I'm currently working on an algorithm in QuantConnect using Python, and I've run into a problem. I get a runtime error saying "sell_option() missing 1 required positional argument: 'slice'". However, upon checking my code, I've ensured that the 'slice' argument is indeed included in the function. I'm not sure why this problem is occurring. Could someone please help me understand what might be going wrong?
Here is my code for reference:
from datetime import timedelta
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
class OptionWritingAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2023, 5, 21) # Set Start Date
self.SetEndDate(2023, 7, 21) # Set End Date
self.SetCash(50000) # Set Strategy Cash
self.symbol = self.AddEquity("TSLA", Resolution.Minute).Symbol
option = self.AddOption(self.symbol, Resolution.Minute)
option.SetFilter(-10, 10, timedelta(1), timedelta(7))
# Create a dataframe to store trade info
self.trade_records = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Time', 'Symbol', 'Quantity', 'EndOfTradeCost'])
def OnData(self, slice):
def sell_option(self,slice):
if not slice:
if self.symbol not in slice.OptionChains:
chain = slice.OptionChains[self.symbol]
if not self.Portfolio.Invested:
self.Debug(f"week begin {self.Time}")
# Find contracts that are closest to delta 0.2
contracts = sorted(chain, key=lambda x: abs(x.Greeks.Delta - 0.2))[:5]
if len(contracts) > 0:
contract = contracts[0]
quantity = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(contract.Symbol, -0.5) # Selling options
self.Sell(contract.Symbol, int(quantity / 2)) # Sell half of the maximum order quantity
# Record trade info
self.trade_records = self.trade_records.append({
'Time': self.Time,
'Symbol': contract.Symbol,
'Quantity': int(quantity / 2),
'EndOfTradeCost': 0 # Placeholder, actual value will be filled at the end of week
}, ignore_index=True)
def check_profit(self,slice):
if not slice:
for i, row in self.trade_records.iterrows():
contract = self.Securities[row['Symbol']]
if contract.IsIntrinsic():
row['EndOfTradeCost'] = self.Portfolio[row['Symbol']].LastTradeProfit
row['EndOfTradeCost'] = contract.HoldingsCost
self.Debug(f"end of week {self.Time} ")
def OnEndOfAlgorithm(self):
# Print trade records at the end of algorithm
Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi !
Did you managed to solve it ? I have the same issue and have no idea why :(
HelloThe issue here is that scheduled events do not automatically provide the “slice” parameter.You can resolve this issue in two ways of implementation:
QCAlgorithm class automatically provides a CurrentSlice property which can be used to access slice objects inside methods.
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