About US Equity Security Master

The US Equity Security Master dataset by QuantConnect tracks US Equity corporate actions, including splits, dividends, delistings, mergers, and ticker changes through history. The data covers approximately 27,500 US Equities, starts in January 1998, and is delivered on a daily update frequency. You can easily download and install the dataset with the LEAN CLI so it's ready to use by LEAN. LEAN automatically handles all corporate actions and passes them into your algorithm as events.

About QuantConnect

QuantConnect was founded in 2012 to serve quants everywhere with the best possible algorithmic trading technology. Seeking to disrupt a notoriously closed-source industry, QuantConnect takes a radically open-source approach to algorithmic trading. Through the QuantConnect web platform, more than 50,000 quants are served every month.

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About QuantConnect

QuantConnect was founded in 2012 to serve quants everywhere with the best possible algorithmic trading technology. Seeking to disrupt a notoriously closed-source industry, QuantConnect takes a radically open-source approach to algorithmic trading. Through the QuantConnect web platform, more than 50,000 quants are served every month.

Algorithm Example

from AlgorithmImports import *
from QuantConnect.DataSource import *

class USEquitySecurityMasterAlgorithm (QCAlgorithm):

    def initialize(self):
        self.set_start_date(1998, 1, 1)
        self.equity = self.add_equity("AAPL", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
    def on_data(self, slice: Slice) -> None:
        # Accessing Data - Splits
        split = slice.splits.get(self.equity)
        if split:
            self.debug(f"{self.time} >> SPLIT >> {split.symbol} - {split.split_factor} - {self.portfolio.cash} - {self.portfolio[self.equity].price}")
        # Accessing Data - Dividends
        dividend = slice.dividends.get(self.equity)
        if dividend:
            self.debug(f"{self.time} >> DIVIDEND >> {dividend.symbol} - {dividend.distribution} - {self.portfolio.cash} - {self.portfolio[self.equity].price}")

        # Accessing Data - Delisting
        delisting = slice.delistings.get(self.equity)
        if delisting:
            delistingType = {0: "Warning", 1: "Delisted"}.get(delisting.type)
            self.debug(f"{self.time} >> DELISTING >> {delisting.symbol} - {delistingType}")
        # Accessing Data - Symbol Changed Event
        symbolChangedEvent = slice.symbol_changed_events.get(self.equity)
        if symbolChangedEvent:
            self.debug(f"{self.time} >> SYMBOL CHANGED >> {symbolChangedEvent.old_symbol} -> {symbolChangedEvent.new_symbol}")

Example Applications

The US Security Master enables you to accurately design strategies harnessing any core corporate actions. Examples include the following strategies: