We are pioneering the radical future for open-source quant finance. QuantConnect is the world's largest quant community, empowering 220,000 quants with a framework, data, and infrastructure for their investments.
youki started the discussion Interactrive Brokers Second Account
I want to use Quantconnect with my IBKR account, if I want to practise option trading manually on...
youki started the discussion Scalping Futures Breakouts (Pack, Compute Nodes, Data Feed)
youki started the discussion Still Free Tier delay after update to Researcher Pack
youki started the discussion Limitations of possibilities at QuantConnect
Hello, I would like to know a bit about the limitations and if QuantConnect is even right for me....
youki started the discussion Interactrive Brokers Second Account
I want to use Quantconnect with my IBKR account, if I want to practise option trading manually on...
youki started the discussion Scalping Futures Breakouts (Pack, Compute Nodes, Data Feed)
youki started the discussion Still Free Tier delay after update to Researcher Pack
youki left a comment in the discussion Still Free Tier delay after update to Researcher Pack
youki started the discussion Limitations of possibilities at QuantConnect
Hello, I would like to know a bit about the limitations and if QuantConnect is even right for me....
youki left a comment in the discussion Limitations of possibilities at QuantConnect
4. Performance issues in certain timeframes (1m?!) during trading?
youki left a comment in the discussion Still Free Tier delay after update to Researcher Pack
5 months ago