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HONGYUZHANG started the discussion Debugger VARIABLES Panel
chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self.symbol)
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion The DELTA of options in backtesting is very different from the Delta I get from brokers.
this is the AAPL optionchain data, I got from backtest.the time in slice is 20230704,AAPL close...
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 在本地平台运行回测,能否使用本地的NVDIA GPU进行加速?
在本地平台运行回测,能否使用本地的NVDIA GPU进行加速?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 能否在M2芯片的Macbook上运行本地回测
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 你们的股票数据集有问题,周六有数据,周日和周一没有数据?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion Debugger VARIABLES Panel
chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self.symbol)
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion The DELTA of options in backtesting is very different from the Delta I get from brokers.
this is the AAPL optionchain data, I got from backtest.the time in slice is 20230704,AAPL close...
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 在本地平台运行回测,能否使用本地的NVDIA GPU进行加速?
在本地平台运行回测,能否使用本地的NVDIA GPU进行加速?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 能否在M2芯片的Macbook上运行本地回测
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 你们的股票数据集有问题,周六有数据,周日和周一没有数据?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 关于获取到期日当天的期权合约的价格问题
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion About the issue of obtaining the price of an option contract on its expiration day.
When my data frequency is daily, the triggering time of onData is only at midnight each day....
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 如何获取期权链的历史数据
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 能否将lean引擎安装在本地的服务器上,并在局域网的其他电脑上进行调用
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion 本地平台设置的docker安装目录是什么?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion Can I use the local platform in VSCODE to invoke Docker and Lean on other computers within the local network for backtesting?
Can I use the local platform in VSCODE to invoke Docker and Lean on other computers within the...
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion Does the local platform support macbook with M3pro?
Does the local platform support macbook with M3pro?
HONGYUZHANG started the discussion Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
Are there no staff working in this community? Is there no one to solve problems?
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion 能否将lean引擎安装在本地的服务器上,并在局域网的其他电脑上进行调用
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion 能否将lean引擎安装在本地的服务器上,并在局域网的其他电脑上进行调用
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion 能否将lean引擎安装在本地的服务器上,并在局域网的其他电脑上进行调用
HONGYUZHANG left a comment in the discussion Use VS CODE Local Platform Connect Cloud Platform ,run and debugger icon lost
is there any people? i don't want see the fucking mia again
1 years ago