I am a new QC beginner. 

In the `research.ipynb`, I can easily extract and manipulate the historical VIX data.

However, when I use the same logic code in `main.py`, many errors come out (in code lines #40 and #56).

For example:

During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'close'
  at __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
 in generic.py: line 6203
  at initialize
    vix_data = self.history(vix_symbol, 1).close
 in main.py: line 40
 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'close'


Here is my `research.ipynb` code and this works:

qb = QuantBook()

vix_symbol = qb.add_data(CBOE, "VIX", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
df = qb.history(vix_symbol, 1)


Here is my `main.py` code and this does not work:

from AlgorithmImports import *
import datetime

class SectorMomentumAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    def initialize(self):
        self.set_start_date(2007, 1, 1)  

        # create a dictionary to store momentum indicators for all symbols 
        self._dataMOM_period = {}
        self._dataMOM_1D = {}
        period = 252 # 1 year trading days

        # choose ten sector ETFs
        symbols = ["XLB",  # Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund
                   "XLV",  # Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLC",  # Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLK",  # Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLF",  # Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLP",  # SPDR S&P Bank ETF
                   "XLI",  # Vanguard Materials ETF
                   "XLU",  # Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLY",  # Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLRE", # Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund
                   "XLE"]  # Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund

        # warm up the MOM indicator
        for symbol in symbols:
            self.add_equity(symbol, Resolution.DAILY)
            self._dataMOM_period[symbol] = self.mom(symbol, period, Resolution.DAILY)
            self._dataMOM_1D[symbol] = self.mom(symbol, 1, Resolution.DAILY)

        vix_symbol = self.add_data(CBOE, "VIX", Resolution.DAILY).symbol
        vix_data = self.history(vix_symbol, 1).close

        self.debug = True

        # shcedule the function to fire at the day start 
        self.schedule.on(self.date_rules.every_day("XLK"), self.time_rules.after_market_open("XLK"), self._rebalance)

    def _rebalance(self):
        if self.is_warming_up: 

        top1 = pd.Series(self._dataMOM_period).sort_values(ascending=False)[:1]

        for symbol, security_hold in self.portfolio.items():
            if (security_hold.invested and (symbol.value not in top1.index) and vix_data<20) or (vix_data>20 and float(self._dataMOM_1D[symbol].Current.Value)>1.5):
        for symbol in top1.index:
            if (vix_data<20 and (symbol.value in top1.index)) or (vix_data>20 and float(self._dataMOM_1D[symbol].Current.Value)<-1.5):
                self.set_holdings(symbol, 1/len(top1))


I have already read through the whole QC History Requests Documentation (History Requests - QuantConnect.com), but I have no idea how to solve the errors.