I'm trying to add CoinGecko data (just need the marketcap). I want all other elements of the CryptoUniverse. Here's what I have so far. I would appreciate any help
from AlgorithmImports import *
import numpy as np
import re
import pandas as pd
class TxTrader(QCAlgorithm):
def initialize(self):
self.set_start_date(year=2024, month=1, day=1)
self.set_brokerage_model(BrokerageName.BINANCE, AccountType.CASH)
self.cg_symbols = list()
self.GC_df_ready = False
self.universe_settings.Resolution = Resolution.DAILY
self.coingecko_dic = dict()
self._universe = self.add_universe(CryptoUniverse.binance(self.universe_selection_filter))
# self.add_alpha(HistoricalReturnsAlphaModel(12, Resolution.HOUR))
# self.set_portfolio_construction(EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel())
# self.set_execution(ImmediateExecutionModel())
# self.add_risk_management(NullRiskManagementModel())
def universe_selection_filter(self, universe_day):
# Define prefixes that need to be removed
prefixes = [
'USD', 'BUSD', 'BKRW', 'EUR', 'TRY', 'FDUSD', 'PAX', 'TUSD', 'BRL', 'GBP', 'RUB', 'JPY', 'AUD'
# Regex pattern to match the prefix
prefix_pattern = re.compile(f"^({'|'.join(prefixes)})")
# Regular expression to match "USDT" suffix but exclude "BULLUSDT" and "BEARUSDT"
usdt_pair = re.compile(r'^(?!.*(BULLUSDT|BEARUSDT)).*USDT$')
self.filtered_universe = list()
# Filter symbols based on prefix and suffix
for crypto in universe_day:
symbol = crypto.symbol.value
if usdt_pair.search(symbol) and not prefix_pattern.search(symbol):
for crypto in self.filtered_universe:
cg_symbol = crypto.symbol.value.replace("USDT", "")
if cg_symbol not in [s.value for s in self.cg_symbols]:
self.cg_symbols.append(self.add_data(CoinGecko, cg_symbol, Resolution.DAILY).symbol)
# if not self.coingecko_dic:
# self.log(f'coingecko_dic : {self.coingecko_dic}')
# else:
# self.debug('coingecko dictionary empty')
# marketcap = [self.coingecko_dic[cg].marketcap for cg in self.cg_symbols]
top_5 = sorted(self.filtered_universe, key=lambda x: x.VolumeInUsd, reverse=True)[:5]
# Return the symbols of the selected cryptocurrencies
return [x.Symbol for x in top_5]
def on_data(self, slice):
for crypto in self.active_securities.values:
if crypto.symbol in self.cg_symbols:
self.log(f'coin gecko active: {crypto.symbol} , mcap : {crypto.value}')
self.log(f'not found: {crypto.symbol}')
# cg_data = slice.get(CoinGecko)
# if cg_data:
# for cg_symbol in self.cg_symbols:
# if cg_symbol in cg_data:
# self.coingecko_dic[cg_symbol.value] = cg_data[cg_symbol]
# else:
# self.debug(f'cg_data not found for {cg_symbol}')
Mia Alissi
Sources: Bybit Crypto Futures Regression Algorithm, Momentum Effect In Commodities Futures, Asset Growth Effect, Momentum And State Of Market Filters, Accrual Anomaly
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