We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
0Security Types
168Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
warren started the discussion Specific options traded
How to code so that based on my account value I only make an open credit spread options using 2% of...
warren started the discussion Why is my back test not returning anything
Can you please help me see a detailed an accurate backtest. The code that I made is giving me no...
warren started the discussion Live trading
Can you help me make this code run live on trade stationĀ
warren left a comment in the discussion Specific options traded
I still only get one options trade opened per trade request despite account value
0Net Profit
0Sharpe Ratio
0Loss Rate
0Security Types
168Tradeable Dates
0Treynor Ratio
0Win Rate
warren started the discussion Specific options traded
How to code so that based on my account value I only make an open credit spread options using 2% of...
warren started the discussion Why is my back test not returning anything
Can you please help me see a detailed an accurate backtest. The code that I made is giving me no...
warren started the discussion Live trading
Can you help me make this code run live on trade stationĀ
warren left a comment in the discussion Specific options traded
Can you edit my code so that code updates how many options to trade based on the account value
warren left a comment in the discussion Specific options traded
I still only get one options trade opened per trade request despite account value
warren started the discussion Weekly Bull Put Credit Spread strategy
Can you help me code for weekly bull put spreads on SPY. Where a trade is only made when the stock...
warren started the discussion Help
Can you add stop loss logic to my code , that is the unrealized losses are greater than the credit...
warren left a comment in the discussion Help
I do not see a stop loss added
warren left a comment in the discussion Weekly Bull Put Credit Spread strategy
Has there been any progress?
warren left a comment in the discussion Weekly Bull Put Credit Spread strategy
Can you now please help me edit the strategy so it will take multiple trades. As in the back test...
warren started the discussion Opening range breakout in forex?
warren started the discussion Can I use Opening Range Breakout on XAUUSD?
warren left a comment in the discussion Can I use Opening Range Breakout on XAUUSD?
That did not work to produce a back test
warren left a comment in the discussion Specific options traded
Can you edit my code so that code updates how many options to trade based on the account value
2 months ago