Hi everyone,

I encountered this problem when dealing with add_universe method in Jupyter Notebook. Here is the exact code that I have:

qb = QuantBook()
universe = qb.add_universe(qb.universe.etf("SPY"))
universe_history = qb.universe_history(universe, datetime(2024, 6, 19), datetime(2024, 6, 21))

spy_constituents = []
for x in universe_history[0]:


Compare to the Excel file download from SPY current holdings, there are a few stock that I noticed wasn't on there and some not even on the holdings, which returned by the add_universe.

Symbol missing: BBWI, EG, FI, HST, PARA, RVTY, TT, WBD, WTW

Symbol that not on SPY but on the universe: WW, XPRO


I might be wrong and would really appreciate any help. Thank you!