I am encountering an issue when trying to load a Keras model in a Lean CLI algorithm run in a Docker container. The error message I receive is:

No file or directory found at C:\Users\beres\GRU\models\saved_model.pb

This error arises when I call the tf.keras.models.load_model function in my algorithm:
self.model = tf.keras.models.load_model('C:\\Users\\beres\\GRU\\models\\saved_model.pb')

The GRU directory is the lean cli project folder.

I have confirmed that the saved_model.pb file does exist at the specified path on my host machine. The model files are located in C:\Users\beres\GRU\models\ on my local machine, and they include saved_model.pb as well as the variables located in the variables subdirectory.

However, it seems that the Docker container running the Lean CLI does not have access to this directory. I understand that Docker containers are isolated and cannot access files outside of specific shared paths, but I am unsure how to make this directory available to the Lean CLI environment.

Both my current Lean CLI environment and my training environment used the same TensorFlow and Keras versions:

TensorFlow version: 2.12.0
Keras version: 2.12.0

I would appreciate any advice on how to correctly share my model files with the Docker container so that they can be loaded by the algorithm. Thank you for your help!