We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
uhahahaha started the discussion Is there any way to get open interest for future in mintue resolution in quantconnect?
Is there any way to get open interest for future in mintue resolution in quantconnect?
uhahahaha started the discussion Researcher Pack
Hi, I recently purchased research Pack. Since then, my local lean-cli is not working properly.
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Researcher Pack
Step 1, 2, and 3 has been passed. When I try lean update, I'm getting the following message lean...
uhahahaha started the discussion Bootcamp tutorial 11
Hi, I'm following the bootcamp tutorial 11.
uhahahaha started the discussion Is there any way to get open interest for future in mintue resolution in quantconnect?
Is there any way to get open interest for future in mintue resolution in quantconnect?
uhahahaha started the discussion Researcher Pack
Hi, I recently purchased research Pack. Since then, my local lean-cli is not working properly.
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Timedelta
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Researcher Pack
Step 1, 2, and 3 has been passed. When I try lean update, I'm getting the following message lean...
uhahahaha started the discussion Bootcamp tutorial 11
Hi, I'm following the bootcamp tutorial 11.
uhahahaha started the discussion Algorithm framework, future, and filter
Hi, I'm writing an future algorithm using algorithm framework.
uhahahaha started the discussion Is_canonical
Hi, I'm running the “BasicTemplateFuturesFrameworkAlgorithm” in Algorithm.Python directory.
uhahahaha started the discussion Timedelta
In the example located in Algorithm.Python/BasicTemplateFuturesFrameworkAlgorithm.py listed below
uhahahaha started the discussion Bootcamp tutorial 10
Hi I'm going through the bootcamp 10. Below is the script
uhahahaha started the discussion Bootcamp tutorial 10
Hi I'm going through the bootcamp 10. Below is the script
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Bootcamp tutorial 10
Thanks for your quick reply. for the first question, on the constructor, Could you please explain...
uhahahaha started the discussion Universe and portfolio
Hi, I'm following the bootcamp and I have a question.
uhahahaha started the discussion Creating a new class
I'm following the bootcamp tutorial (T08) and I defined the following class in the code
uhahahaha started the discussion Emacs as an IDE
Can I use emacs as an IDE instead of Visual Studio Code?
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Creating a new class
Thanks. Can you provide me a link to the “ExponentialMovingAverage” in the Quantconnect...
uhahahaha started the discussion I have problem in understanding "self.Portfolio.Invested"
uhahahaha left a comment in the discussion Timedelta
4 months ago