Hey gang,
Writing a follow up to my first cry for help where we figured out how to reshape the input tensors into the correct shapes and accept multiple features. Thank you Adam W !
I have made some more progress in the research environment. The model now accepts multiple features!
The inputs are the day-to-day pct_change of open, high, low, and close. The output is the day-to-day pct_change of close at N+1.
However, I am running into an issue where the model only predicts pct_change values near zero. What can I do to mitigate this issue and improve the model's predictive power?
Top graph is actual vs predicted close price. Bottom graph is actual vs predicted day-over-day pct_change.

Solutions I have attempted from scouring stackexchange:
- added dropout layer
- increased hidden_size (chose 128 arbitrarily. not sure what the rule of thumb is)
- reduced num_layer (chose 2 b/c 3+ produced completely flat predictions)
- changed loss function to nn.L1Loss (didn't seem to change the results much)
Ideas I haven't tried yet:
- standardize features instead of using MinMaxScaler
- “put an L1-Regularization term into your Dense Layers” (don't know what that means)
Eric Kao
As a side-question: how would an LSTM work on a non-continuous time-series? i.e. I only want to add a last-10 days sequence to the input if the latest closing price is 2 std away from the historic mean (breaches Bollinger Band). Or also if I wanted to add data from other stocks.
Adam W
Nice progress - figured you would run into this issue soon as it's one of the nuances with financial data and what makes algorithmic trading challenging 😊
Couple of suggestions:
Eric Kao
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