I have below code which filter the stocks within 5% of 52week high. However, I want to subscribe those stocks which met criteria and check on on_data event if price increase more than 1% since open. How to implement on_data event to check the price increase 1% for stocks which are in the selected_symbols
self.universe_settings.resolution = Resolution.DAILY
self.add_universe_selection(ETFConstituentsUniverseSelectionModel("SPY", self.universe_settings, self.etf_constituents_filter))
ETFConstituentsUniverseSelectionModel("SPY", self.universe_settings, self.etf_constituents_filter)
def etf_constituents_filter(self, constituents):
# Define your filtering logic here
# Get historical data for the last 52 weeks
history = self.history([c.symbol for c in constituents], 252, Resolution.DAILY)
selected_symbols = []
for constituent in constituents:
symbol = constituent.symbol
if symbol not in history.index:
# Calculate the 52-week high
prices = history.loc[symbol]['close']
high_52_week = prices.max()
# Get the current price
current_price = prices.iloc[-1]
# Check if the current price is within 5% of the 52-week high
if current_price >= 0.95 * high_52_week:
self.Debug(f"Updated buyable stocks: {self.buyable_stocks}")
return selected_symbols
Mia Alissi
Here's the corrected version of the code with the necessary adjustments:
Key Changes:
instead ofResolution.DAILY
instead ofslice.bars.contains_key(symbol)
instead oftrade_bar.close
.Sources: Handling Data - QuantConnect.com, Event Handlers - QuantConnect.com, Dropbox Base Data Universe Selection Algorithm, Custom Data Universe Algorithm, E T F Constituent Universe R S I Alpha Model Algorithm
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