Hi! I've been working on an options market making algorithm and have been having a little bit of trouble getting it work properly- I was hoping for some feedback. 

The idea is to be making offers on a handful of ATM options to buy at bid and sell at ask simultaneously, updating unfilled orders with new bid-ask prices if the market significantly moves (checking for this condition every 15 minutes). I'd then have a hedging system that would be activated hourly. I'd calculate the total delta of my portfolio and hedge it out with underlying stock every 1 hour. 

The Alpha from this strategy would simply be generated from the frequent intra-day buying and selling of the same option contracts with the bid-ask price difference as profit and the hedged P/L bid-ask spread edge for the positions that aren't closed. 

All input would be appreciated. Thanks!

algo rough draft:

from clr import AddReference
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from datetime import timedelta
from QuantConnect.Orders import OrderStatus

class OptionMarketMaking(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2021, 1, 31)
        self.orderTickets = {}
        option = self.AddOption("PEP", Resolution.Minute)
        self.option_symbol = option.Symbol
        option.SetFilter(-3, 3, timedelta(0), timedelta(180))

    def OnData(self, slice):
        for kvp in slice.OptionChains:
            if kvp.Key != self.option_symbol: continue
            chain = kvp.Value
            contracts = [i for i in chain if i.Right == OptionRight.Call or i.Right == OptionRight.Put]
            if len(contracts) == 0: continue
            contracts = sorted(contracts, key = lambda x: abs(chain.Underlying.Price - x.Strike))
            contracts = contracts[:3]
            for contract in contracts:
                if contract.BidPrice > 0:
                    orderTicket = self.LimitOrder(contract.Symbol, 2, contract.BidPrice)
                    self.orderTickets[orderTicket.OrderId] = orderTicket  # Store the order ticket
                if contract.AskPrice > 0:
                    orderTicket = self.LimitOrder(contract.Symbol, -2, contract.AskPrice)
                    self.orderTickets[orderTicket.OrderId] = orderTicket  # Store the order ticket

    def CheckAndReplaceOrders(self):
        self.Debug("Remaining Margin: " + str(self.Portfolio.MarginRemaining))
        open_orderTickets = list(self.Transactions.GetOpenOrderTickets())
        for orderTicket in open_orderTickets:
            if orderTicket.Status != OrderStatus.Filled:
                contract = self.Securities[orderTicket.Symbol]
                if abs(contract.BidPrice - orderTicket.Get(OrderField.LimitPrice)) > 0.01:  # Check if the price has moved more than 1 cent
                    if contract.BidPrice > 0:
                        self.LimitOrder(contract.Symbol, 2, contract.BidPrice)
                if abs(contract.AskPrice - orderTicket.Get(OrderField.LimitPrice)) > 0.01:  # Check if the price has moved more than 1 cent
                    if contract.AskPrice > 0:
                        self.LimitOrder(contract.Symbol, -2, contract.AskPrice)

    def get_greeks(self, slice):
        self.myOptionPortfolioKeys = [x.Key for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested and x.Value.Type==SecurityType.Option]
        self.myOptionPortfolio = []
        for chain in slice.OptionChains.Values:
            for i in chain:
                for o in self.myOptionPortfolioKeys:
                    if i.Symbol == o:
        self.Delta = sum([opt.Greeks.Delta for opt in self.myOptionPortfolio])
        self.Gamma = sum([opt.Greeks.Gamma for opt in self.myOptionPortfolio])
        self.Vega = sum([opt.Greeks.Vega for opt in self.myOptionPortfolio])

    def CalculateAndHedgeDelta(self, slice):
        self.get_greeks(slice) # Calculate the Greeks for the portfolio

        total_long_delta = sum([opt.Greeks.Delta for opt in self.myOptionPortfolio if opt.Greeks.Delta > 0])
        total_short_delta = sum([abs(opt.Greeks.Delta) for opt in self.myOptionPortfolio if opt.Greeks.Delta < 0])

        net_delta = total_long_delta - total_short_delta
        self.Debug("Net Delta: " + str(net_delta))

        # Check the current quantity of PEP
        current_quantity = self.Portfolio["PEP"].Quantity

        if net_delta > 0:
            if current_quantity < 0:
                # Buy shares to hedge
                quantity_to_buy = net_delta + abs(current_quantity)
                quantity_to_buy = net_delta - current_quantity
            if quantity_to_buy != 0:
                self.Buy("PEP", abs(quantity_to_buy))
        elif net_delta < 0:
            if current_quantity > 0:
                # Sell shares to hedge
                quantity_to_sell = abs(net_delta) + current_quantity
                quantity_to_sell = abs(net_delta) - abs(current_quantity)
            if quantity_to_sell != 0:
                self.Sell("PEP", abs(quantity_to_sell))

    def ScheduledCalculateAndHedgeDelta(self):
        if self.CurrentSlice is not None: