Recently working on Option Algo using QuantBook in Jupyter notebook, realized that some CSharp classes actually convert everything to PyObject

 In my C# Jupyter notebook:

`var data = optionHistory.GetAllData();`

` Console.WriteLine(data.GetPythonType());`

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

After review some source code, the class has no easy way to use in CSharp (I don’t want to convert back PyObject into C# object)

public OptionHistory(IEnumerable<Slice> data)


  _data = data;

 _converter = new PandasConverter();

_dataframe = _converter.GetDataFrame(_data);  //After converted to PyObject here, then it’s hard to work with CSharp code


Question: I have used same API in Python and it’s really straightforward but in C# some guess work and conversion required, so am I doing something wrong here or it’s just in progress of support?