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Tamer started the discussion Consolidated indicators - is data accurate?
Hi,I'm calculating indicator points across multiple different timeframes in my SymbolData class:
Tamer started the discussion Dynamic consolidators in universe selection
none of my consolidators work:
Tamer started the discussion Getting symbol list from universe and modifying universe - initialize method
I am first trying to get all the symbols in my universe in the initialize method. The best thing I...
Tamer started the discussion CryptoUniverse and CoinGecko data integration
HiI'm trying to add CoinGecko data (just need the marketcap). I want all other elements of the...
Tamer started the discussion Slice object in RollingWindows
for crypto in self.filtered_universe: cg_symbol = crypto.symbol.value.replace("USDT",...
Tamer started the discussion Consolidated indicators - is data accurate?
Hi,I'm calculating indicator points across multiple different timeframes in my SymbolData class:
Tamer started the discussion Dynamic consolidators in universe selection
none of my consolidators work:
Tamer started the discussion Getting symbol list from universe and modifying universe - initialize method
I am first trying to get all the symbols in my universe in the initialize method. The best thing I...
Tamer started the discussion CryptoUniverse and CoinGecko data integration
HiI'm trying to add CoinGecko data (just need the marketcap). I want all other elements of the...
Tamer started the discussion Slice object in RollingWindows
for crypto in self.filtered_universe: cg_symbol = crypto.symbol.value.replace("USDT",...
Tamer started the discussion Universe scheduling
Is it possible to run universe filtering every hour? I know I can schedule universe with date_rules...
Tamer left a comment in the discussion Getting symbol list from universe and modifying universe - initialize method
I specifically want to initialize my universe instead of accessing the symbols from coarse
Tamer left a comment in the discussion Dynamic consolidators in universe selection
you're right, the problem was with the universe selection process. For some reason, the...
Tamer started the discussion Chart arguments - using color and index
HiI have been trying to add ‘subplots’ to my chart.
Tamer left a comment in the discussion Universe scheduling
setting the resolution to hourly means the securities data are in hourly resolution. but universe...
2 months ago