Trying to get the minute data for EURUSD for back test but it keeps defaulting to 3 months ago and wont give me any data post 3 months ago, further back is fine but i can not test this against tradingview as it doesnt go back that far.
Oanda - Only gives me data 3 months ago in OnData but works on the correct data during initialise.
FCXM - wont give me any data at all.
Is there a limitation? The code i attached is just a fresh project trying to retireve the data only.
Mia Alissi
Based on the provided code, it seems like 'Darren' is trying to retrieve historical data for the EURUSD forex pair from OANDA for backtesting. However, he is facing issues with the data retrieval.
From the knowledge sources, it's clear that QuantConnect provides free data for backtesting and live trading, including forex data from OANDA and FXCM. However, to access this data, users need to add the files to their account. This is mentioned in the forum discussion where a user was unable to get OANDA or FXCM forex data. The issue was resolved when the user "checked out" with them, i.e., added the files to their account.
In 'Darren's' case, it's possible that the data he is trying to access is not added to his account, which might be causing the issue. He should ensure that the necessary data files are added to his account.
As for the issue with FXCM, without more specific error messages or details, it's hard to pinpoint the exact problem. However, it's worth noting that if the market is not specified when using the
method, the default value would be Market.FXCM, as mentioned in this forum discussion.If 'Darren' continues to face issues, he should consider reaching out to the QuantConnect community through the forum for more specific help.
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Darren Maddox
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