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Farshad started the discussion Rest API /backtest/list
I am exploring the rest api and trying to get a list of backtests and stats on the project. I have...
Farshad started the discussion Interactive Brokers (IB) open position issue
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Trading with a Live IB Account
Jared, I think what you mean is only a single login, even on the same device two or more logins...
Farshad started the discussion Binance request for IP address of for the API key
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Greeks and IV Implementation
Change this line: right = OptionRight.CALL if symbol.id.option_right == OptionRight.Call else...
Farshad started the discussion Rest API /backtest/list
I am exploring the rest api and trying to get a list of backtests and stats on the project. I have...
Farshad started the discussion Interactive Brokers (IB) open position issue
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Trading with a Live IB Account
Jared, I think what you mean is only a single login, even on the same device two or more logins...
Farshad started the discussion Binance request for IP address of for the API key
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Live trading with IB and market data lines limitations
This is an old thread but it is worth answering for anyone looking. Currently options and futures...
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Options data from IB
Speaking to their customer service I recall they have two options, either to subscribe to a base...
Farshad left a comment in the discussion How to receive emails in Quantconnect?
Louis my understanding is that the question is about receiving emails in quantconnect, not sending....
Farshad started the discussion Requesting historical for a specific timeframe during the day
I wasn't able to find anything regarding this. I am trying to call only a specific timeframe of the...
Farshad started the discussion Options data from IB
I have been testing my ideas using the quantconnect's options data. It seems that the minute...
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Requesting historical for a specific timeframe during the day
Thank you for the reply. As you mentioned the minute bar volume is really not an indicative of the...
Farshad left a comment in the discussion Greeks and IV Implementation
Change this line: right = OptionRight.CALL if symbol.id.option_right == OptionRight.Call else...
4 months ago