Hi there,

Is it possible to make a telegram group where I get some signals from my trading bot? And Is it possible to send a telegram message when there is a buying opportunity?

And were do I find all this information? 

 I found this one:


But how do I put this in my code?

        				//PLACING ORDER
      					var quantity = NormalizeQuantity(symbol, btcAmount / data[symbol].Close);
        				//var msg = $"\n\n AANKOOP ter waarde van {btcAmount} BTC | {symbol} Hoeveelheid: {quantity} voor een bedrag van {usdAmount} euro | Aankoopprijs {symbol} van {data[symbol].Price}BTC\n\n";
						if (quantity == 0) continue;	

						MarketOrder(symbol, quantity);
        				Plot("Trades", "AANKOOP", price);

        				Debug($"\n\n ********** AANKOOP: {symbol} aankoopprijs {data[symbol].Price} ter waarde van {usdAmount}euro **********\n\n");   // Als het order gemaakt is word dit bevestigd door de debug

            			//Notify.Email("***@gmail.com", "TradeAlert",$"Gekocht {symbol} op {data[symbol].Price}");

            			Log($"prijs {price} en Max 24uur {symbolData.MaxExchange} en MIN 24uur {symbolData.MinExchange}");

						symbolData.TargetPrice = price * (1 + _targetPercent);   //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN PROFIT.
						symbolData.StopPrice = price * (1 - _stopPercent);       //DETERMINE WICH SELLING PRICE WHEN LOSS.

Thanks in advance.

