Is it currently possible to show tooltips when I type and hover over code, in my online QuantConnect Jupyter notebook? I tried in Chrome and Firefox but it's not working for me.
This would be especially helpful with the QuantBook() object since I'm trying to learn it.
If it's not a feature, is it on the development timeline?
Mia Alissi
Currently, the QuantConnect Jupyter notebook environment does not support tooltips when typing or hovering over code. This feature is not mentioned in the development timeline either. However, you can learn about the
object and its methods and properties through the documentation and examples provided by QuantConnect.QuantBook Overview
class in QuantConnect is a powerful tool for quantitative analysis. It provides access to data and various methods to facilitate research and analysis.Key Methods and Properties of QuantBook
: Retrieves historical future data for a given symbol, date, and resolution.get_option_history
: Retrieves historical option data for a given symbol, date, and resolution.get_portfolio_statistics
: Computes portfolio statistics from a pandas DataFrame containing equity and benchmark values.For more detailed usage, you can refer to the QuantConnect documentation and examples, which provide comprehensive guidance on using these methods effectively in your research and analysis.
Sources: Head & Shoulders TA Pattern Detection, Can Crude Oil Predict Equity Returns, Getting Started -, Getting Started -, Residual Momentum
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