
I have issues setting up QC/LEAN+PYTHON+VSCODE+DOCKER. I am not able to run LEAN in a container. I followed the instructions until "Running Lean in the Container - Option 1" fromĀ https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/.vscode/readme.md#option-1-recommended. But I cannot find the tasks.json (it opens a launch.json when click on configureĀ  "Debug in Container"). Also I don't know how/where to put the run-docker task arg..

I changed the launch.json to:

{ "name": "Debug in Container", "type": "python", "preLaunchTask": "run-docker", "args": [ "IMAGE=quantconnect/lean:latest", "CONFIG_FILE=${workspaceFolder}/Launcher/config.json", "DATA_DIR=${workspaceFolder}/Data", "RESULTS_DIR=${workspaceFolder}/Results", "DEBUGGING=Y", "PYHTON_DIR=${workspaceFolder}/Algorithm.Python"], "postDebugTask": "close-docker", "request": "attach", "address": "localhost", "port": 55555 }

VSCODE claims:Property args/address is not allowed.

Thank you for your support.