I am first trying to get all the symbols in my universe in the initialize method. The best thing I could find is this:

self._universe = self.add_universe(CryptoUniverse.binance(self.universe_selection_filter))
for symbols in self._universe.memebers.keys:

## I also tried this:
universe_members = self.universe_manager[self._universe.configuration.symbol].members
for kvp in universe_members:
    symbol = kvp.key # The symbol of the asset.
    security = kvp.value # The security in the universe.

in both cases, I can see the dictionary object <System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[Symbol,Security] > but it seems to have nothing inside it when I try to iterate over it. I tried using len() and the output was 0I'm doing this because I want to parse all the symbols in the universe such that I remove any non USDT pairs from my universe using self.universe_manager.remove()Any help with this is greatly appreciated!