
 my algorithm is getting stuck always in the same point when I try to run it in live mode. Today I restarted my account deleted subscriptions and paid again to see if the problem was with that but still no solution. 

2024-11-15 15:29:00 :Launching analysis for L-f1944db9c0f15b17634ef8eeb599ed50 with LEAN Engine v2. 15:29:03 :binance account base currency: USD
2024-11-15 15:29:03 :Changing account currency from USD to USDT...
2024-11-15 15:29:03 :Accurate daily end-times now enabled by default. See more at https://qnt.co/3YHaWHL. To disable it and use legacy daily bars set self.settings.daily_precise_end_time = False.
2024-11-15 15:29:03 :Warning: binance Crypto TradeBar data not supported. Please consider reviewing the data providers selection.

 it does not continue from here. I did try other algorithms that were working and same result. For that, I really think that the problem is with the live node. 

Please help me with some support here, 

Thanks a lot in advance
