started the discussion Log/Debug in BaseData Derived Class
I'm trying to use GetSource & Reader overrides and want to debug or log in these methods....
TedVZ left a comment in the discussion SPX/RUT option support?
Thanks, Jared. I'd love to help out, but at the present time I rarely get time to work on...
5 years ago