Recently working on Option Algo using QuantBook in Jupyter notebook, realized that some CSharp classes actually convert everything to PyObject
In my C# Jupyter notebook:
`var data = optionHistory.GetAllData();`
` Console.WriteLine(data.GetPythonType());`
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
After review some source code, the class has no easy way to use in CSharp (I don’t want to convert back PyObject into C# object)
public OptionHistory(IEnumerable<Slice> data)
_data = data;
_converter = new PandasConverter();
_dataframe = _converter.GetDataFrame(_data); //After converted to PyObject here, then it’s hard to work with CSharp code
Question: I have used same API in Python and it’s really straightforward but in C# some guess work and conversion required, so am I doing something wrong here or it’s just in progress of support?
Mia Alissi
It seems like you're trying to work with the
object in C#. TheOptionHistory
object is indeed converted to aPyObject
which is a pandas DataFrame in Python. This is straightforward to work with in Python, but can be a bit more challenging in C#.In C#, you can iterate through the
object to access each slice and the option chains within it. Here's an example from the documentation:If you want to convert the
object to a DataFrame in C#, you can use theGetAllData()
method:However, this will return a
which is a pandas DataFrame. If you want to work with this data in C#, you might need to convert it back to a C# object. Unfortunately, this can be a bit cumbersome and might not be the most efficient way to handle the data.If you're comfortable with Python, you might find it easier to use the Python API for QuantConnect, as it provides more straightforward support for pandas DataFrames.
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